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Saturday, May 4, 2019
Did Kamala Harris’ Moment At Bill Barr’s Hearing Reshape The Democratic ...
Ha! Trump, of all people, calling The Honorable Kamala Harris "nasty" for exposing the smarmy Trump syncopant and malpracticing Wm. Barr (the dishonorable) as a filthy artful dodger. Where does Trump get the idea that he has the worth required to insult anyone? He has told over 9,000 baldfaced lies and shamelessly continues his mendacious maladministration to which no one should be listening. He should be forced from office by popular demand. Not just for lying but for taking sides against The United States of America. Republicans should be ashamed of this man.
Full Huffman: ‘Many Of Us Believe This Is Inevitably Leading To Impeachm...
I think Pelosi is right. Impeachment can happen at any time, but, if it's based on the fullest observations of the facts there's the best chance to bring current skeptics along.
Jake Tapper on Trump's Russia tweet: It's a lie
Well Mr. Kristal this is the party you helped put in power! You hounded Clinton to no end, after helping the Republicans schemers Tom Delay and "Casino" Jack Abramoff (who btw, escaped prosecution for his corrupt work in the Marrianna's by Bush appointing a new prosecutor there who could not pursue the charges). You supported their project to create a permanent Republican Majority. Then help get Bush in office by fighting to halt the vote counting, which we now know Bush would have lost.
So now while your party is trying to hand the reigns of the nation over to Putin, you are back on tee vee trying to shore up your image again. To bad people have such short memories and a high tolerance of people who lack integrity. Here's hoping things will change when even your syncopantic prey comes to realize they've been sold down the river by the very people they voted for.
So now while your party is trying to hand the reigns of the nation over to Putin, you are back on tee vee trying to shore up your image again. To bad people have such short memories and a high tolerance of people who lack integrity. Here's hoping things will change when even your syncopantic prey comes to realize they've been sold down the river by the very people they voted for.
FBI Official: Trump's Silence On Russian Interference With Putin Is ‘Ass...
Putin was smiling? I remember how my father used to tell female caller how beautiful the looked today, over the phone. I don't ever remember any of them objecting, lol , although some would humorously remark that this was a phone call, they never objected.
Now Donald Rump has his benefactor Putin smiling over the phone. Of course, he and his Republican supporters love it because it means they can count on more sophisticated help in the next election They know they are going to need Russian help because their gerrymandering and voter suppression schemes are failing. They must at least hold onto the Senate and WH if they are going to shrink and drown the government in a bathtub. Which is exactly what Putin wants them to do. I often wonder if any Republican has given any thought to what happens after they've drowned the government? Do we somehow arrive in some magical wonderland? How stupid is that?
Now Donald Rump has his benefactor Putin smiling over the phone. Of course, he and his Republican supporters love it because it means they can count on more sophisticated help in the next election They know they are going to need Russian help because their gerrymandering and voter suppression schemes are failing. They must at least hold onto the Senate and WH if they are going to shrink and drown the government in a bathtub. Which is exactly what Putin wants them to do. I often wonder if any Republican has given any thought to what happens after they've drowned the government? Do we somehow arrive in some magical wonderland? How stupid is that?
Kamala Harris: Barr's Non-Response On Suggestions From W.H. 'Suspicious'...
Of course Trump and the Republicans do not want to stop Russian interference in our elections. That makes good sense for them because the Russians favor a Republican Congress and President. It makes sense for them to favor Republicans because, Republicans want to destroy the American government. So the two are peas in a pod.
Mueller Insider: He Will Reveal Trump’s Criminal Obstruction | The Beat ...
Funny how the guy with the least credibility and who is most unprofessional slams someone who is highly credible and extremely professional. As if we should be stupid enough to take the word of the proven liar over the word of someone who tells the truth regardless of the difficulties that may present; which we describe as integrity. Go figure.
