A collection of articles defining our times. The pages contain clickable links, don't let the titles fool you, some of the best articles have very non-descript titles and there are usually more articles on the matters in the days and week pages the links land on so it's a sort of treasure hunt through history, Enjoy!
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- Bag Man Podcast - Episode 1 - 7 | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC
Saturday, February 22, 2020
Special Counsel Quotes Lawrence Report & Tells The Kellyanne Should Be F...
My guess is the Special Counsel has been fired or will be soon.
Donald Trump Disregard For Rule Of Law Puts Officials In Awkward Spot | ...
Moscow Mitch is in agreement with Trump's assertions of lawlessness.
There's no proof that Trump's sycophantic appointments to head agencies, will allow these government employees to follow the law or even enforce it. No excuses, that's where we are today with Barr in charge of the Justice department and with clearance to mess with intelligence department files.
There's no proof that Trump's sycophantic appointments to head agencies, will allow these government employees to follow the law or even enforce it. No excuses, that's where we are today with Barr in charge of the Justice department and with clearance to mess with intelligence department files.
Bloomberg Got Kicked Right In The Coin Purse
Bloomberg didn't think enough of Americas intelligence to prep for the debate! Instead the debate revealed terrible things that his ad campaign was concealing and we saw him try to counter with obvious deceitfulness. That came across as sheer arrogance as if "I have enough money to make your concerns not matter!"
Ocasio-Cortez DESTROYS Meghan McCain live on air, gets huge ovation
I keep trying to explain: High tax rates on high earners harm no one. Most high income earners did not make their money as salary or wages, they made their money through stock ownership, options and stock in place of cash bonuses. If high pay (over 200k) is heavily taxed then CEO's can't get boards to give them 100 million dollar pay days because the tax on it would be 90 million or more. So, the CEO's have to take stock and/or options, which means that, for them to make money the stock must perform and for the stock to perform the company must perform. If the company performs everyone makes money and the CEO get over like a bandit. Today, with low tax rates, CEO's get huge pay checks even if the company is heading into bankruptcy. Which is why CEO's have little reason to care if the workforce is happy. They get paid either way.
Anyway, Republican must not forget WMD's that did not exist but cost use 25 billion in Iraq reconstruction money. Nor the trillions lost on their Mr. Bush's mishandling of the F.I.R.E (financial industry) the deregulation that allowed the sub prime mortgage disaster. But healthcare for all? Like Costa Rica has and can afford? Or free college for all like Germany has and offers to any American who wants to come and get it. The republican show stopping question is "how much does it cost?", My answer is, not as much as you people have wasted on nothing that has done us any good!
Medicare for All Would Save U.S. $450 Billion, Prevent Nearly 70,000 Deaths
Anyway, Republican must not forget WMD's that did not exist but cost use 25 billion in Iraq reconstruction money. Nor the trillions lost on their Mr. Bush's mishandling of the F.I.R.E (financial industry) the deregulation that allowed the sub prime mortgage disaster. But healthcare for all? Like Costa Rica has and can afford? Or free college for all like Germany has and offers to any American who wants to come and get it. The republican show stopping question is "how much does it cost?", My answer is, not as much as you people have wasted on nothing that has done us any good!
Medicare for All Would Save U.S. $450 Billion, Prevent Nearly 70,000 Deaths
Fmr. Prosecutor: Trump ‘Trying To Destroy' National Security Institution...
Don't believe it, the Russians have no interest in helping Bernie win anything. What they want to do is get caught making illegal campaign donation to Bernie to embarrass him and derail his campaign. Bernie will do nothing for Russia, only Trump is their main man who takes Russia and Putin over Americans.
Maddow: Time For Warnings Is Past As Trump Openly Abuses Power | Rachel ...
El Chapo is ready to be released eh? Trump is making chumps out of anyone wearing a badge. Your work will help Trump raise funds or you will be punishing Trumps enemies. He doesn't like Blacks, he doesn't like Mexicans, Hispanics and lots of other people especially Muslims. You are no longer Law Enforcers, you are become Trump's enforcers.
