A collection of articles defining our times. The pages contain clickable links, don't let the titles fool you, some of the best articles have very non-descript titles and there are usually more articles on the matters in the days and week pages the links land on so it's a sort of treasure hunt through history, Enjoy!
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- Bag Man Podcast - Episode 1 - 7 | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC
Saturday, April 27, 2019
‘What Is He Hiding?:’ Democrats Dig In On Getting Trump’s Tax Returns | ...
Trump's lawyers aren't going to be all that busy, they will be quickly kicked out of court for filing frivolous lawsuits. Suits against the clear and settled powers of the House of Representatives, wher the courts have no constitutional role to play. Such suits, coming from lawyers, who should, of all people; understand the law, will tell the court volumes about the lack of legal skills they are being faced with.
With the answers so abundantly clear that an elementary school child would find no confusion, I would not be surprised to see the court move to bar the offending lawyer from the court and recommend their license be lifted. A possibility against which I would be surprised if Trump can find a lawyer; able to practice before the USSC, who would accept the task. We will see who wants to ruin their reputation.
With the answers so abundantly clear that an elementary school child would find no confusion, I would not be surprised to see the court move to bar the offending lawyer from the court and recommend their license be lifted. A possibility against which I would be surprised if Trump can find a lawyer; able to practice before the USSC, who would accept the task. We will see who wants to ruin their reputation.
New Report: Rod Rosenstein To President Donald Trump: 'I Can Land The Pl...
Heads must roll in the sand!
The Rachel Maddow Show 4/26/19 | MSNBC News Today April 26, 2019
This will probably get pulled by YouTube on a copyright challenge so enjoy this full show while it lasts. Usually the studio releases 15 minute clips.
The Light At The End Of The President Donald Trump Tunnel | The Last Wor...
Jews are going to replace you idiots and I am going to insure it. Rest in peace you loathsome creeps.
Mueller Report Shows President Donald Trump’s Repeated Efforts To Obstru...
Barr is treating his official duties and the Congress as some sort of fantasyland where mad hatter like ideas deserve equal or greater weight than truth, justice and/or the American way. Hopefully Congress will make an example of him when he returns, and punish him quite severely for not taking the nation's work seriously and disrespecting Congress with his attrocious and shameful misplaced loyalty. He either lied to Congress, or he was ill equipped to comprehend the material contained in the Mueller report he, needlessly provided an unauthorized summary of.
The gloves must now come off. These maladministrations must be sanctioned so severely that they cease. Because of the damage they are doing to the institutions our democracy relies upon in this complex technological world where global interdependencies are at stake.
Our moment in history is the equivalent of; the Reichstag building has burned, Hitler is making the speech that commies are to blame when a witness has entered the hall and testified that it was Hitler to be blamed. Whose word will we now take? The word of the person who the whole world knows has told over 9, 000 lies? Or the simple man who is telling us the truth? Everything hangs in the balance, we must not fail.
The gloves must now come off. These maladministrations must be sanctioned so severely that they cease. Because of the damage they are doing to the institutions our democracy relies upon in this complex technological world where global interdependencies are at stake.
Our moment in history is the equivalent of; the Reichstag building has burned, Hitler is making the speech that commies are to blame when a witness has entered the hall and testified that it was Hitler to be blamed. Whose word will we now take? The word of the person who the whole world knows has told over 9, 000 lies? Or the simple man who is telling us the truth? Everything hangs in the balance, we must not fail.
Friday, April 26, 2019
Ex-DOJ Official: 'Weak' Rod Rosenstein Let Trump, Barr Use Him | The Bea...
...And again; Rosenstein tries to "land the plane", only too have Trump unmask him and put "the plane" Bach up in the air and at an even higher altitude. You don't get to side with Trump and come away unscathed. That should have been lesson "Trump 101" as Trump revealed the the lies other had told on his behalf.
Now we have Boeing on the ropes for a problem that requires that American institutions be trusted to fix. Can you guess why that is not going to happen anytime soon? Now our Justice Department has been crippled. What's next? The longer Trump stays the worst thing will get. In fact, if he leaves without being massively rebuked we are toast for all intents and purposes. We rely on the world for a lot, because of our massively complex technological economy. It is not cost effective to fight for each required resource. If the world denies them to us we will have to step back our lifestyles and perhaps even suffer large losses, either corporal or economic. So be aware.