These Republicans are really strange. As if one contractor has lied to your neighbor and did a terrible job, while another contractor told another of your neighbor's the truth and did a wonderful job. They, the Republicans, expect you will hire the liar! What could they be taking?
These Republicans are really strange. As if one contractor has lied to your neighbor and did a terrible job, while another contractor told another of your neighbor's the truth and did a wonderful job. They, the Republicans, expect you will hire the liar! What could they be taking?
William Barr's Master Class on Hair Splitting
In that las5 clip where Barr says:"I'm grappling with suggests." A vision of Donald Rumsfeld popped into my head. Hmmm.
Friday, May 3, 2019
Representative Mikie Sherill On Attorney General William Barr | Velshi &...
Trump ETBC (Eventually To Be Convicted) is struggling to defend Barr ITCB (Inevitably To Be Convicted) from the savaging he so richly deserves.
Barr Refuses to Testify After Lying About Mueller: A Closer Look
Oh great, now we have to wonder if Barr wraps his genitals in a tortilla. Well... If he wrestles with the word "wrap", then we know that he does! Double Yuckie poo! 😆
Did Barr Shut Down Mueller For Not Making A Call On Donald Trump Crime? ...
Once Putin learned that it was a Republican dream to; "shrink government so small you could drown it in a bathtub," he realized that the Republican Party was going to be his ally. What better way to make a Russian takeover possible than to help them destroy the American government? He is now enjoying a success beyond his wildest dreams.
Donald Trump AG Barr Nightmare? Mueller In Talks To Break Silence | The ...
The Republicans have forgotten dictatorship 101; first you appoint loyalists to high government positions. Next you can now defy the rest of the government because everyone they rely upon to enforce laws belongs to you. At that point you and your people can say and do whatever they want because there is no way to stop them.
It appears that the Republican party members are no longer Americans, but are instead Trumpanistas. If nothing is done soon then nothing can be done later. That's the way takeovers work. The Republicans block the democrats until Trump can consolidate his control over all of the government's enforcement apparatuses.
Good luck ,Mr and Mrs Republican voter, if you think that people like Barr, Kellyanne Conway and the like, can make America great at all. They can't even understand how healthcare works which is why they can't put together a plan. All they can do is shout slogans and chants. Nor does it matter what those chants and slogans are about. Notice they still talk about Hillary who has long since left office and is no longer a powerful officeholder.
Well here is what a Trump dictatorship will bring; police and military stops and searches and even killing "resistors", get ready to join a caravan headed south to Mexico or north to Canada because with all the lawlessness comes vast economic failures on a biblical scale. Such failure is already underway but in ways almost too small to notice. That will accelerate if Trump gets a second term. Right now the state governments are working hard to keep things together. They cannot do it alone for long. We need national cohesion and expertise to move things along, let alone make improvements. What has Trump improved except acrimony and crime? If you like what you have and wish to keep it you need to help fix America's body politic first, the way things are going is not going to end well if it continues this way.
It appears that the Republican party members are no longer Americans, but are instead Trumpanistas. If nothing is done soon then nothing can be done later. That's the way takeovers work. The Republicans block the democrats until Trump can consolidate his control over all of the government's enforcement apparatuses.
Good luck ,Mr and Mrs Republican voter, if you think that people like Barr, Kellyanne Conway and the like, can make America great at all. They can't even understand how healthcare works which is why they can't put together a plan. All they can do is shout slogans and chants. Nor does it matter what those chants and slogans are about. Notice they still talk about Hillary who has long since left office and is no longer a powerful officeholder.
Well here is what a Trump dictatorship will bring; police and military stops and searches and even killing "resistors", get ready to join a caravan headed south to Mexico or north to Canada because with all the lawlessness comes vast economic failures on a biblical scale. Such failure is already underway but in ways almost too small to notice. That will accelerate if Trump gets a second term. Right now the state governments are working hard to keep things together. They cannot do it alone for long. We need national cohesion and expertise to move things along, let alone make improvements. What has Trump improved except acrimony and crime? If you like what you have and wish to keep it you need to help fix America's body politic first, the way things are going is not going to end well if it continues this way.