Is the U.S. Headed Towards Tyranny? Timothy Snyder Discusses | Amanpour ...
Yes, but he's exacting illegal revenge on top of getting away with breaking the laws; worse yet is that there is nothing being done about it. Are there really that many Americans who would like to live under a dictatorship?
Friday, February 21, 2020
Bloomberg Offers To Release 3 Women From NDAs | Deadline | MSNBC
His problem was that he didn't realize that, what he was effectively saying is, those people wanted NDA's because they didn't want to talk about those incidents. Thus, if that were the truth, then releasing them would only reveal that they really didn't want to talk about it. Because a release doesn't require them to talk if they don't want to, thus him resisting the idea of releasing them, seemed to say that it was he who wanted to ensure their silence. I was left wondering why he wasn't able to quickly see the problem and offer the releases, which would have defanged the situation. Instead he appeared stunned, surprised and helplessly ensnared in a web of his own deceit. Now that time has passed and his team has been able to figure out how to answer, it's too late. He appears to have had some age connected deficit, a "senior moment" if you will. It will be difficult if not impossible to come back from the image shattering blows he took after having so many carefully crafted images of himself as a glorious saviour, so widely displayed. Making his campagne appear to be all buck and no bang.
Elizabeth Warren On Private Conversation With Mike Bloomberg During Deba...
I don't see Bloomberg as an "enemy" of the people, I just don't feel he would be the best choice at this time in history. In fact he seemed to have aged considerably on stage, he's no longer the snappy scrapper he used to be. While Bernie is just the kind of irreverent fighter we need him to be.
'Totally Wrong': Fed. Judge Who Ruled On 'Stop And Frisk' Fact-Checks Bl...
"The right to be free of unreasonable searches and seizures!" --U.S. Constitution.
It's what the British were doing when they ruled America. You also had to feed and quarter British soldiers.
It's what the British were doing when they ruled America. You also had to feed and quarter British soldiers.
Joe: America Crosses Rubicon This Week | Morning Joe | MSNBC
"One hell of a commute!" Yeah, Right!!!!
Trump Is Mad Dems Know Russia Is Meddling To Get Him Re-Elected | The 11...
We're in deep trouble, whether anyone notices it or not. Evangelicals approve of husbands making it with porn stars, who knew?
Bloomberg Flounders, Warren Rebounds, and Bernie Brings the Heat | The C...
Do you get it? They want you to fear Bernie because, once again, your chance to get justice is rearing it's "ugly" head. Healthcare for all is too costly, even though a country as small as Costa Rica can do it. Huh? Costa Rica can do what America can't? Germany has free college for all, but America can't do it? What in the world is going on Why can't America do what other, much smaller economies can! Oh, it's "socialism", right and we're supposed to e terrified of that boogie man. But, criminals, jailed for stealing poor peoples money are being pardoned. What a country!
Medicare for All Would Save U.S. $450 Billion, Prevent Nearly 70,000 Deaths
Medicare for All Would Save U.S. $450 Billion, Prevent Nearly 70,000 Deaths
Thursday, February 20, 2020
What Michael Bloomberg Handled Well At The Debate | Morning Joe | MSNBC
Well the "How do we pay for it?"; meme is dead now that we've learned that even an "S-hole" country like Costa Rica can manage healthcare for all, just like many other industrialized nations on earth.
Medicare for All Would Save U.S. $450 Billion, Prevent Nearly 70,000 Deaths
Medicare for All Would Save U.S. $450 Billion, Prevent Nearly 70,000 Deaths
Everything Sen. Bernie Sanders Said at the Las Vegas Democratic Debate |...
Bernie is the "scrappy old man" on the stage who has his faculties and is knowledgeable and courageous, he's the closes thing we have to a "founding father" today. I believe, "trustworthy" is the word.