Now we have Boeing on the ropes for a problem that requires that American institutions be trusted to fix. Can you guess why that is not going to happen anytime soon? Now our Justice Department has been crippled. What's next? The longer Trump stays the worst thing will get. In fact, if he leaves without being massively rebuked we are toast for all intents and purposes. We rely on the world for a lot, because of our massively complex technological economy. It is not cost effective to fight for each required resource. If the world denies them to us we will have to step back our lifestyles and perhaps even suffer large losses, either corporal or economic. So be aware.
How Donald Trump’s Bluff On House Subpoenas May Backfire | The Beat With...
Not a wonder that China, Russia and N. Korea want to see Trump win another term. He's destroying America. Putin is laughing his arse off. That Trump even has a chance at another term shows just how much we have lost as a nation that wouldn't even tolerate "Monkey Business", or John Dean's victory yell.
We're going over the edge and that is not a good thing.
Think for a minute, the world saw two American built airliners crash. Now we know that that could be real reporting, but it could also be false. It happened overseas where other nations have control. But, either way that has cost America a billion dollars immediately and heaven only knows how much it will cost in the future. The world watched while our FAA dragged its feet on suspending the aircraft. That is cause for many to be troubled, even more so in light of America's politics. The President hardly inspires the world's trust. Yet Boeing and the FAA need to inspire trust worldwide if those new planes are gong to sell or the orders will go to Airbus and American workers will be laid off.
Trump just doesn't get how many things are interrelated.
We're going over the edge and that is not a good thing.
Think for a minute, the world saw two American built airliners crash. Now we know that that could be real reporting, but it could also be false. It happened overseas where other nations have control. But, either way that has cost America a billion dollars immediately and heaven only knows how much it will cost in the future. The world watched while our FAA dragged its feet on suspending the aircraft. That is cause for many to be troubled, even more so in light of America's politics. The President hardly inspires the world's trust. Yet Boeing and the FAA need to inspire trust worldwide if those new planes are gong to sell or the orders will go to Airbus and American workers will be laid off.
Trump just doesn't get how many things are interrelated.
Watch live: Trump, Pence address NRA annual meeting
The applause appears a bit delayed and lacklustre, as if forced and called forth with cue signs. It especially seems that the old " healthcare for all is socialism" is failing. Could the message that the Republicans want to kill all healthcare,programs that are government sponsored, be getting through? Clearly the Republican base is worried about Trump's healthcare plans, as well they should be.
How Donald Trump’s Bluff On House Subpoenas May Backfire | The Beat With...
Trump is trying to make things up as he goes along. Unfortunately for him , his slim knowledge of government and law, not only prevents him from fashioning a credible dodge/defense, but it is an exercise fraught with danger of running a towel of various laws. Most notably retaliation has been Trump's over worked tool. His hope is that its use on those who transgress, will have a chilling effect on those who might intend. That may work well in industry, but not in government and politics, where it can be against the law.
Of course the law, and Trump's lack of general knowledge of it, should have a chilling effect on Trump, but it doesn't. Partly due to his inability to obtain any real legal talent. So he must soilder along with the likes of Rudy "the truth is not the truth" Giuliani the joke of Foley Square.
Of course the law, and Trump's lack of general knowledge of it, should have a chilling effect on Trump, but it doesn't. Partly due to his inability to obtain any real legal talent. So he must soilder along with the likes of Rudy "the truth is not the truth" Giuliani the joke of Foley Square.
Thursday, April 25, 2019
Selectively Self-Righteous Graham Says Buttigieg Must Repent | Morning J...
Graham is a " Moral Pretzel Evangelical" He is so twisted all he needs is salt and mustard. Hahaha!
Busted: Mueller Report Shows Trump AG Barr Did Not Tell The Truth | The ...
With the entire world watching Congress appear impotent, while our deranged President tells more than 9,000 lies, confidence in America's ability to be a rational player at anything, with anyone, declines.