Thursday, May 2, 2019
Sarah Sanders slams Dems as Barr skips House questioning
Is it me? Or does Sanders appear to be about 50 lbs heavier?
Nancy Pelosi: William Barr committed a crime
Well she has many millions of witnesses what more should it take?
‘The Soul On Today's Menu Belongs To White House Lawyer Emmet Flood’ | D...
All this turmoil, Putin is sure getting his money's worth. He could not have picked a more disruptive candidate to sink America into a political quagmire. While we stumble and fret he and China have a field day. Telling people that America is through as a super power. So they had better pick either Russia or China. Trump just might become a dictator if he can stop Congress from checking his power.
Joe: Barr Went To The Hill And He Lied Under Oath | Morning Joe | MSNBC
Mueller wrot that letter because he was aware of Barr's history and his "audition" for the job. I do believe that Mueller reads his daily newspaper in addition to being aware of the pedigree of the various justice Department stars. Thus he was assured that he would be dealing with an experienced cover up artist at best and he was mindful to short circuit any such effort.
The real tragedy here is that Republicans are insisting that a baldfaced liar who is showing nothing but contempt for Congress, should be protected from the processes needed to thwart Vladimire Putin's plans.
The real tragedy here is that Republicans are insisting that a baldfaced liar who is showing nothing but contempt for Congress, should be protected from the processes needed to thwart Vladimire Putin's plans.
The Rachel Maddow Show MSNBC NEWS 5/1/19 [FULL] | MSNBC BREAKING NEWS MA...
This full show vid probably won't be around for long because of who posted it. So enjoy it while it lasts.
Did AG Barr Tell Congress The Truth About The Robert Mueller Investigati...
The "plane" keeps gaining altitude lol
Meacham: Barr Decided His Fate Is Better Off With Trump Than The Rule Of...
Did Trump promise him a pardon in advance? Like he did for homeland security?
Democrat Blasts Trump AG Barr Testimony: Shocking And Disturbing | The B...
Barr is playing you guys. You ask a simple question he gives a complex answer that is convoluted and illogical. He believes that you are powerless to do anything about whatever he does, so he simply plays with all of you to the point of insulting your intellect, and shows disrespect for your office. Then he goes home and laughs at your pitiful and impotent complaints.
Trump and his followers have control of the government and no one can do anything about it in their estimation. Partly because of their Republican support and partly because of the powers of the presidency. Sanction Barr and Trump will pardon him so he thinks he's beyond your reach. So, without any ability to do any more than call him names, he has you all chasing your tails.
Trump and his followers have control of the government and no one can do anything about it in their estimation. Partly because of their Republican support and partly because of the powers of the presidency. Sanction Barr and Trump will pardon him so he thinks he's beyond your reach. So, without any ability to do any more than call him names, he has you all chasing your tails.
Wednesday, May 1, 2019
Joe: Barr Went To The Hill And He Lied Under Oath | Morning Joe | MSNBC
He is an embarrassment to all who support him. Senator Kamala Harris caught him in a trap of his own making. He tried to lie his way out but stumbled and reeled hoping no one would notice his obviously impossible claims. I'm sure Senator Harris will revisit and expand on the point at the appropriate moment.
The fact that he figures there will only be the penalty that his legacy will suffer, is what will drive the next one to "fall on his sword" for his master. This kind of thing must be brought to a resounding end now! Congress must be respected and its powers understood to be as immense as the Constitution intended them to be.
Barr and others of the same ilk must be sanctioned painfully. That means they must do time in prison for their willful disrespect and mendacity before Congress. Public servants have no right to obstruct the Congress in its duties of overseeing government process. If it requires that fear be instilled to accomplish that task then so be it!