Medicare for All Would Save U.S. $450 Billion, Prevent Nearly 70,000 Deaths
Medicare for All Would Save U.S. $450 Billion, Prevent Nearly 70,000 Deaths
Obama just threw water in Trump's face when he criticized Trump's econom...
The robust economy is slowing under Trump. Another term and the economy will crash and burn as it does under every Republican President.
Joe: Bernie Sanders, President Donald Trump Were Two Big Winners Last Ni...
Bloomberg had to lie on stage in front of millions. Too bad, his carefully prepared 300+million dollar image was shattered like a pane of glass hit by a fast hard ball. It was a terrible blow to a very costly effort by highly skilled professionals.
He just kept throwing shade so that you wouldn't have to be "paid"!
He just kept throwing shade so that you wouldn't have to be "paid"!
Unprepared, Unequipped Mike Bloomberg Makes First Debate Appearance | Mo...
Bloomberg's carefully and professionally crafted image shattered like glass last night.
Chris Cuomo argues Donald Trump isn't normalizing corruption; the GOP is
The "Groveling Old Pricks", party.
Democrats Hit Each Other Hard At Fiery Las Vegas Debate | The 11th Hour ...
Bloomberg got himself shredded. The 300 million plus dollar facade built by Madison Avenue type ad campaigning was revealed to have covered over some serious character flaws that shattered the carefully crafted image his highly skilled/paid professional staff had been building.
He kept throwing shade so you wouldn't have to be "paid".
He kept throwing shade so you wouldn't have to be "paid".
How Bloomberg-Funded Center for American Progress Censored a Report on N...
Hear ye, hear ye, hear ye know ye all men by these presents:
This is how money works to corrupt your view of the world.
He got stop and frisk from Rudy Giuliani and he increased it, he hung onto it and he continued to sell it even after he left office. An apology should not contain lies to fashion an excuse.
He's just throwing shade, so you won't have to be "paid"! Hahaha
Like at the debate he says that women have signed NDA's because they don't want to talk about it.
Well, just releasing someone from an NDA, doesn't mean they HAVE to speak about it, they can still choose to remain silent. So, his refusal to release them from their NDA's translates into HE doesn't want them to talk about it. He got shredded at the debate on too many serious issues. Too bad, his ads made him seem to be the ideal candidate, but that wasn't true. So sad!
This is how money works to corrupt your view of the world.
He got stop and frisk from Rudy Giuliani and he increased it, he hung onto it and he continued to sell it even after he left office. An apology should not contain lies to fashion an excuse.
He's just throwing shade, so you won't have to be "paid"! Hahaha
Like at the debate he says that women have signed NDA's because they don't want to talk about it.
Well, just releasing someone from an NDA, doesn't mean they HAVE to speak about it, they can still choose to remain silent. So, his refusal to release them from their NDA's translates into HE doesn't want them to talk about it. He got shredded at the debate on too many serious issues. Too bad, his ads made him seem to be the ideal candidate, but that wasn't true. So sad!
Nevada Culinary Workers Union Member: I Would Trade My Union Healthcare ...
Choice??? Yeah, you can choose to die. We really need to stop believing the lies against Medicare for all where even Costa Rica has it and can afford it and even has raised their life expectancy higher than we have here. Please, give me a break with the nay saying you nattering nabobs.
Yale Study Says Medicare for All Would Save U.S. $450 Billion, Prevent N...
In other words; you're being lied to by the insurance and pharmaceutical companies who want to keep their profitable, if broken, systems. The fact that 70k people are losing their lives matters not to them. "Socialism, Socialism, Socialism", they scream "too costly, too costly, too costly", they scream and yell at you to scare and turn you off to things that would be good for you, because it would be bad for them, same as the cigarette companies did. They did not care about public health, they just waned people to keep smoking and dying so they could continue to rack up billions in profits. When will we ever learn, eh? Don't do the stupid, be sure to Stop, Look and Listen to the information available instead of being stampeded by memes without evidence.
