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Saturday, June 1, 2019
Emails Shed Light On Efforts To Put USS John McCain 'Out Of Sight' | Mor...
Congress should pass a bill that places John McCain and Harriet Tubman memorial statues in front of all Trump properties, and in the White House places where Trump spends his time. Hahaha.
‘Dishonor Starts At The Top:’ WH Request To Block McCain’s Name On Warsh...
Does this remind anybody of "Bridge Gate"?
Inside Team Trump’s Plot To Whitewash Mueller’s Historic Report | The Be...
After Barr displays his gross impropriety, where we once eschewed even the appearance thereof, Trump gives this disgustingly compromised oaf the super powers to overrule the CIA on matters of their most sensitive classified material. This, despite the dangers and the terrible levels of uncertainty this raises for the Agency, its operatives, assets and cooperators. As if there was not already enough danger and uncertainty in the clandestined sector. They don't know what to trust of what's in front of them, and now they have to worry about what's at their backs as well. And for what? So that a person, with no credibility left, can cherry pick through the files, on which many lives depend, and declassify whatever nuggets he finds he can twist into a useful narrative to support his lord and master.
The way the Republican party is acting, it's as if Trump has pedo vids of them all preforming terrible acts. Why would anyone who calls themselves and American, take sides with someone who consorts with dictators and praises them over America's own service people? The last time we saw such fealty was way back in the 1930's in Europe and that did not end well at all.
As far as people reading the Mueller report goes, nobody bothered to read what Copernicus had written, yet everyone had an opinion that he was either right or wrong, regardless of whether they knew what they were talking about. Same with Galileo and Newton etc., on and on. Always controversy over matters people have not taken the time or expended the effort needed to actually know what they're talking about. You'd think that after some 400 years of science proving itself over the empty headed braying of naysayers, ("Nattering naybobs of negativism", anyone?), the 21st century would convince people that "the devil" really is in the details, eh? Well it seems to be that America has lost its way.
Friday, May 31, 2019
Attorney General William Barr Weighs In On Robert Mueller Remarks | Morn...
As the truth percolates into the Trumpanistas minds, their monolithic support will crumble. Pelosi knows that when this happens the Senate Republicans will break ranks, not wanting to be unseated for sure. Trump will be Nixonified with no chance of Fordification in the offing this time. Impeachment will mark Trump, but there is plenty of time for a mere marking exercise, Pelosi wants to go for the prize of removal. That will acquit the nation somewhat in the eyes of the world.
Don Lemon: The President is using his bully pulpit to lie
Remember Trump got to see the Mueller report before Barr even read it. Before Barr even read the report the WH was probably making suggestions and/or reading Barr's summary letter. Barr testified that he had not looked at the underlying evidence, or had even read the report before he decided to conclude that Trump was exonerated by it. Now this liar has gained super powers over the U.S. most sensitive intelligence and that entire agency. There is no telling how much damage he can or will do, but we do know his appointment has sent a chilling effect around the globe and elated our enemies.
Beto O'Rourke: Call to impeach Trump isn't a rushed decision
What is of the utmost urgency now is, we have to get Barr's hands out of the CIA's files. We already know that he will force the sphere into the hole where the cube is supposed to fit, to get the result that he wants. In the world of intelligence that is dangerously demoralizing to say the least, it is dangerous and self defeating and it has sent a shudder around the globe. Our allies are horrified, our enemies are elated. While Barr is totally useless because nothing he says will be worthy of any trust at all. Thus, all he is doing is endangering our operatives lives, and endangering our intelligence operations worldwide. Truly a display of the fact that Trump cares for no one and for nothing besides himself.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Trump defends decision to give Barr unprecedented powers
AAfter Barr lied to congress, thereby proving himself to be unworthy of trust, Trump trusts him with the keys to the national intelligence. Barr does not respect traditions, protocols and norms, he is a bull unleashed into the national china shop. The CIA hasn't the power to stop Barr, because of his sweeping Presidential authority. Congress is the only agency that can check this abominal gross stupidity.