The fact that he figures there will only be the penalty that his legacy will suffer, is what will drive the next one to "fall on his sword" for his master. This kind of thing must be brought to a resounding end now! Congress must be respected and its powers understood to be as immense as the Constitution intended them to be.
Barr and others of the same ilk must be sanctioned painfully. That means they must do time in prison for their willful disrespect and mendacity before Congress. Public servants have no right to obstruct the Congress in its duties of overseeing government process. If it requires that fear be instilled to accomplish that task then so be it!
WATCH: Sen. Kamala Harris, Showing Off Prosecutorial Prowess, Puts AG Ba...
Kamala Harris got him good! What he's trying to say is that Rosenstein was cleared already to work on crafting a decision on the Mueller Report. But Rosenstein could not have been cleared for that purpose because that purpose had not yet been available for inspection prior to the time when the Mueller Report was finalized. Put another way; Rosenstein could not be cleared in advance for something that had not yet happed, that no one could know would happen.
In short Barr is confused and confusing. He is hoping no one will notice his dilemma. At least the Committee Republicans are pretending there is no problem with Barr's mendacious testimony.
In short Barr is confused and confusing. He is hoping no one will notice his dilemma. At least the Committee Republicans are pretending there is no problem with Barr's mendacious testimony.
Senator Mazie Hirono Lays Into Attorney General William Barr | MSNBC
Barr can not answer the questions because he is also a grifter and conman. He tries to pretend that the questions need further clarification, when They are simple questions with what should be reflexive answers; "do you think it's okay for a President to ask people to lie?" The answer should be "No !" But for dishonest Barr every question is a trick question. Like the mentally incapacitated Giuliani says: "It's a perjury trap!" The unfortunate Ghouliani has never heard of telling the truth as a way to avoid perjury.
Oh, and just so you know, he actually did those mobsters; he convited, a favor. You see all of those convictions were later overturned on appeal, because of "over zealous prosecution". The New York Times reported that fact, but buried so deep in their paper few if any saw it and fewer still remember it. I am one of the few and I think people should be reminded less they fall prey to the fiction that he was ever a very good lawyer.
Oh, and just so you know, he actually did those mobsters; he convited, a favor. You see all of those convictions were later overturned on appeal, because of "over zealous prosecution". The New York Times reported that fact, but buried so deep in their paper few if any saw it and fewer still remember it. I am one of the few and I think people should be reminded less they fall prey to the fiction that he was ever a very good lawyer.
William Barr defends his handling of the Mueller report
Barr continues to lie as if everyone in the room is a blithering idiot. This was a special task where, Mueller makes it clear as a bell that a " binary " treatment of this case, where he could not bring charges, and that by trying to do so, he would unfairly prejudice President who would then have no trial to clear himself, was to be avoided by passing his material to Congress who could charge and try the facts.
Barr continues to pretend that his little brain cannot handle such a complex situation but that only he has the expertise needed to resolve it, by creating the very conflict Mueller sought to avoid by making a decision himself as if Congress, chock full of lawyers and other professionals, could not.
Barr clearly needs to be taught a lesson about disrespecting everyone and insulting their intelligence. OFF WITH HIS HEAD!!! (😆) LOL Just what do you think would happen to Barr if he were addressing the first continental Congress? Anyone think they'd go for this crap?
Barr continues to pretend that his little brain cannot handle such a complex situation but that only he has the expertise needed to resolve it, by creating the very conflict Mueller sought to avoid by making a decision himself as if Congress, chock full of lawyers and other professionals, could not.
Barr clearly needs to be taught a lesson about disrespecting everyone and insulting their intelligence. OFF WITH HIS HEAD!!! (😆) LOL Just what do you think would happen to Barr if he were addressing the first continental Congress? Anyone think they'd go for this crap?
Hear scathing letter Mueller sent Barr about report summary
Barr lied to the Senate Committee and the Republican Senators tried to give him cover. Proving once again they have no qualms about letting Russia get away with attacking us and disrupting the democracy with subterfuge. They could care less about enforcement of their Constitutional duties to the nation. They deserve to be rejected by any patriotic citizens we still have, who believe in the rights and liberties granted by our Constitution.
