A collection of articles defining our times. The pages contain clickable links, don't let the titles fool you, some of the best articles have very non-descript titles and there are usually more articles on the matters in the days and week pages the links land on so it's a sort of treasure hunt through history, Enjoy!
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- Bag Man Podcast - Episode 1 - 7 | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC
Saturday, July 18, 2020
Russia Payments Intensify Michael Flynn Scandal | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC
Moscow Mitch says this is alright. nothing wrong with government people accepting foreign money and enemy largess. Only you can say this kind of thing is wrong by voting Republicans out of control of the Senate. Otherwise it's open season for foreign corruption such that our armed forces will be confused about their missions.
Prostitutes, Hidden Hotel Camera's: Familiar Putin Tools | Rachel Maddo...
So Putin says Trump was just-a-run-of-the-mill, ordinary American Billionaire of no particular interest, so he wouldn't be compromised. Tell us another one, they don't select targets by guessing what they might do in the future, they compromise them then wait to see what happens. Putin, of all people, cannot tell us that he lets opportunities go by, simply because he cannot predict the future. Then, of course, Trump, himself, does not act like he's free to disregard Putin's wishes, eh?
New Facts On Russia Influence On GOP Platform | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC
Something very terrible for America is happening, let's go back and see if we can figure it out.
#WashWeekPBS full episode: President Trump attacks Joe Biden as COVID-19...
The thing about Trump is, he IS HEAVY and HE'S NOT MY BROTHER OR YOURS EITHER!!!
Trump Says He'll Take Mike Flynn Back In His Administration. Here's Why...
But, at this stage, if Trump can't hire felons who can he get to work in his White House?
Karen Films Herself Going Full Racist
When someone challenges you for speaking Spanish, tell them: "It's not Spanish lady, it's a dialect of German!" Hahaha...
Hear what Fauci's boss would do if asked by Trump to fire him
Coronavirusnetwork.org to volunteer for the trial phase of new drugs.
Trump Doesn't Want To Be 'Distracted' By Pandemic Adviser Tells WAPO | T...
Trump is a "sometimes President", only President when he wants to be President, such as at rallies, or just another citizen, responsible for nothing when things go bad. I guess he figures: "Why should I be concerned with their problems if they're going to vote me out?"
Friday, July 17, 2020
President Donald Trump's Loyalty Uncertain Among Some National Security ...
Now we know that Putin was secretly going behind Trumps back and putting bounties on Americas troops. Trump found out about this embarrassing and dangerous information months before the media, yet he never did anything, not even to bother to request the intelligence/military sector to prepare a list of options for him. What's next? Will he order our military to stand down as Putin's troops land on our shores?
Considering Ronald Reagan While Discussing Donald Trump And Race | Morni...
Trump is the Klan Lover, his father was a klansman and how do you suppose that, he as a strict disciplinarian/authoritarian, would raise any child who took to his own ideology? Did anyone think that such a father would shower his benevolence on a liberal son? A son who believed in equal rights for all? A son who did not take to his fathers ideals of racial superiority? Of course not, that would be as silly as a cartoon characters performance. It doesn't happen in real life, because in real life, if Trump had not accepted his fathers ideology as his own, he would have been swiftly disowned.
Watch NBC News NOW Live - July 17
These news videos are on a loop. Exit when you hear the repeat.
Mary Trump: Trump’s Re-Election Would ‘Be The End Of The American Experi...
She's right, already many of America's support systems are gone and will not be returned. It is not the nature of governments to return powers to the people once they have taken them away. You used to have the right to be free of unreasonable searches and seizures, good luck trying to explain that to the current USSC, where "Stop and Frisk" is legal in some ways. The Founding Fathers would have found "Stop and Frisk" intolerable and would have recommended harsh penalties for anyone who proposed it.
Thursday, July 16, 2020
Fauci issues warning to states reopening too soon
Don't you just love it? Hearing Kayleigh McEnany: "...don't let science get in the way of crass political calculus..."~[paraphrased of course.]
Fauci issues warning to states reopening too soon
Don't you just love it? Hearing Kayleigh McEnany: "...don't let science get in the way of crass political calculus..."~[paraphrased of course.]
Trump’s Political Standing Craters As He Gives No Clear Plan To Recover ...