This means they will feel a need to defend themselves against us, instead of working with us. Worse yet is that foreign intelligence agencies will play hard ball with us. State sponsored actor will have little trouble gaining or creating Kompromat against politicians, captains of industry and those they rely upon. There are just too many weak points to have people in high places with insufficient integrity, morals or trustworthiness, to make the honor system unworkable.
You can, I'm sure, imagine the hubris we are up against. With Trump appointing the worst people, who themselves are hiring the worst people, who are then doing sensitive jobs poorly. We are in trouble that only gets worse day by day.
This means they will feel a need to defend themselves against us, instead of working with us. Worse yet is that foreign intelligence agencies will play hard ball with us. State sponsored actor will have little trouble gaining or creating Kompromat against politicians, captains of industry and those they rely upon. There are just too many weak points to have people in high places with insufficient integrity, morals or trustworthiness, to make the honor system unworkable.
You can, I'm sure, imagine the hubris we are up against. With Trump appointing the worst people, who themselves are hiring the worst people, who are then doing sensitive jobs poorly. We are in trouble that only gets worse day by day.
Wednesday, April 24, 2019
What you missed in the Mueller report
What you missed in the Mueller report
POLITICO dived back into the report and its 2,000-plus footnotes to unearth a few details that have not gotten much attention.
04/23/2019 05:05 AM EDT
Updated 04/23/2019 11:17 AM EDT1
Robert Mueller keeps on giving.
Dozens of overlooked nuggets are buried deep inside the special counsel’s 448-page report that raise yet more intriguing questions about Russia’s meddling in the 2016 election and shed new light on charges Mueller considered and dropped, who dished on the president, who evaded Mueller's attempts to secure an interview, what happened to the FBI's mysterious counterintelligence investigation and why a Russian Olympic weightlifter mistakenly ended up on the public radar.
That’s what happens when two-plus years of investigative work get distilled into a document consumed at the speed of Twitter — and where the sheer volume of news articles about the special counsel’s findings overloaded the most able multitaskers and the fastest speed-readers.
POLITICO dived back into the report and its 2,000-plus footnotes to unearth these details that have not gotten much attention:
POLITICO dived back into the report and its 2,000-plus footnotes to unearth a few details that have not gotten much attention.
04/23/2019 05:05 AM EDT
Updated 04/23/2019 11:17 AM EDT1
Robert Mueller keeps on giving.
Dozens of overlooked nuggets are buried deep inside the special counsel’s 448-page report that raise yet more intriguing questions about Russia’s meddling in the 2016 election and shed new light on charges Mueller considered and dropped, who dished on the president, who evaded Mueller's attempts to secure an interview, what happened to the FBI's mysterious counterintelligence investigation and why a Russian Olympic weightlifter mistakenly ended up on the public radar.
That’s what happens when two-plus years of investigative work get distilled into a document consumed at the speed of Twitter — and where the sheer volume of news articles about the special counsel’s findings overloaded the most able multitaskers and the fastest speed-readers.
POLITICO dived back into the report and its 2,000-plus footnotes to unearth these details that have not gotten much attention:
White House Plans To Block Aides From Testifying Before Congress | Rache...
What happens when Trump runs afoul of those frivolous lawsuit penalties?
My guess is he will have to pay them out of his own pocket eh?
My guess is he will have to pay them out of his own pocket eh?
What A White House Under Siege Looks Like | Deadline | MSNBC
The democracy is under extreme stress and the cracks are beginning to widen. It needs to be strengthened but since the parties are polarised there is very little that can be done to repair it. Putin has the upper hand because Congress is almost paralyzed by partisan bickering and pandering.
Meanwhile, the worldwide underpinnings of our economic, political and military structures are suffering a withdrawal of faith and trust, due to the erratic behaviour of our president and the inability to reign him in, because of his political power.
Meanwhile, the worldwide underpinnings of our economic, political and military structures are suffering a withdrawal of faith and trust, due to the erratic behaviour of our president and the inability to reign him in, because of his political power.
Tuesday, April 23, 2019
Full Huffman: ‘Many Of Us Believe This Is Inevitably Leading To Impeachm...
