A collection of articles defining our times. The pages contain clickable links, don't let the titles fool you, some of the best articles have very non-descript titles and there are usually more articles on the matters in the days and week pages the links land on so it's a sort of treasure hunt through history, Enjoy!
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Saturday, May 11, 2019
Michael Lewis: Why Government is Good | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)
When the next President takes office he or she is going to have a real mess on their hands. Remember these are the nameless, faceless people who make the government work. All those thousands of little details that get checks made out for the correct amount, in the right names and going to the right addresses on time, just to name one example.
Donald Trump Era Pressures A Test Of Courage For Battle-Hardened James B...
This is the other half of that full show post,
Counterintel Elements Of Trump-Russia Probe Remain In A Black Box | Rach...
Just in case the full show upload goes away.
Rod Rosenstein's Robert Mueller Problem Exposed | The Beat With Ari Melb...
The only plane he landed was his pension.
FULL The Rachel Maddow Show 5/10/19 | The Rachel MSNBC News Today May 10...
Let's hope this doesn't get taken down by copyright challenge But, in case it does I will also get the authorized clips msnbc posts.
President Donald Trump's ‘Ukraine Are You Listening?’ Moment | Deadline ...
One thing you will find out about this blog is that we are not a forgetful blog. I don't mainly post videos because I'm lazy. I post them because they are a most veritical record of the events we have lived through, as we were living through them. Go back to the beginning of this blog an see the Clinton whitewater investigations play out. Watch as Monica appears by Ken Starr's deceit.
See the Bush V. Gore play out then onto 911. Subprime loans, market lockup. Obama years then onto Trump. It's all there. So If you missed it I have it collected for you here.
You really need to look because it is quite an education by itself when you can go through what it took us over 30 years to live through, and you can come up to date in just a few weeks. Not by rhetoric or speculation, but by seeing the actual news.
Trump Attorney Rudy Giuliani Now Says He Won't Take Trip To Ukraine | Th...
He had the good sense to slither back under his rock. He has always been bad. His "overzealous" prosecution of mobsters resulted in them going free. Their convictions overturned for "overzealous prosecution", by judges who excoriated Giuliani for his tactics. As Mayor he did a horrible job. Marked by his "Brawl On The Bridge" and The Central Park Five, among other things. He did something very ghoulish that earned him the nickname: Ghouliani". I don't remember off hand what it was but I have no intention of refreshing my memories of this ghouls administration. But from marital infidelity to clearing a homeless camp with police and bulldozers, instead of psychologists and social workers, he sought to make an Alexander the Great of himself. What a joke.
Democrats Planning To Force W.H. To Comply With Oversight Requests | The...
The Founding Fathers knew that the powers of the President were great, they therefore saw to it that the powers of the Congress were even greater, so that Congress would have the power sufficient to overcome oversight objections by the chief executive. Now Congress is being forced to use its vast powers in the effort to protect America against being upset by a foreign adversary.
The Courts appear to be of the opinion that the business of the nation comes before all other business. Historically the Courts have always "fast tracked" cases between the branches of government. That is as it should be. No reasonable person can consider any delay in resolving conflicts between branches of government to be something that can be delayed for any reason. Sinc that would not be good for the government or the nation that depends on it.
The Courts appear to be of the opinion that the business of the nation comes before all other business. Historically the Courts have always "fast tracked" cases between the branches of government. That is as it should be. No reasonable person can consider any delay in resolving conflicts between branches of government to be something that can be delayed for any reason. Sinc that would not be good for the government or the nation that depends on it.
Democrats Planning To Force W.H. To Comply With Oversight Requests | The...
The Founding Fathers knew that the powers of the President were great, they therefore saw to it that the powers of the Congress were even greater, so that Congress would have the power sufficient to overcome oversight objections by the chief executive. Now Congress is being forced to use its vast powers in the effort to protect America against being upset by a foreign adversary.
The Courts appear to be of the opinion that the business of the nation comes before all other business. Historically the Courts have always "fast tracked" cases between the branches of government. That is as it should be. No reasonable person can consider any delay in resolving conflicts between branches of government to be something that can be delayed for any reason. Sinc that would not be good for the government or the nation that depends on it.
The Courts appear to be of the opinion that the business of the nation comes before all other business. Historically the Courts have always "fast tracked" cases between the branches of government. That is as it should be. No reasonable person can consider any delay in resolving conflicts between branches of government to be something that can be delayed for any reason. Sinc that would not be good for the government or the nation that depends on it.
Friday, May 10, 2019
Here's how much Trump's China tariffs will cost you
China won't even think about blinking they are not retail sellers. They make parts and products for American mfg's and distributers so that's where the greatest risk and need for supply exists. If rising prices stop people from buying certain products, American companies either take the hit, fire workers or go bankrupt. All Trump has done is make doing business here more risky.
