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Saturday, May 18, 2019
Mr. Carson is saying that Congress is a joke, a big joke, to be treated as a bunch of powerless fools. No one sweats testifying before Congress so there's no need to answer the questions, full stop!
Fareed: Here's the practical problem with John Bolton's worldview
Trump has no idea how to do what must be done to further any particular policy he may, from time to time, announce that he's party to. Thus, whenever he claims that he's in favor of something or other, do not expect his next move to be in furtherance of meeting that objective. Because of his ignorance and self centered egotistical nature, his next move is easily manipulated into some momentary self serving stupidity, at diametrical odds with any of his previously stated objectives.
Anyone who thinks Trump is abandoning his stated goals, does not understand that Trump never has any idea of what is required to mean what he says. He merely says what makes some kind of sense at the moment, and what makes sense at any given moment, changes from moment to moment, depending on how the question is framed, and/or what's popular at the time.
Anyone who thinks Trump is abandoning his stated goals, does not understand that Trump never has any idea of what is required to mean what he says. He merely says what makes some kind of sense at the moment, and what makes sense at any given moment, changes from moment to moment, depending on how the question is framed, and/or what's popular at the time.
Burnett outlines issue with Trump's financial disclosure
He's trying to hide all those other schedules that have data on his investments, partnerships and other business arrangements. Hahaha, he's always doing something shady then trying to hide it because he knows it either won't look good or is an outright crime. We already know we have a criminal President Al Capone would be in awe!
Republicans "quietly" want Robert Mueller to testify, politics expert says
I'll bet they do. Barr is an unconvicted criminal.
Toobin: Turns out Sean Hannity is the attorney general
They need to arrest and imprision Barr immediately, he's a dangerous man who is destroying the Justice departments impartiality. We cannot afford another day of his control of the department, he has lied to Congress and that is not something the head of the Justice department can be allowed to do. If he is not arrested immediately the Justice department and the Congress will be seen as nothing but a partisan joke by the entire world.
Trump stopped meeting to consult Twitter account, report says
Oh great, twitter feeds are the source of expert advice to run the nation.
Figliuzzi On Team Trump's Saber-Rattling With Iran: 'This Is Amateur Hou...
But this is not a mistake, it's the playbook route to war by provocation. Keep the tensions high enough that one false move, real or imagined, can be used to trigger the start of war.
Did Trump AG Barr Go Full 'Sean Hannity' On Fox News? | The Beat With Ar...
This lying syncopantic partisan has no business being the Attorney General, he needs to be arrested, jailed and removed from office. There is no room at the Justice department for a partisan leader. The republic is in grave danger and requires dramatic action to save it.
This Is What Obstruction Of Justice Looks Like | Deadline | MSNBC
I don't know but, it just seems to me that, every time we find out what it was that Trump was concealing, we discover it was much worse than we had imagined. At first, for example, we thought the whole Russia thing was about a desperate candidate seeking an edge. Now we know, because of the released infos, the whole thing was pushed by Putin. Trump didn't call for Manafort to come takeover his campaign, Manafort and Flynn were unregistered, illegal foreign agents. The real reason all that lying was being don e about Russian contacts, was to conceal the fact that these were Russian agents, people who were compromised, such that they had to follow Russia's playbook. That was and still is the "big secret" they are still hiding.
We Asked People If They Care About Homo Sapien Extinction
There are no words.
Friday, May 17, 2019
Joe: William Barr Is 'Laughing About Breaking The Law' | Morning Joe | M...
It's beginning to look like the country is already lost. He's joking when he should be sweating. That means he's comfortable with the answers they have to counter oversight. We don't yet know what those answers are but the longer it takes for us to find out, the greater will be the effort needed to overcome them The most effective plan to thwart any government oversight is to have the military taken over. Putin would have had to tell Trump how to do this, and it would have to be discussed in absolute secrecy. We allow the President great latitude with the military and his appointments all done on the honor system. Relieving that no President would want to make a dictatorship of our democratic republic. Unfortunately times have changed. Congress needs to keep a close eye on Trump's military appointments, but it may already be too late. Hardly a wonder then what Barr could be laughing when he should be sweating.