Trump is the President America's enemies wanted us to have. Supremacist, bigots, xenophobes and racists thought it would be great to have one of their own in the Oval office. It never occurred to them that Putin knew that their ideals would harm America badly. Now Trump has caused the world to question our commitment to the people an1d our allies. The world now worries about our treaties and our ene1 have this uncertainty to advantage them against the U.S. Far from making America great he has made everything worse again.
Joe: Both Sides 'Shocked' By William Barr's Recklessness | Morning Joe |...
The only answer that has a chance of being a reasonable fit, as to why Barr would do this transparent damaging of his career /legacy, is that perhaps the Russians had Kompromat on him. I gave some thought about Trump offering him something, but nothing I could think of would be inducement enough to cause this self destruction. Trump could not promise enough money, because with his reputation there is no assurance he would pay. Besides Barr probably doesn't need the money anyway.
So, it's either Russian kompromat or insanely blind ideology that has driven him to utterly destroy his years of service and fine reputation. Now all he has are the ashes left, like so many others who were foolish enough to believe they could serve Trump.
Is is incredibly notable among the beltway crowd, that Trump cannot attract the best and brightest talent. The best and brightest would not be the best and brightest if they could not see the train wreck ahead in joining Trump.
So, it's either Russian kompromat or insanely blind ideology that has driven him to utterly destroy his years of service and fine reputation. Now all he has are the ashes left, like so many others who were foolish enough to believe they could serve Trump.
Is is incredibly notable among the beltway crowd, that Trump cannot attract the best and brightest talent. The best and brightest would not be the best and brightest if they could not see the train wreck ahead in joining Trump.
Joe: Would GOP Accept Democrats Candidate Getting Stolen Material? | Mor...
The inference is that your enemies are not looking out for your best interests. Thus, if your nations enemy wants you to win an election, there must be something bad for the country in your candidacy. Obviously Putin was right to assess that Trump's Presidency would be very problematic for America.
After House Speaker Pelosi Call, Congressman Pumps Brakes On Impeachment...
Another thing about impeachment is that Vice President. He is worse than Trump in that he has none of the baggage and has insider knowledge of protocols. Making his efforts much more difficult to defeat. Worse is he holds Trumpian objectives in spades. So we're between a rock and a hard place.
Neal Katyal On Mueller Teeing Up Trump’s 'Date With Destiny' | The Beat ...
The only question remaining is whether enough Republican Senators care about America or not. Because if they don't this President will destroy the United States of America, while we can come back from just about anything, we cannot come back from being unable to overcome deceit.
Democrats Not Committing To Impeachment After Strategy Session | Hardbal...
We do not want to run into a Republican Senate "Buzz Saw". Where the Republican held Senate refuses to impeach despite the evidence. Making the effort seem bogus and politically motivated. Which, of course, would be easy to do and seem very credible. Remember, Republicans have shown themselves to be very corrupt and unethical themselves. They lack morale fibre and integrity. Nor do they care about the welfare of either the nation or its citizens. They only care about holding on to their personal power and raising funds. So we can count on them to do the wrong thing in the effort to make themselves look better. Worse yet, they have an ignorant following that is unable to think clearly and has little, if any, regard for the truth.
Thus will the task of saving the nation from the disaster Putin intended, will be a very difficult one. But while the hearings buys time for people to think, it also provides time for Trump's maladministrations to appear.
Thus will the task of saving the nation from the disaster Putin intended, will be a very difficult one. But while the hearings buys time for people to think, it also provides time for Trump's maladministrations to appear.
Robert Mueller Report Raises Questions About Donald Trump’s Intel Chief ...
Overseas things aren't looking good for American foreign policy. Our inability to deal decisively with a damaging, out of control presidency and his corrupt influence one the government and body politic, has left the nation's of the world going in many different directions to protect themselves. We won't feel the results of this for a while yet but it will not be good.
Monday, April 22, 2019
Americans Want To Hear Actual Solutions: Bill De Blasio | Morning Joe | ...