Trump accidentally admitted the truth
No, no, no, why do you guys get it so wrong? Trump and his people were meeting with Russians to get them to help Hillary get elected. They met in Trump tower to have them confirm that they had deep sixed any Clinton emails they might have found and to see if they could get them to release Trump's Tax returns to help Hillary. Trump had to lie about it because he was embarrassed to have it known that he was secretly helping Hillary while his supporters were screaming "lock her up".
Trump is trying to keep his tax returns hidden because he's too embarrassed to let his peers in the business know that he has been actually over paying his taxes year after year, after bragging at how he was managing to avoid paying taxes so well. About those bankrupt casinos, the money was coming in way too fast, in such massive waves of cash he was afraid he was going to tank the economy, so he devised plans to lose as much money as he could as fast as he could. Bankrupting the casinos only shows just how big a successful businessman he is. It's not easy to bankrupt casinos. But despite his best efforts he still was unable to stop women from coming after him, so he had to hire a lawyer to pay women to sign agreements to stay away from him. He was lucky to have a friend like Pecker, to stop women from publishing torrid love stories about their romances with him.
Nor was he trying to obstruct justice, he was only interested in firing prosecutors because they weren't coming up with hard enough evidence of collusion fast enough. The plan was to fire the slow pokes and hire people who could dig up real dirt faster. Instead the plan backfired and Mueller exonerated him. </snark> Hahaha (If you believe any of the above, please leave me your contact information so that I can sell you the rights to scoop up as much gold as you can carry in half and hour, from Fort Knox. Please hurry these rights are going fast!) Hahahaha!
Trump is trying to keep his tax returns hidden because he's too embarrassed to let his peers in the business know that he has been actually over paying his taxes year after year, after bragging at how he was managing to avoid paying taxes so well. About those bankrupt casinos, the money was coming in way too fast, in such massive waves of cash he was afraid he was going to tank the economy, so he devised plans to lose as much money as he could as fast as he could. Bankrupting the casinos only shows just how big a successful businessman he is. It's not easy to bankrupt casinos. But despite his best efforts he still was unable to stop women from coming after him, so he had to hire a lawyer to pay women to sign agreements to stay away from him. He was lucky to have a friend like Pecker, to stop women from publishing torrid love stories about their romances with him.
Nor was he trying to obstruct justice, he was only interested in firing prosecutors because they weren't coming up with hard enough evidence of collusion fast enough. The plan was to fire the slow pokes and hire people who could dig up real dirt faster. Instead the plan backfired and Mueller exonerated him. </snark> Hahaha (If you believe any of the above, please leave me your contact information so that I can sell you the rights to scoop up as much gold as you can carry in half and hour, from Fort Knox. Please hurry these rights are going fast!) Hahahaha!
Bolton looks on as Trump undercuts him in public
Trump couldn't shine Bolton's shoes, hahahaha.
President Donald Trump Calls Person Who Tried To Hide USS John McCain 'W...
McCain did not kill healthcare, he stopped Trump from killing it with his phony "kill and replace", because he had nothing to replace it with. The entire government is suffering greatly under Trump and his Republican cohorts.
Mitch McConnell Blocks Bills To Combat Election Interference | All In | ...
Is Mitch blocking the bill because it was written by a black woman? Inquiring minds want to know. Of course , not, Mitch only wants to ensure another term for Agent Orange, the guy who wants to know the "oranges" of the Russia investigations. Hahaha, the "very smart and stable genius" can't even say origins, who only recently discovered that an island is surrounded by "big water" that is wet. Hahahaha, it took a rocket scientist to figure that out, eh?
Robert Mueller Makes Clear Onus For Trump Accountability Is On Congress ...
Congress needs to move quickly to stop the corrupt Mr. Barr from accessing the nations secrets by keeping him out of the CIA offices. The entire nation has to be grossly appalled that a lying corrupt Mr. Barr has been given the Presidents super powers to go through the CIA's files and declassify whatever he wants.
This is unprecedented, dangerous and disgusting.
This is unprecedented, dangerous and disgusting.