Wednesday, February 19, 2020
Why Bernie Sanders And His Message Resonates With Younger Voters | The 1...
Bernie may have a Democratic senate, the "communist/socialists" memes aren't working because people are getting smarter, they're realizing that many of the wealthy are not wealth builders or even captains of industry, but are just inheritors. While technology has taken many jobs out of the economy even while putting more money and power in the hands of the few. Thus, it only makes sense that citizens get their health guaranteed by the government, because not everyone even wants to be rich. Many just want to live their lives and enjoy being with their families. The least the government can do is what other first world nations are doing and assure each and every citizen good healthcare without forcing them to go broke to get it.
Rep. Maxine Waters On What Democrats Can Do About An ‘Out Of Control’ Pr...
Maxine Waters is a national treasure, beautiful and so hug able I'd be marching all by myself if I wasn't in rehab. I don't see why there are no demonstrations in the streets yet, it's as if no one cares that the U.S. Constitution is being ruined.
Progressives, Moderates Can Beat Trump, Says E.J. Dionne | Morning Joe |...
Bloombergs ads tell us what a great guy he is but; no healthcare plan, no minimum wage ideas, no pre-existing conditions, just a lot of "What a great time the nation will have if I'm elected", I'm sure we've heard that before, eh? Slick ads with no substance. What will he say at the debate? "We're going to have great healthcare at lower costs and it's going to be soooo easy!"
Trump Issues Pardons, Calls Himself Nation's Top Law Enforcement Officia...
He'll pardon Al Capone, John Gotti and Charlie Manson, he's our criminal President and he has the backing of Moscow Mitch McConnell.
Tuesday, February 18, 2020
Bloomberg’s Candidacy Gets Real: Former NYC Mayor Qualifies For His Firs...
Do we really know for sure that these abusive people were really Bernie supporters? Could they have been fakes working for Trump? I wouldn't put it past Trump.
How Michael Bloomberg Is Going After Trump On Social Media | Morning Joe...
The problem is he didn't "stop, look and listen", he didn't realize how much pain he was causing because he didn't stop by those nabes, he didn't look at the people being hurt and he didn't listen to those who were complaining. He simply stuck to the idea that blacks were the problem and they should be stopped and searched one and all, whenever, wherever and always. Now that it's a problem he's sorry. He could have been sorry sooner, he should have been sorry sooner but he wasn't until he needed the black vote, then it's "I made a mistake and I'm sorry!"
Of course youths don't yet realize the power of money, so they're unaware of how it buys the best commercials, the best endorsements and lots of "friendlies". They think that warm fuzzy feeling is coming from within themselves, when in reality they're being ensnared and encircled by cash hordes.
Of course youths don't yet realize the power of money, so they're unaware of how it buys the best commercials, the best endorsements and lots of "friendlies". They think that warm fuzzy feeling is coming from within themselves, when in reality they're being ensnared and encircled by cash hordes.
Joe: This Is A Recovery That Began 11 Years Ago | Morning Joe | MSNBC
The recovery that began under Obama has slowed under Trump. Another term for Trump and it will collapse. You can't do business without trust and if no one can trust the Justice department to not play politics with the law, then trust goes out the window and the economy shrinks.
Joe: This Is A Recovery That Began 11 Years Ago | Morning Joe | MSNBC
If Trump faced the problems that Obama did, we'd have never recovered.
Mike Bloomberg Qualifies For Las Vegas Democratic Debate | Morning Joe |...
Bloomberg would be a very big mistake, sorry, but he's spending like a drunken sailor and there are a lot of people who are swayed by slick, scripted ads that are targeted at them, saying what each group of people in each region of the country want to hear, whether Bloomberg actually believes or care or not.
He's also spending billions behind the scenes, giving money to groups and causes to obtain their endorsements. What you will get is not what you are seeing, just like most stuff advertised on tee vee.