MSNBC News MORNING JOE 5/1/19 [FULL] - Mueller vs Barr Conflict Acrimonious
Meanwhile today Barr is appearing before the Senate where toady Graham is trying to help sell a terrible pack of lies against the American government. Voters today have only two choices: vote for these syncopantic Republican Congress officeholders and therefore against the U.S. Constitution, or vote them out so that they cannot aid and abet Putin's attempt to destroy our democracy.
What the Republicans are doing is not what America's service men and women have fought and died for.
What the Republicans are doing is not what America's service men and women have fought and died for.
The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell MSNBC NEWS 4/30/19 [FULL] | MSNBC ...
Now Barr is trying to sell the same bag of lies that have failed in the house. The Senate, as we now know, should never have confirmed Barr, who William Safire called "The General of Cover-up" back in 1990's. The Senate Republicans, already knew that Barr was tarred by more than just the appearance of impropriety, but who had already lies to the Congress and the public before and as such should not have been judged to be worthy of trust today. The Senate Republicans are guilty of being Trump toddies.
Mueller Objected To Barr's Characterization Of His Report's Finding On T...
Barr disrespected Congress and insulted everyone's intelligence by telling baldfaced lies about critical and sensitive matters concerning an attack on out government by a hostile foreign power and the possibility that there might be people in our government complicit in the matter.
Barr needs to be severely sanctioned for his mendacity.
Barr needs to be severely sanctioned for his mendacity.
Warren After Reading Mueller Report: Time To Open Impeachment Proceeding...
It only gets worse when you come to the Barr appointment. This red flag bearing syncopant was approved by a disgustingly syncopantic ,Republican held Senate which is now complicit as the enabler of this criminal if as yet unconvicted administration. Trump is literally swimming in a sea of crooks and Republicans helped and guarded the doors for him. Guilt by association is a really big thing when your office is responsible for running a nation, which includes sending patriotic citizens to their death in the name of military missions. Most especially when the administration show that it has no idea of what it is doing.
Robert Mueller Expressed Displeasure To Barr Over Handling Of Report | R...
Every time we learn something new about Barr and his mishandling of the Mueller Report, we find him to have been even more brazenly mendacious than before. I also notice he's beginning to show signs of sweating a little now that the subject of Congressional powers to punish bad behavior have begun to appear. Barr clearly has made himself so richly deserving of being made and example of it would be to the demerit of Congress if he were to be given a pass.
Right now the mission should be to protect all those other prosecutions under way that Barr has control of. Further, a look needs to be taken to ensure that Barr has not engaged in even more reprehensible conduct, by interfering in those other investigations/prosecutions . The most appropriate sanction, given the rabbit hole we have been led down is, "off with his head!". 😆
Tuesday, April 30, 2019
WAPO: As Threat Of Russia Grows For 2020 Race, Trump Won't Talk About It...
Putin is laughing his rump off, he gave us a "Manchurian Candidate" and we can't throw him off. All he has to do to help Trump win this next election is, start some conflict somewhere then back down when Trump engages. Trump will then be a shoo in. Boy does he have our number. As any ex KGB Agent would. Anyone who says so is just a conspiracy theorist Trump hater, eh?
Subpoena war between White House, Congress heats up
NO!!! Barr is a public servant he does not get to tell Congress how to run its hearings. He must submit to the Authority of. the House. Full stop.
Starting In Command, Will Joe Biden Build Up Or Fizzle? | Morning Joe | ...
It's earl, what we need to know is the meat and potatoes of how Trump is or is not governing. We need to know how many agencies are running under acting leadership We need to know how many positions are unfilled at each agency and the levels of expertise and/ or experience they have. If, for example many positions are being filled by newcomers and the agency is headed by an acting head, while many positions are going unfilled a general account of this information to weigh against the norms will be very informative about the President's ability to govern and explain why the agency is relatively missing in action, when call on to perform.