DOJ Insider Hits “Naïve” Mueller In AG Barr “Faith” | The Beat With Ari ...
It makes matters even worse when you remember that Barr went to the White House first and let them read the Mueller report (and his four page summary?) before he lied to the Congress, making the White House culpable in his deceit. Why are we constantly finding that, after the Trump administration tells us one thing, we subsequently learn that, not only wasn't what they said true, but even worse, crimes were committed as well? Still the corrupt Mr. McConnell demands that the party continue to hold fast their support for a President who is constantly being shown to be deeply and totally corrupt.
Trump is a poor man's
idea of a rich man,
An uneducated man's
idea of a smart man,
A coward's idea of a brave man...
and a gullible fool's
idea of a great President
The Mueller Report: Watch As We Read The Whole Thing Live
Trump is a poor man's
idea of a rich man,
An uneducated man's
idea of a smart man,
A coward's idea of a brave man...
and a gullible fool's
idea of a great President
The Mueller Report: Watch As We Read The Whole Thing Live
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Robert Mueller Spoke. And His Message Couldn’t Have Been Clearer. | Dead...
There are several big problems this creates: First we must remember that Barr showed this report to the White House before he released his summary. That means that his lies and his intentions to present those lies to Congress were known to the White House and he was not either admonished or restrained. That makes the White House an equal partner in this contempt of Congress. Next is the fact that, despite Barr's willingness to go boldly forward and lie to the Congress, Trump has handed him the keys to the nations intelligence agencies! Clearly someone who is openly mendacious, should not qualify to handle the nations most sensitive secrets. This is a most dangerous misuse of power that the President has exercised. There are so many very serious problems with Trump and everyone who has been associated with him, the Republicans can hardly call themselves patriots if they continue to shield him from his just desserts.
BREAKING: Robert Mueller Resigns | MSNBC
God Bless Robert Mueller, he can write his own ticket from here. Good luck in your return to private life!
Republican Calls For Impeachment After Reading Mueller Report | Rachel M...
Surprise, surprise, some MAGAnauts don't want to live under a dictatorship. If they don't want to believe what Democrats are saying, they should at least hold up what Trump is saying and doing, against the instructions given to us all, by the founding fathers who set this whole, very successful American Experiment, up.
Democrats Must ‘Show Boldness, Not Timidity’ For 2020 Win, Says Lichtman...
If this guy is right America is already lost. If after all Trump has done he can still hold onto the office, there's just no saving the republic, we will be a dictatorship. Of course there will be screaming and yelling and even resistance, but the rule of law will be over and done, the courts will lose their power and the executive will have the last word on everything. Meaning that over time he will eviscerate the opposition. It doesn't happen over night, it happens little by little as he consolidates power and mows down his opposition. Eventually he becomes strong enough to simply do away with even the smallest appearance of being accountable to anyone. Then, like other dictators before him, he gets to express his paranoia and goes after his own, thinking they have too much power or are too popular or too wealthy, on and on.
Even worse, political hacks who have his ear, get plum appointments and they appoint others, all of whom will have super powers to do whatever they like with anyone unfortunate enough to get their attention. I, sincerely doubt Republicans realize what they are doing and I'm very sure they are not going to like the results either.
Even worse, political hacks who have his ear, get plum appointments and they appoint others, all of whom will have super powers to do whatever they like with anyone unfortunate enough to get their attention. I, sincerely doubt Republicans realize what they are doing and I'm very sure they are not going to like the results either.
Former Republicans Question What Happened To Their Party | MTP Daily | M...
Watch Liberal Activist Press Congressman On Impeaching Trump | The Beat ...
That's why timing is of utmost importance. Don't put the club in his hands until it's too late for him to use it.
Watch Liberal Activist Press Congressman On Impeaching Trump | The Beat ...
Impeachment is a political process that only works if it removes the offender from office. If it doesn't do that, then what you have is, essentially a wounded animal in office. The people calling for impeachment have never been in a courtroom as a subject, they have never held a public office and been a hostage of the processes. Those who do or have, are viewing the matter as being something pretty straight forward and ideological. But politics doesn't work that way. Because one mans facts are another mans fiction. Emotions run strong and get in the way of truth and justice.