He can do nothing about the pandemic except make it worse because Putin won't let him do anything else. He lives in fear of Putin releasing his kompromat, the compromising evidence he holds over Trump's head.
Live: Trump Remarks on Environmental Regulation Rollbacks | NBC News
Uh oh, t hose regulations were put in place to protect the public from unscrupulous profiteers and other charlatans who can now run rampant. Who believes that Trump and his crew have the depth of knowledge and skills to have carefully vetted these changes? The last three years are any guide we can expect sheer chaos and great public harm to result from this mishmash of stupidity.
WATCH LIVE: White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany gives news brie...
"It's all so wonderful and everyone is happy, in love with Trump and doing just great. We do more testing than the entire world, we're doing better than every nation on earth and the Presidents big beautiful program has made the nation fall in love with him, especially Blacks and Hispanics. Things are going to get even better now that the data is not going to be slowed down by the CDC." ~ Yeah, Right!!!
Brady: We Must Connect Workers With Jobs To Avoid Permanent Unemployment...
My worry isn't that people will seek to stay on unemployment insurance (which will expire on it's own eventually), but I think the real problem is, if people don't have money to spend (they're already 6-7 months behind in rent/mortgage) they're not going to spend and small businesses will close permanently. This guy is just using the same false "trickle down/"Welfare Queen"" logic that isn't rational at all. Republicans always find stupidity more persuasive than reality.
Patients Report Positive For COVID-19 A Second Time After Recovering Wee...
If this is true it is truly horrifying.
We really need a vaccine to end this pandemic.
We really need a vaccine to end this pandemic.
Alabama Requiring Masks In Public As Coronavirus Cases Surge Across Stat...
So much for following Trumps leadership, eh? Masks are only political in the minds of people who either are misinformed, do not believe in the scientist or science and medical professionals, or who simply do not care about anyone, not even themselves. Its is a cruel and callous decision not to wear a mask in public. Not to be concerned that you might be the source of someone else's potentially lethal problems and suffering, is just abominable. Please do not be an abominable citizen, wear a mask and save lives.
Trump tries to distance himself from adviser's Fauci attack
Trumps last Gaslighting stand?
Watch Rachel Maddow Highlights: July 14 | MSNBC
The answer is simple: Trump has talked with Putin and Xi too much!
Wednesday, July 15, 2020
Bill Nye Drops Mask Science On Tucker Carlson's 'Weird Claim' | The Beat...
Wearing a mask is not about freedoms or rights, it's about caring, do you care about other people or not.
LaTosha Brown On McConnell’s Claim That Voter Suppression Is ‘Nonsense’ ...
Of course Moscow Mitch knows about the problems with voting in his state, he helped create them. Moscow Mitch knows that, if not for the voter oppression problems he helps create he would have been out of office long ago.
Why Nancy Pelosi Shrugs Off The Haters Like Drake | The Beat With Ari Me...
Nancy proves that a woman's place is in the House...Of Representatives!
Democrats Paint Stark Contrast With Outgoing Republicans | Rachel Maddow...
Yeah we know!!! He's a racist through and through and it shows, regardless of how he tries to cover it up.
Democrats Paint Stark Contrast With Outgoing Republicans | Rachel Maddow...
Yeah we know!!! He's a racist through and through and it shows, regardless of how he tries to cover it up.
Concerns Raised Of Corrupted Data As Trump Orders Bypass Of CDC | Rachel...
Good Lord, this cannot be allowed to happen! Congress needs to move, the House we know will move, it's the Republican controlled Senate that is America's real problem. Without the Senate being able to move, because of Moscow Mitch and his Republican hostages, America will be sold down the drain.
Cuomo: My 10-year-old knows better than what Trump just said
Meanwhile, it was Trump who ordered states to re-open before the benchmarks were met, now those states that did open early, being persuaded by governors of Trump's party, are now in a panic ordering re-closures. While Moscow Mitch keeps hundreds of bi-partisan recovery/support bills passed by the House, bottled up in the Senate where he plays "The Grim Reaper of Legislation". You really want to give these clowns the Senate again? Why? So that Bill Barr can protect the President who destroyed you, your business, killed your family members and friends or neighbors and now wants you to gamble with the health of your kids to reopen the schools? America needs to get woke! Well, at least Sessions is gone, he lost his primary challenge, is that a message that the worm has turned, we can only hope it is.
