13 May 12
Inside, it was cool and a little dark and it smelled
sweetly of old varnish. The woodwork was polished and the brass
finishings shone brightly. The marble countertops were cool and clean.
There is a mural inside called "The Vineyard" that was painted in 1942
by a magical realist named Peter Blume.
(Blume raised no little happy hell himself; in one of his paintings, he
portrayed Mussolini as a jack-in-the-box.) This is a place, I thought,
where you come to do business. This is a place, I thought, where you
would feel confident in doing so.
There is a reason that post offices were once built
this way. There is a reason why, during the New Deal period alone, the
country built 1100 post offices, and why it commissioned murals like
"The Vineyard" to be painted in them, and why there were marble
countertops and brass fittings and glistening woodwork. Authors Marlene
Park and Gerald Markovitz, who wrote about why post offices were built
the way they were, explained that "The New Deal sought to make the
national government's presence felt in even the smallest, most remote
communities.... The post office was 'the one concrete link between every
community of individuals and the Federal government' that functioned
'importantly in the human structure of the community.... [The post
office] brought to the locality a symbol of government efficiency,
permanence, service, and even culture."
Well, we certainly can't have that, can we? READ MORE
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