Then the statute of limitations runs out on his obstruction of justice and and he gets to finish wrecking the nation for Putin. When Republicans finally realise their mistake it will be too late because you can't straighten things out when the government is being run by clueless syncopants he hired.
Representative Tim Ryan: Report Not A Topic Of Conversation With Voters ...
Oh great, they're going to wait until they're feeling the pain before they decide right from wrong. If wrong pays well then the shape of the ship of state won't matter. But if it doesn't pay well then they'll scream bloody murder, notwithstanding that by then it will be too late.
'I'm More Likely To Support Trump Today:' Voters React To Mueller Report...
Wow, these people think that an unethical, immoral and despicable person can deal with foreign policy matters and address local/domestic concerns very well because business people are naturally despicable, unethical and immoral.
Meanwhile they fail to notice that American made planes are crashing around the world and while Boeing is promising to fix the problems, the world is extremely concerned for and about America. Because we have an immoral, unethical and despicable leader and we refuse to shake him. The last time a person with Trump's qualifications took power, 55 million people died.
How someone who cannot be trusted, is despicable, unethical and an ignorant racist, will be able to convince anyone to make a deal with him is beyond me. Look at the trail of wrecked careers he has made of the people who supported and clung to him. Can the fate of the nation be somehow saved from the same fate? That is extremely doubtful because things just don't work that way. You will not do business with anyone who you knew to be a pathological liar. So, you have no reason to believe that anyone else will either.
Meanwhile they fail to notice that American made planes are crashing around the world and while Boeing is promising to fix the problems, the world is extremely concerned for and about America. Because we have an immoral, unethical and despicable leader and we refuse to shake him. The last time a person with Trump's qualifications took power, 55 million people died.
How someone who cannot be trusted, is despicable, unethical and an ignorant racist, will be able to convince anyone to make a deal with him is beyond me. Look at the trail of wrecked careers he has made of the people who supported and clung to him. Can the fate of the nation be somehow saved from the same fate? That is extremely doubtful because things just don't work that way. You will not do business with anyone who you knew to be a pathological liar. So, you have no reason to believe that anyone else will either.
Sunday, April 21, 2019
Representative Elijah Cummings: I Am Begging Americans To Pay Attention ...
No! Because the Special Counsel restricted himself to collecting evidence and not making conclusions. The evidence needed to conclude that there was a conspiracy was not obtained because the White House did not cooperate and Mueller was unwilling to mount the protracted effort he envisioned would be required to obtain the needed evidence. He is certain the White House would fight him every step of the way, had he tried to go there. So everything was to be left to Congressional discretion. The President was cleared of nothing!
Full Rudy: 'No Reason To Dispute' Mueller Report | Meet The Press | NBC ...
When the "Central Park Five", proved their innocence Giuliani was not at all interested in how those false confessions were obtained. So he is a joke and a liar. That is a matter of public record.
Rep. Schiff Discusses Release of the Mueller Report on CNN
Republicans have no problem that their President has the appearance of impropriety. Nixon would have survived today. It appears that there are many voters who are unconcerned about our Constitutional form of government and they would let it collapse if that's what it takes to get 5heir way. Of course, "their way" is what the Constitution prohibits. That has been a path to success for over 200 years.
Mueller Report Reveals Trump Campaign Was Eager For Wikileaks Releases |...
The longer a corrupt President holds powers there is much he can do to fight impeachment. He can impound funds, cancel or impede programs and dangle assistance to states etc., to play with the minds and hearts of the Congresspeople. Look at what we have: should it be determined that the president is crooked, we have Supreme Court Justices appointed by this crook. We have agency heads and lower court federal judges appointed by a crook. Would you have confidence in a judge appointed by Al Capone? I, for one, do not think so. But, as things stand now, every crook a crooked President and his minions bring into government, we are stuck with. We will have to live with what Putin has done for a very long time. Far from making America great Trump has made us a banana republic.
Rep. Ted Lieu: If Trump Obstructed Justice, Impeachment Should Be On The...
The longer a corrupt President remains in office, with his corrupt staffers and with those powers, the more the national processes are at risk of damage and deletion. We cannot risk that something attrocious might be done in cause of some as-yet-unknown effort. But we do know that the possibilities are endless.
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