Trump Admin. Gives $62M Earmarked For Farmers To Corrupt Brazilian Broth...
If this [expletive deleted] doesn't make you wish you were Brazilian criminal brothers, I don't know what will. LOL!
It appears Trump has a lot of supporters of criminals and criminal activity. Can anyone tell me why 38% of America believes in criminal and lies ? How will the nation fare with this taking hold? Worse yet, we have to wonder who are they putting in jail if they love criminals so much?
It appears Trump has a lot of supporters of criminals and criminal activity. Can anyone tell me why 38% of America believes in criminal and lies ? How will the nation fare with this taking hold? Worse yet, we have to wonder who are they putting in jail if they love criminals so much?
Robert Mueller Reveals New Unredacted Information Re: Obstruction | The ...
Holy [Expletive Deleted] Batman!
Senators Demand Answers From President Donald Trump Admin On Iran Threat...
With the White House Chock Full O' Nuts we're in terrible shape to start messing with foreign policy. This could easily be the start of World War III.
PA Swing Voters In County That Helped Elect Donald Trump Speak Out | Vel...
Too bad people were unable to see what Trump is before they voted for the conman grifter. But that's largely the media's fault. Had they gone after Trump for his real world self, the way the went after Bill or Hillary, he'd have been toast. Trouble is, then we'd probably have had one of Trump's even worse challengers. Kerry should have beaten Bush, same for Gore, and now we're going to, most likely, have Biden vs Trump. Biden must win, but will the electorate be intelligent enough to pick the less flashy person, or will they once again reach for the shiny object?
Watch Cory Booker Tell Trump AG Bill Barr To Resign Now | The Beat With ...
That's a very good question, why is such a damaged individual being allowed to continue running the Justice department? What's keeping him from being removed immediately? He has already gone beyond proving himself to be a grave and impending danger to America by corrupting the Justice department and eroding the public's faith in the institution.
NFL & NCAA Nastiest Jukes Mix ( "Drake - I''m Upset" )
Practice makes perfect!
Thursday, May 16, 2019
Sarah Huckabee Sanders Implodes, Tells 65 Lies in 20 Minutes
"Jared Who? He was just a part time volunteer who happened to wander in off the street," Hahaha.
Chinese Official Laughs In Trump's Face
Hitler had the same problem, he thought he was a great general, after he stole a generals idea for the "sickle cut" -- which pinned British troops on the beach at Dunkirk -- he then began making the decisions that while;' overruling his real generals, eventually cost him the war. Trump is making very bad decisions, government wide and appointing incompetent people who are hiring more incompetents. We are going to be paying for these blunders for a very long time.
FULL The Beat With Ari Melber 5/15/19 | MSNBC News Today May 15, 2019
Trump is no longer an American President, his attempt to claim powers of a sovereign is the highest crime there is in government and at law! Him and those who support this outrageous proposition are committing treason.
Rape survivor pleaded with Alabama lawmakers. Now she's disgusted.
I wonder what those lawmakers, in Alabama, would do if it was their own wife or daughter who was impregnated by a rapist? Would they advocate that the baby be carried to term, and then raise it themselves as one of their family? Would they tolerate having a constant reminder, of the family being violated, around 24/7? Just a thought!
Judiciary Chair: Trump AG Barr 'Is Just A Liar' | The Beat With Ari Melb...
Let's not confuse the issues here: While there is important legislation needed for sure, the need for it pales against the possibility that an unaccountable Presidency can be created. Once we cross that Rubicon there is no turning back, we have become a dictatorship. The Republicans are all for putting the President above the law, thus a vote for any one of them, is a vote to turn the United States into a dictatorship. If that happens, you won't notice much of a change right away, but slowly but surely, as the Presidents grip on power tightens, things will change faster and faster. I estimate it would take Trump less than 6 months to pretty much wreck everything. It's your choice, good luck America.
Wednesday, May 15, 2019
35th Portier Lecture: "White Trash: The 400-Year History of Class in Ame...
Hahaha... You are not going to believe this lecture!