The product looked so good on tv, but when you finally get it home, you wonder what you could have been thinking. They sold millions of "Buns of Steel" and "Abs Blasters" etc., all collecting dust in closets across the land. The presidency requires a serious politician, not anyone even close to an autocrat who thinks he is right without looking at evidence and listening to his/her advisers. Be warned and spread the word.
He's also spending billions behind the scenes, giving money to groups and causes to obtain their endorsements. What you will get is not what you are seeing, just like most stuff advertised on tee vee.
The product looked so good on tv, but when you finally get it home, you wonder what you could have been thinking. They sold millions of "Buns of Steel" and "Abs Blasters" etc., all collecting dust in closets across the land. The presidency requires a serious politician, not anyone even close to an autocrat who thinks he is right without looking at evidence and listening to his/her advisers. Be warned and spread the word.
The Atlantic Outlines The Trump Campaign's Disinformation Tactics | Vels...
Well funded election fixing, what else do you expect from a party that wants to make an American dictatorship? Republicans cannot stand freedom of speech, equal protection of law and "all men are created equal", that is not their thing. Only a fool would vote for any of them, except Mitt Romney, eh?
Leak Exposes Ross Stake In Putin-Tied Company | MSNBC
Wow, Putin really does own Trump and the Republican party. No wonder we're in such trouble.
The Shocking Story Of The “Biggest Grifter” In The President Trump Swamp...
This is what you're voting for when you vote for Trump, enough said!
Will Key Union's Non-Endorsement Help Sanders Or Biden In Nevada? | The ...
What a useless report: "We don't know what this non-endorsement means but we have a lot to say about the possibilities!" Filling the airwaves and absorbing your time with useless prattle.
Bolton Speaks Out And Calls Grow For Trump's AG Barr To Resign | The 11t...
Trump's campaign message is: "You're going to love living under the new dictatorship we're creating, I promise, so give me your vote and let's get this done!"
Former Obama Adviser: John Bolton Is ‘Motivated Above All By Profit’ | T...
Blame Bolton? Really? You think his testimony would have made any difference with what Moscow Mitch scared Republicans into doing? Bolton's revelations would have just been more water under the bridge, Republican cowards would simply have ignored it to hold onto seats they're making worthless.
Somehow we're supposed to save the democratic republic by waiting for the Senate to defend the Constitution like they swore they would.
Somehow we're supposed to save the democratic republic by waiting for the Senate to defend the Constitution like they swore they would.
Lawrence: Top Priority For Dems Is A Candidate Who Can Beat Trump | The ...
Trump urinates in our faces and tells us it's raining and our pundits say we cannot be sure until we check the weather reports. Give me a break!
Former Deputy AG Donald Ayer On Why Bill Barr ‘Must Resign’ | All In | M...
"Must resign"??? Why would he do that? Barr is sure he's done nothing wrong, so why should he resign? The truth is he will never resign, he has to be removed from office, just like Trump. Stop asking these people to show some integrity, they have none and they don't believe in the U.S. Constitution. They think they have absolute power simply because there are no hard and fast rules that say they don't have it. The founders believed that the people would realize the risks that come with the caprice of a dictatorship and reject it so resoundingly that it could never get started. Yet, here we are with a dictatorship getting started and people remaining silent about it.
‘Un-American,’ ‘Banana Republic’: DOJ Alum Say Barr Is Doing Trump's 'Pe...
Barr has lied to Congress for Trump, thus he deserves no benefit of doubt, he is destroying the Justice Department by using it on behalf of Trump, period. There is absolutely no need to guess or wonder, we're already certain that we are witnessing the fact. Anyone who says differently is not worthy of anyone's attention.
Monday, February 17, 2020
Hope Hicks Transcript Provides Window On 2016 Dual Trump Tape Crises | R...
No wonder Trump is absolutely terrified of Putin.
How Billionaire Michael Bloomberg’s Deep Pockets Have Let Him Win Friend...