Monday, April 29, 2019
CNN The White House Correspondents' Dinner 10PM 4/27/19 | Trump Breaking...
Unfortunately investigative reporters are in short supply.
TRUMP VERY ANGRYLY! Deutsche Bank Providing Trump Financial Records to N...
Biden has got to be able to "play the dozens" to be able to beat Trump. All Trump has is mouthiness , he beats his opponents by sounding off on them better than they can sound off on him. His opponents are constrained by little things like truthfulness, morality, integrity and honor. Trump has no such boundaries so he can say whatever sounds best or funniest at the moment. You had better be prepared with a healthy pocketfull of comebacks to have a chance of dethroning him.
Robert Mueller Report Raises Questions About Donald Trump’s Intel Chief ...
We do a lot of business and have a lot of treaties with the rest of the world. Now think about what they are watching us do. Remember, they are soverign nations too, they also ha e the power to renounce treaties. They are watching America allow itself to be governed by an ignorant,psycopathic liar and unconvicted criminal, who is unethical, unprincipled, immoral , racist, xenophobic illiterate imbecile. Worse yet is that our Republican held Senate is just fine with a President who would make this a dictatorship, because he has no idea of how a government should work.
Our economy is going to suffer if our foreign relations collapse and that will be the result of clinging to this maladministration. Already things are going wrong because our institutions are being headed by incompetent appointees, who in turn are hiring syncopants in place of expertise.
Our economy is going to suffer if our foreign relations collapse and that will be the result of clinging to this maladministration. Already things are going wrong because our institutions are being headed by incompetent appointees, who in turn are hiring syncopants in place of expertise.
Sunday, April 28, 2019
Attorney General Barr may boycott House hearing
Contempt charges loom!
Pompeo hearing gets heated over what Trump told Putin
He needs to be cited for contempt. The disrespect of Congress is and should gall every American.
Donald Trump's business links to the mob - BBC Newsnight
The appearance of impropriety nor conflicts of interest are any longer disqualifies that require recusals. Meaning that decisions made from here on are untrustworthy. In short America is beginning God is beginning to disintegrate. Slowly but surely the level of suspicion,that decision makers are serving themselves and not the interest of the nation, is going to make unity extremely difficult to achieve.
There's More than 9,000lies told by the President, the sullied Chris Christy is pontificating on tv. America no longer seeks people of impeccable character and tested skills to spread ideas. We allow incredible people of ill repute to school our public. While denying ourselves the tools of critical thinking that would save the nation much of the grief we are going to experience going forward.
There's More than 9,000lies told by the President, the sullied Chris Christy is pontificating on tv. America no longer seeks people of impeccable character and tested skills to spread ideas. We allow incredible people of ill repute to school our public. While denying ourselves the tools of critical thinking that would save the nation much of the grief we are going to experience going forward.
Lone Trump U. student wants Trump in court
With this kind of legal baggage behind him it's hardly a wonder Trump wants to hide his taxes. Just imagine all the settlement deductions he would be taking for his frauds.
President Donald Trump Thinks Justices He Appointed Can Overturn Impeach...
The USSC fast tracks cases between the executive and the Congress, so these suits won't take very much time. Then again, not all lawyers have license to argue before the USSC. Thr court will expect these lawyers to only file suits that raise issues that are not already settled law and to recognize when the court should not intervene in matters between the branches who are exercising their Constitutional powers.
Personally I doubt that Trump has a lawyer left with stature sufficient to address the USSC. Since anyone with the right to practice before the Court would have long since put mileage between themselves and this wacky administration and its half crazed President.
Personally I doubt that Trump has a lawyer left with stature sufficient to address the USSC. Since anyone with the right to practice before the Court would have long since put mileage between themselves and this wacky administration and its half crazed President.
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