Donald Trump Jr. Laughs Off Agreement To Testify Before Congress | Velsh...
Is it just me or does this look like another Republican scam? A make believe appearance to create another set of talking points. Nothing the Senate does is credible because they are so syncopantically Trumpian.
They didn't even pick up the most obvious violation of the emoluments clause, so how can they expect us to believe that they are after the truth now? They must think we're idiots
They didn't even pick up the most obvious violation of the emoluments clause, so how can they expect us to believe that they are after the truth now? They must think we're idiots
President & CEO 'beyond freaked' over China tariff hikes
We buy more from China than they buy from us, because we have a more robust economy than they do. They are doing the jobs that American businesses need done, to keep their prices lower, which in turn boosts sales. That means that more people can afford things they would not otherwise be able to buy. In exchange China imports food from us, because that's all they can afford to buy and because their farmers and farms cannot keep up with our advanced farm technology, because they simply don't have the economy to support it.
Trump and his cohorts are looking at the world's top most layer and making decisions based on their reflexes. Then they lie to cover up the fact that they're not getting the results they expect. Trump has done nothing to improve the economy in his whole two years in office. What we know about tax cuts tells us that, when Trump passed his tax cuts, the Obama economy absorbed the hit. The Obama economy we still enjoy, has taken many Trumpian hits and it's still going strong, but eventually, if it's not fed, it will peter out and we'll be back to the old Bush economy, only this time the name will change to Trump.
Trump and his cohorts are looking at the world's top most layer and making decisions based on their reflexes. Then they lie to cover up the fact that they're not getting the results they expect. Trump has done nothing to improve the economy in his whole two years in office. What we know about tax cuts tells us that, when Trump passed his tax cuts, the Obama economy absorbed the hit. The Obama economy we still enjoy, has taken many Trumpian hits and it's still going strong, but eventually, if it's not fed, it will peter out and we'll be back to the old Bush economy, only this time the name will change to Trump.
President Trump Lawyers May Need Lawyers Over Fallout From Michael Cohen...
This thing has become one big KlusterKerFlucken! I realize that Congress does not want to overuse it's enforcement powers and that's a good thing. The vast powers the Congress are pretty darn coercive to anyone who is aware of what the Congress can do. After all, they are the makers of the very laws that underpin and support the very republic we have. The Founding Fathers saw that with the numerous members in congress, came a myriad of opinions and views that would make it pretty well incorruptible. Which is why thay gave it the job of overseeing the rest of the government.
Well, it was for the above reason, I noted with some satisfaction when they refused to terminate the filibuster rule, since that implied that, besides laying plans for when the majority party might become the minority party again, they also were saying that they were planning on keeping this form of government going for some time into the future. That's why I worry today, because what the Republicans are doing says, they no longer care to participate in a government that functions this way. When you ask yourself, what other ways are there for a government to function? It is then that you realize that you don't really like the other choices available.
Democratic republics are not easy to put together and it is a constant struggle to keep it. Remember the slogan: "Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty." Well a good number of citizens have abandoned their sense of vigilance. If they don't get back in line for support of the Constitution regardless of partisan views and opinions, then the forces of darkness have the weakness they need to drag us back under totalitarian rule.
Well, it was for the above reason, I noted with some satisfaction when they refused to terminate the filibuster rule, since that implied that, besides laying plans for when the majority party might become the minority party again, they also were saying that they were planning on keeping this form of government going for some time into the future. That's why I worry today, because what the Republicans are doing says, they no longer care to participate in a government that functions this way. When you ask yourself, what other ways are there for a government to function? It is then that you realize that you don't really like the other choices available.
Democratic republics are not easy to put together and it is a constant struggle to keep it. Remember the slogan: "Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty." Well a good number of citizens have abandoned their sense of vigilance. If they don't get back in line for support of the Constitution regardless of partisan views and opinions, then the forces of darkness have the weakness they need to drag us back under totalitarian rule.
Tuesday, May 14, 2019
Not One, Not Two, But Three Investigations Into The Investigation | Dead...
Funny... I'm trying to grapple with the word treason.