Trump Gives Subdued, Rambling Campaign-Style Speech In Rose Garden | The...
Let the functionally insane continue to run the country. too bad we have no "safety valves, no circuit breakers or other means of preventing a party gone wild from dragging us all over a cliff. Trump kissed up to Xi and he got round housed with a corona virus hay maker in exchange. Then his kissy pal Putin hit him with an uppercut bounty-on-our-troops program. Everyone Trump took as friends turned on him and undermined America using him. Now he wants a second term? To do what?
Tuesday, July 14, 2020
USA vs China: The new cold war on the horizon | DW Analysis
Sure this virus could have been stopped, other countries around the world prove that even if one was a little late to react, they still could have prevented the need for a full on shut down. But no, it occurs to me: Trump is kissy with China, he gets a virus which shuts the economy because he pays no attention to his intelligence reports. He gets "kissy" with Putin and he gets yet another scandal, but this time it's caused by him ignoring his PDB and taking the word of Russia's Putin over the word of our own intelligence agencies. Agencies, I might add, where the "workers" risk their lives to get information at very great cost, for the benefit of America, only to have the President trash it. To me that's terribly disgusting, I wonder why the Republicans think so little of our armed forces, that they let the President crap on them?
Commutation Of Roger Stone Is Unconstitutional, Says Law Scholar | Morni...
Putin, Kim and Xi are laughing themselves silly at this! This is a signal of the end of America because "the law is no longer the law" and we therefore have nothing to stand on, if and until the will to correct this can be found. This is happening because no one ever thought we'd ever have an anti American President. We believed that a person who believed in a Presidency with absolute power, could ever win an American election. Boy were we ever wrong! Nor did we figure that the Senate would enable the Presidents worst desires. The Founders are spinning in their graves. Can we do anything? This election is our only slim hope but it shouldn't be, we should have been rejecting this President almost from day one.
Amb. Rice: I Will Do Everything I Can To See Biden Succeed | Morning Joe...
Of course Trump has done nothing to protect our soldiers, our Troops are merely campaign props as far as he is concerned, they are there to be used for the imagery they provide in photo ops, videos and campaign stops, otherwise they have no value to him. Look at what he says he thinks about people who have suffered in service to our nation: "I like soldiers who don't get captured!" I nearly hit the ground when I heard that, I found it a wonder that all American service wo/men didn't lay down their arms and walk off the job immediately. Of course they wouldn't do that, but "we the people" should have been too appalled to allow any Congressperson to have anymore to do with Trump after he made that statement.
WH Denies Reports That Trump Aides Are Working To Undermine Fauci | Morn...
Trump's head seems to have grown fatter? Does it look to you like Trump has a fat head?
Acosta to McEnany: Why not have the guts to trash Fauci with your own na...
Because the White House is now full of lying cowards and criminals. Trump politicized the virus pandemic by lying, which inspired his followers to ridicule the pandemic by holding Corona Virus Parties, at least until they became infected, suffered and some of them died. None of this would have happened if the President had been truthful. Meanwhile even our own troops overseas have no real idea of what their mission is really because the President has sided with our enemies over the advice of our own intelligence agencies. Thus they can't figure out what the deal really is, whether the orders they get from the President are for the nations benefit, or just in aid of some secret deal the President has been suckered or coerced into for his own personal, political or financial benefit or that of his supposed friend(s).
The Senate, which should be assisting in oversight processes is actively blocking any effort to check or balance the White House gone rogue.
The Senate, which should be assisting in oversight processes is actively blocking any effort to check or balance the White House gone rogue.
Trump's White House Tries To Discredit Fauci As COVID-19 Surges | The 11...
Sorry Trump, we know you hate Dr. Fauci and would imprison him if you could. Your lies aren't working anymore and that's a good thing for America. You ruined the chances of survival for the victims of this disease by telling lies that politicized the matter. Saying the reports of victims/infections were just Democratic hoaxes against you made your supporters wax so ebullient in the face of the pandemic, so that they deemed to enjoy celebratory "Covid Parties" which caused many of the participants to suffer and die. People are rightly upset at your disgusting and deadly performances, which have undermined the nations institutions, health and the economy. You are a damaging fraud, disorganized conman and an unpatriotic sellout turncoat, rogue outlaw!