Cash muzzles and munificent largess, money to spread around to garner paid support for himself. My, my, the things one can do with cash. While other candidates must run the grueling face to face handshaking, baby kissing, glad handing campaigns and the debate circuit, Bloomberg can sit back and let his campaign ads play on every venue, while he spreads generous amounts of cash around to buy endorsements and other valuable banalities, while muzzling critics with cash blasts. Hahaha, great job if you can get it eh? Question: are you fooled by a slick paid for campaign? Or do you appreciate the candidates who actually get out there, state their positions and press the flesh on the rope lines?
Jeff Bezos Accuses National Enquirer Owner Of Blackmail | The Last Word ...
Bezos wife should not have left because we can see he's got big hands, hahhahahahaha!
Jeff Bezos Accuses National Enquirer Owner Of Blackmail | The Last Word ...
Bezos wife should not have left because we can see he's got big hands, hahhahahahaha!
Jeff Bezos Accuses National Enquirer Owner Of Blackmail | The Last Word ...
Bezos wife should not have left because we can see he's got big hands, hahhahahahaha!
Jeff Bezos Accuses National Enquirer Owner Of Blackmail | The Last Word ...
Bezos wife should not have left because we can see he's got big hands, hahhahahahaha!
Mike Bloomberg Goes After Bernie Sanders In New Campaign Ad | Morning Jo...
Uh oh, watch your step Bloomberg, Bernie is a national treasure, attacking him won't go well for you.
Meet The Democrat Challenging Lindsey Graham | Morning Joe | MSNBC
There has to be more to this sycophancy than mere clinging to office, I think the Russians have Kompromat on these Republicans, that is both shameful and severe, such that they don't dare provoke it's release, whether it's real or fake, it's probably so salacious that no one will bother to question it because it is so off putting. The FSB was able to do things like that and they have the resources to discover and/or take advantage of any opportunity that might present. I can't guess what it might be, but it has to be seriously hellacious to .have sitting Congress people contradict themselves so openly
Trump’s Insane Budget Could Tank His Reelection
Pelosi says this budget will not pass. It's DOA, so for other than political uses it's a non-starter.
2 former Justice Department officials on Trump, Barr and the rule of law
The problem with Bloomberg is that, like the racists, he refused to look at the data, the statistics and/or hear the pleas of the people he was afflicting. Unfortunately, racists do this too and that suggests that he is of a mindset with racists. He is persuaded by racist memes and that is not something that can be forgiven without clear hard proof of change of mind/mentality. How many blacks does he have and in what positions on his campaign? How many black businesses does his campaign patronize? Or is it just "talk black, while staying wrapped up in white"? George Wallace made is change believable. Bloomberg, so far has only responded with rhetoric in defense of his campaign.
Sunday, February 16, 2020
Joe Calls Out GOP For Telling Trump His Actions Had No Consequences | Mo...
With Trump you don't have to guess; if he says it, it's a lie! Even if it's the truth, he only tells the truth when it helps him sell his lies. There is literally nothing about Trump that is decent, trustworthy or even sane.
‘What’s Eating America’ Examines Immigration Via Lens Of Food | MSNBC
The money they send home improves the foreign economies and stabilizes the political system, that makes the world a safer place without anyone having to fire a single shot or launch a single missile. After all, people would rather come home after a day working and crack open a beer or two, rather than crouch under some overhang watching for armed opponents to come fighting through.
Over 1,100 Former Justice Department Officials Call For Barr To Resign |...
Add this citizen to the list calling for his resignation, I, for one, never believed he would be impartial, since Trump has a history of appointing the worst, least qualified people with no integrity, honor or credibility. But hey, that's just me.
Bernie Sanders On His Big Win In New Hampshire | All In | MSNBC
A no nonsense scrappy old man is just who young people can believe in. We've grown tired of hearing that blue is green that silence is noisy or that cold is hot. Even Trumpist are unsettled by having to ignore that sort of talk to keep to their side of the aisle.
Trump's Racist Fearmongering Is His Latest Scam: A Closer Look
Oh, did we forget about those caravans? Why? Possibly because they never got here, eh? Hahaha
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