A Military Plan With 'John Bolton's Name All Over It' | Morning Joe | MSNBC
Oh great, political and military incompetents planning a military action. This doesn't end well for anyone.
George Conway fires back at Trump in nine-part tweetstorm
It seems to me they want a premature impeachment attempt. It doesn't take much brains to see how Trump would use an impeachment that doesn't remove him from office, his low information followers are not likely to realize that impeachment is bad even if it doesn't remove one from office. Pelosi is right, because impeachment is a political process, not a legal one, examination and persuasion must come first. As I said before, there just may be a majority of Americans who are tired of having all these rights and would rather have a government that tells them what to do and think, so they don't have to think for themselves. If most people want to end the "American Experiment", then they have every right t,o vote it out of existence. Republicans certainly feel that way, they do not appreciate the sacrifices made over the years, for the republic. They feel, like Trump, if you went to war for this country you were a fool, because smart people like him stayed home.
Looks like we're in for another war on the basis of false premises.
‘Commander In Cheat’ | The Last Word | MSNBC
So, Republicans like dishonest men who cannot be trusted. Wonderful. Simply wonderful.
Targets Of House Investigations Into Donald Trump Revealed In Court Docs...
As I said a very long time ago, the courts consider issues between the branches of government, to be of such paramount importance that unnecessary delay is to be avoided at all costs. In this case, the court is able to quickly see that the authority of the Congress is absolute and, therefore, not open to be questioned. Much like the authority of a parent to set bedtime for the children. ...And, although matters at law usually take quite some time, Judges traditionally eschew, their courts being used, solely, as a delaying tactic.
Of course, if they'd rather have the court be strict about it, they could be sanctioned for filing a frivolous lawsuit, since any lawyer, worth his salt, should know that there is no issue worthy of judicial review.
Of course, if they'd rather have the court be strict about it, they could be sanctioned for filing a frivolous lawsuit, since any lawyer, worth his salt, should know that there is no issue worthy of judicial review.
Psychiatrist: Trump Pre-Dementia & Cognitive Decline Getting Worse
How did they miss this? I'm sure Putin didn't miss it.
Richard Stengel: Is Trump Starting An 'Autocrat’s Club'? | The Beat With...
Of course he is, he's somehow getting instructions on how to take over from Putin and the FSB. Meanwhile our foolish Republican voters and elected officials are sticking with a man they cannot possibly trust. Hahaha, that cannot end well even if they succeed. To bad we're all going to suffer, rich, poor, black, white, pro, con, or indifferent.
Monday, May 13, 2019
Chomsky BRILLIANTLY Dissects Trump, Democrats & RussiaGate
So, they're saying that the Democrats need to somehow become as deceitful as the Republicans to beat them? I'm pretty sure that that's the wrong way to proceed. And even if what the Russians did was small potatoes, that's not the issue, the issue is that it's a breach of national security that involves Trumps acceptance of foreign aid, from an American enemy power too boot. Worse still, he and his unqualified, immoral, incompetent appointee's lied to Congress and everyone else in an effort to cover up the fact that America's enemies chose him over his challenger.
Dow plummets after China retaliates with higher tariffs
Where does Trump find so many fools, willing to trash themselves to try to save Trump from himself?
Are Democrats Eying White House While Ignoring The Senate? | Morning Joe...
Joe happens to be right here, we know that Trump is not going to pay any attention to the law and he's never going to appoint competent people to high office. The Senate confirms appointee's. We need the Senate!
The Mueller Report - A PBS NewsHour/FRONTLINE Special
So, Barr made his decision that Trump had been cleared by Mueller, based on absolutely no evidence at all! He hadn't read the report, he hadn't looked at the underlying evidence. Thus, he had no basis in fact, to base a claim of exhoneration upon. Just as you'd expect of a mere political hack and presidential syncopant, he simply pronounced Trump innocent based merely on his position as head of the Justice department,
Republicans need to be forced to watch Hitler's rise and fall, a half dozen times until they apprehend that are working for Putin when they protect the man Putin chose to put into the oval office.