Pelosi is right in that she knows that it takes time for the truth to function. You have to work the issues until the opposition has a catharsilytic moment. At some point, the truth folds back on itself, in the minds of the emotionally driven, such that it creates an inescapable loop, the only way out is for the mind to drop the emotionally driven "reasonings". There's time to impeach and there's a time when it can be done effectively, despite it not being successful at removal. That time is not near, so let Pelosi run her game, I'm comfortable that she has the skills to make things right in the end.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Lindsey Graham confronted w/ HIS '98 clip on defying subpoenas
In Congress everyone can hear you scream!
Monday, May 27, 2019
The Rachel Maddow Show 5/26/19 | The Rachel MSNBC News Today May 26, 2019
Trump is the biggest loser in American history, just look at his big beautiful losses! lol
Okay, new game, we'll call it "add a word", take a lie Trump told and add a word to make it true. Here, I'll go first:
"I don't do cover ups" +well. hahaha.
Women are not alone on Roe! There are lots and lots of men who support Roe too! (look for the pink lapel ribbons).
OMG, the intelligence material would be held by the CIA, guess who just got the authority to go over there and cover it up?
Okay, new game, we'll call it "add a word", take a lie Trump told and add a word to make it true. Here, I'll go first:
"I don't do cover ups" +well. hahaha.
Women are not alone on Roe! There are lots and lots of men who support Roe too! (look for the pink lapel ribbons).
OMG, the intelligence material would be held by the CIA, guess who just got the authority to go over there and cover it up?
Sunday, May 26, 2019
West Point 2019 class just made history
No wonder Trump had to be gotten out of the country, just imagine him having to address this class and then appear at Arlington National for the services few American Presidents have failed to attend, it being the one day each year that the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces publicly honors America's fallen. Captain Bonespurs couldn't risk being called out for his cowardly evasion of his duty such that some poor unfortunate fellow had to take his place in the war. Trump is not viewed with respect after his disparaging remarks insulted an Honorable John McCain who served with honor and suffered greatly at the hands of the enemy.
Trump, Bolton Seem To Be At Odds Over North Korea | MSNBC
No way Trump can win the battle of wits with Bolton, who has a record of government service to fall back on. He will make Trump look decidedly foolish, if Trump attempts to argue issues with Bolton. Worse yet Trump is trapped, he's been out maneuvered by Bolton, into a position where he's now so heavily reliant upon Bolton for expertise, that he cannot find the nerve or guts to fire Bolton, who knows he can now walk all over Trump and Trump can do nothing about it. Bolton truly gets the last laugh here, eh?
Mayor Pete Unafraid To 'Go There,' Calls Out President Donald Trump On V...
Notice that they have gotten Trump out of the country on Memorial Day, so that he doesn't have to face the shame of his cowardice. On the day when Presidents honor the war dead by laying a wreath at Arlington National Cemetary Trump has to run to Japan for another one of his useless "meetings". He's hoping that Americans are to stupid to notice him running out on this traditional ceremony. I'm sure the armed forces are keenly aware and insulted, though they will not give a clue about it.
Needless to say that the CIA can't be happy with Trumps overriding their pregatives, giving the liar Barr super power over them. It will be interesting to see how this powerful and highly skilled agency handles Trumps game.
Needless to say that the CIA can't be happy with Trumps overriding their pregatives, giving the liar Barr super power over them. It will be interesting to see how this powerful and highly skilled agency handles Trumps game.
Ford Announces Massive Layoffs
Corporations and companies don't hire people because they have the money to do so, they hire people to fill orders coming in the door. No orders no hires, no matter how much money you give them, no matter where the extra money comes from. Without orders to fill the companies do not need more employees. To increase hiring, you need to put more money in the hands of people who will spend it. Anyone who promises to create jobs with tax cuts or other schemes that do not increase the demand for products is simply trying to con you.
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