Monday, July 13, 2020
Bash presses GOP senator: You criticized Obama in 2014 for this
She's a hard core Trumpinesta, her rhetoric fools no one, vote for her and nothing will change!
Nancy Pelosi: I’m Very Afraid Because Of ‘Ignorance In The Administratio...
Children bringing the virus home has the potential of creating orphans which will cost society much, much more and return ever less. The answer to this possible danger is "DON'T DO IT!!!". It simply is not worth the risk!
WATCH: House panel probes Trump administration's response to Russian bou...
At least watch the first 18 minutes.
It is truly unfortunate that these Representatives can really do nothing to help our troops in this matter because they cannot get any help from the Senate. With a patriotic Senate Presidential oversight becomes absolutely effective, no President can stand against the powers of both houses of Congress. Unfortunately Senate Republicans will not stand up for our troops, or the U.S. Constitution, in the hopes that voters will not either notice or care, and again return them to their seats in the Senate. The Republican calculus is that voters don't either know or care, or cannot figure out what their vote means, other than preventing gay marriages, abortions or immigration. The Republican Senators figure that those things will keep Republican voters from voting to either support our troops, defend the U.S. Constitution, repudiate executive crimes and/or stop him from consorting with Americas enemies for fun or use his office for personal gain. So far the Republican wo/man on the street, doesn't not seem likely to care about either their rights, freedoms, or for their fellow Americans. We all hope that will change so that we can get back to having a unified America and enjoy the freedoms, rights and privileges The Founders wrote for us to preserve.
The wide distribution of the PDB means that a number of people must seek the Presidential/White House opinion quickly to know how to answer questions that will surely confront them soon.It is truly unfortunate that these Representatives can really do nothing to help our troops in this matter because they cannot get any help from the Senate. With a patriotic Senate Presidential oversight becomes absolutely effective, no President can stand against the powers of both houses of Congress. Unfortunately Senate Republicans will not stand up for our troops, or the U.S. Constitution, in the hopes that voters will not either notice or care, and again return them to their seats in the Senate. The Republican calculus is that voters don't either know or care, or cannot figure out what their vote means, other than preventing gay marriages, abortions or immigration. The Republican Senators figure that those things will keep Republican voters from voting to either support our troops, defend the U.S. Constitution, repudiate executive crimes and/or stop him from consorting with Americas enemies for fun or use his office for personal gain. So far the Republican wo/man on the street, doesn't not seem likely to care about either their rights, freedoms, or for their fellow Americans. We all hope that will change so that we can get back to having a unified America and enjoy the freedoms, rights and privileges The Founders wrote for us to preserve.
WH Reporter Says Kayleigh McEnany Treats Briefings Like Campaign Event |...
New Yorker Reporter: Trump Helps Tycoon Exploit The Pandemic | Morning J...
As Virus Surges, WH Seeks To Discredit Dr. Fauci | Morning Joe | MSNBC
Like Trump is never wrong? What a joke.
Air Conditioning suspected to play major role in coronavirus spread | Co...
You'd think the airlines would be smart enough to deploy UV light systems.
Air Conditioning suspected to play major role in coronavirus spread | Co...
You'd think the airlines would be smart enough to deploy UV light systems.
Air Conditioning suspected to play major role in coronavirus spread | Co...
You'd think the airlines would be smart enough to deploy UV light systems.
Air Conditioning suspected to play major role in coronavirus spread | Co...
You'd think the airlines would be smart enough to deploy UV light systems.
How Evangelical Views Have Bent With President Donald Trump | Morning Jo...
Trump has made faith a transactional thing, if anyone reads their prayer books or bibles, they must become extremely confused since Trump seems more like the Anti Christ. When Trump went to summer camp the counselors took to carrying pocket bibles around. Whenever they needed to quickly start a campfire they'd simply hand a bible to Trump. (LOL)
Trump Shows His Preoccupation With Defending His Own Mental Stability | ...
The test he's bragging about "Acing" is so simple a person with severe head trauma could probably pass it. Identify which is which; a camel an elephant a lion, three pictures to pick from. Is that something to brag about being able to accomplish? He's an idiot! This proves it.