Republicans need to be forced to watch Hitler's rise and fall, a half dozen times until they apprehend that are working for Putin when they protect the man Putin chose to put into the oval office.
4-Star General Warns: President Trump Behavior ‘More Alarming And Illogi...
The message is clear: Do Not "Bojangles" for Trump!!! (I love it, hahaha)
Face The Nation: David Nakamura, Susan Glasser, Henry Paulson
This is what normalization of insanity looks like. They look into the insanity and pick out the good they can find and focus on it, pretending that everything else is just fine. Take Hitler, for example, focus on his building of the autobahn, creation of jobs and the industrial miracle he created and ignore the rest. It works because most people have lives to live, jobs to get done and children to raise, they have little time to focus on other things, so they rely heavily on the media to inform them of the world beyond their front door, their neighborhood, their county, state and country. Thus, if the media acts like some stupidity is okay, or normal, or even smart, then so be it as far as the average person is concerned.
Here Trump is destroying the country, consorting with dictators and corrupting the institutions we rely upon to enforce the laws. The laws that keep us safe, not just from criminals who want to steal our goods, invade our homes and/or do terrible things to our daughters etc., but also from outrageous intrusions on our privacy and other rights, as well as prevent powerful people and politicians from assuming dictatorial powers accountable to no one. Trump has not only wrecked our foreign policy, he has sent our allies packing, abandoned our negotiated and agreed upon treaties, while being unable to replace them with anything, because he simply hasn't either the skill or the brains to do so, nor can he hire anyone who does.
But this CNN program ignores all of that, it ignores the fact that the President is distressingly ignorant, a racist, a bully and would be dictator who has told over 9,000 lies and counting. Yet here they are insisting that this President still has something useful to offer in the form of credible offers that we can rely on proving true in the future. Can anyone still wonder why we're facing this mess? Can you guess what disasters the next President and Congress will face because of what this failure has done? Whether anyone knows it or not, we're in for a lot of trouble which will probably take two or three decades to repair, if it can be done at all.
Here Trump is destroying the country, consorting with dictators and corrupting the institutions we rely upon to enforce the laws. The laws that keep us safe, not just from criminals who want to steal our goods, invade our homes and/or do terrible things to our daughters etc., but also from outrageous intrusions on our privacy and other rights, as well as prevent powerful people and politicians from assuming dictatorial powers accountable to no one. Trump has not only wrecked our foreign policy, he has sent our allies packing, abandoned our negotiated and agreed upon treaties, while being unable to replace them with anything, because he simply hasn't either the skill or the brains to do so, nor can he hire anyone who does.
But this CNN program ignores all of that, it ignores the fact that the President is distressingly ignorant, a racist, a bully and would be dictator who has told over 9,000 lies and counting. Yet here they are insisting that this President still has something useful to offer in the form of credible offers that we can rely on proving true in the future. Can anyone still wonder why we're facing this mess? Can you guess what disasters the next President and Congress will face because of what this failure has done? Whether anyone knows it or not, we're in for a lot of trouble which will probably take two or three decades to repair, if it can be done at all.
Sunday, May 12, 2019
Trump’s Lifetime Of Lies Comes Crashing Down
Rumor has it that Trump was running a whore house but w Hahen police tried to close it down, the prosecutors told them to forget about it, because they would have a tough time making prostitution charges stick, because they were losing money. hahaha. (probably untrue but it has such a ring of truth, who knows, eh? Hahaha!
Neal Katyal: America Is A Lot Stronger Than William Barr And Donald Trum...
Barr shows how deceitful he intended to be by only using carefully selected sentence fragments. A report that clearly exhonerates anyone would contain whole paragraphs that would be usable.
Obeisance To Donald Trump May Not Be Sufficient To Save New Fed Nominee ...
Hahaha... There are no words.
Donald Trump Lawyer Threat On Tax Returns 'Didn't Really Say Anything' |...
The Presidents lawyer is risking the courts sanction for filing a frivolous lawsuit. Id certainly figure that a suit that has no legal basis is frivolous since it raises no issue for the court to rule on. For sure a lawyer should know better.
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