Trump Echoes Segregationist George Wallace On Race In America | The 11th...
He sets convicted criminals free and seeks to punish those who tell the truth at great risks to themselves. He's no "law and order" President, he's a fake, a phony and a brutal dictator should he get the chance to break out.
Trump's Attempted Campaign Reboot Hits Another Snag | Morning Joe | MSNBC
Hahaha... Serves him right! No one was willing to show. Also he needs to pay his bills instead of leaving them to local taxpayers.
How countries around the world have responded to Covid-19
Trump is still hoping the virus will go away. Hey, no problema, eh? Okay, okay a few people keep dying but hey, people are always dying no? Oh, and that professional who keeps telling people I'm wrong, we'll stomp on him like a bug. What we need are more people willing to attend Trump rallies without masks and who are willing to hold Trump immune to the results if bad decisions were made that impacted your life. Like Trump says, everything is going great, we're down to the highest death rate in the world and we'll be getting higher as soon as we get those schools opened. If you don't think Trump needs to be removed then vote for Republicans who are holding him immune so he can keep doing these terrible things.
DeVos asked if she has a plan to reopen schools. See her response
In short, she has no idea! She doesn't care and doesn't want to be bothered looking into the matter. She knows that if she were to ask credentialed professionals she would not be hearing the messages she requires to second the President, so she simply decides that you and your children must play Russian roulette with this disease so that she can keep holding her office and pleasing the President.
How incompetent is Donald Trump? Interview with John Bolton | Conflict Zone
I get the distinct impression that Bolton is lying about the bounty briefing matter. The point is, if this kind of potentially explosive political material came across your desk, in a PDB, assuming you were qualified to get it, then you had to make a quick effort to determine how to answer/handle this information when it eventually became a matter of public knowledge as it most certainly would. No one but the President could give direction on it.
Give us a break Mr. Bolton, the Democrats didn't politicize the impeachment, they had evidence sufficient to prove the case! Had they move without insufficient evidence to prove the case being made, then yes, that would have been making it political. But, even the Senators, Mitch and many others admitted that the impeachment managers had made their case, even without your help which would have been even more devastating. No, you're seeking to remain in the parties good graces by withholding your evidence, country be damned. We know who you are and we saw what you did.
Nightly News Full Broadcast (July 12th)
The Loathsome Mr. Trump launches a disgusting attack on the venerable and esteemed Dr. Fauci.
Rep. Schiff on ABC: Anyone Who Cares About Rule of Law Nauseated By Trum...
Worse yet is he's calling himself "the law and order" President. But, he's only in favor of using the law to hurt his detractors, hurt blacks and protect confederate monuments, otherwise he's an outlaw. How about not letting a President pardon anyone who is in anyway involved in a matter that involves the President himself? Otherwise the power to pardon becomes a shield behind which he can hide witnesses and/or co conspirators.
Ad Spotlights Trump's Creepiest Moments
I have never heard a man say anything about having sex with his daughter. It's just not something a normal father would even think about, no less say, in public.
Chris Wallace RIPS DeVos for trying to illegally cut off funding to scho...
All these Trump appointee's never answer the question, all they do is talk, talk, talk about everything under the sun, except answering the questions they're being asked. The answer is, if they don't answer the question then assume the worst.
Oh, I think they've learned how to kill people using the disease. Could it be that Trump has decided to get back at the voters for rejecting him, by issuing these terrifying decisions? In any event, I think Trump could care less about you and your children. If you won't vote for him he'll get even by destroying everything. It's the way his mind works.Sunday, July 12, 2020
Trump's IQ Results SHOCK Doctors
Hahaha... No "Rocket Scientist" test eh?
Nightly News Full Broadcast (July 11th)
Those bodies being stored in refrigerated trucks should not have been dead, they are dead because the Governor followed the Presidents untutored advice instead of following the recommendations of the professionals.
Trump corruptly commutes Roger Stone sentence.
Under these circumstances, how can any prosecutor get anyone to cooperate with any investigation of a President? Is this the end of the ability of congress to oversee the executive? I would have thought that the pardon/commutation powers would not apply to cases against or involving the Chief Executive.
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