This is the result of his ignorance. It give birth to abject stupidity because he has no grasp of how anything works and he takes no advice from people who know. He says China is cheating us. The truth is they are cheating themselves out of a more robust economy and greater social mobility, all in the name of bringing in business. They don't realize that they do so at great social and moral expense. So Trump, in effect ,attempts to solve the fake problem he imagines by punching himself in the face. He will also trash anyone who comes to his aid. That's why Putin selected him as the ideal President. Guess who fell for it? The people who thought Sarah Palin would make a great V.P. and hail "Joe the Plumber!"
This is the result of his ignorance. It give birth to abject stupidity because he has no grasp of how anything works and he takes no advice from people who know. He says China is cheating us. The truth is they are cheating themselves out of a more robust economy and greater social mobility, all in the name of bringing in business. They don't realize that they do so at great social and moral expense. So Trump, in effect ,attempts to solve the fake problem he imagines by punching himself in the face. He will also trash anyone who comes to his aid. That's why Putin selected him as the ideal President. Guess who fell for it? The people who thought Sarah Palin would make a great V.P. and hail "Joe the Plumber!"
Ghostwriter: President Donald Trump Seemed "Bored Out Of His Mind" | All...
I would say both a tax cheat and a stunningly bad businessman. If it wasn't for the Russian money laundering German bank he would already be sleeping under a bridge.
'This Is Madness': Rudy Giuliani To Encourage Investigations In Ukraine ...
Giuliani has lost his mind. He's openly seeking a foreign country, of uncertain designs, to interfere in our elections by doing opposition research that may be illegal if done here. Any info he brings back will have to be tested for its veracity and by the CIA, FBI and the State Department for its intentions, influences and designs, not to mention its legality. Whether it illegally violates privacy/secrecy law or rules. My guess is the house intelligence Committee should immediately subpoenae him with restrictions to prevent him from releasing any foreign intelligence/OPPO research, until the various agencies issue clearances. Should he violate the order he should not be played with, but immediately be given a heavy sentence, after a fair trial of course. 😆
Doesn't he know that meddling in an investigation is obstruction of justice? Meanwhile we have no way of knowing if he's not going to be fed something from Putin's FSB. Now wouldn't that be a kick in the head? Worse yet the Senators and Representatives the voters have put in office to "MAGA" are submitting to the designs and plans of foreign nationals. Is that really what they are going to approve of with their 2020 votes? Wow! Just wow!
Doesn't he know that meddling in an investigation is obstruction of justice? Meanwhile we have no way of knowing if he's not going to be fed something from Putin's FSB. Now wouldn't that be a kick in the head? Worse yet the Senators and Representatives the voters have put in office to "MAGA" are submitting to the designs and plans of foreign nationals. Is that really what they are going to approve of with their 2020 votes? Wow! Just wow!
Senator Amy Klobuchar: I Want To Be A Leader That Makes People Proud | M...
Barr's contempt for the rule of law exceeds that of Alberto Gonzales, another Republican appointed AG whose decisions led to and American disgrace.( Of course you remember or have heard of Abu Ghraib). Regardless of how many they have on their side as they disable the government, handing Putin a win, they are giving aid and comfort to liars, cheats and grifters, unless they turn around this cannot end well.
Like Father, Like Son: Trump Claims ‘Total Exoneration’ For Don Jr. | De...
If the dam is going to break, this would be the place to start. My guess is that many of the Republican Senators, are discovering that their constituents are no longer convinced that the Republicans can or will replace their healthcare if Trump manages to repeal it. As for the wealthy , they are going to rue the day they became involved in politics. Old money was smart, they stayed away from the fire and gave equal amounts to both sides. Now Newly rich believed they could simply buy government out from under the people. That worked for a while but now they face a public backlash as money gets removed from politics once again. The poor have way more votes than the rich. So perhaps they will learn to crawl back into their shells before the public gets the will to crush them. Simply amazing how no one seems 5o be aware of history, even with Les Miserables playing on Broadway for decades. Go figure!
Courts Not Playing Along With Donald Trump's Slowdown Strategy | Rachel ...
The powers of the House and Senate are vast and powerful. Their duty to oversee the other branches of government, require that they have almost absolute power in that regard. Which is why these attempts to resist are being graciously met with the observance of court challenges.
There is no need to open a politically dangerous exercise, in the mere hope of increasing the speed or assurance of compliance. I am sure that impeachment will not be allowed to escape attention at the appropriate time. Best to let the strategies of these proven legislative experts play out as they believe necessary.
There is no need to open a politically dangerous exercise, in the mere hope of increasing the speed or assurance of compliance. I am sure that impeachment will not be allowed to escape attention at the appropriate time. Best to let the strategies of these proven legislative experts play out as they believe necessary.
Don Jr. Subpoenaed as Trump Lies About Mueller Report: A Closer Look
This was,presumably at his Florida rally yesterday, the question that's begged is: What happened to those MAGA hats??? Any candidate can use USA hats, but for the campaign to let go of Trump's signature slogan is saying a lot. They either decided it wouldn't be a good idea to remind people of the pledge, or they can't stand to even think about it in light of the last two years.
But also it's noteable that no one in the audience thought back with enough pride to bring their own, once cherished hats. Knowing how upsetting it was to the "Trump haters", eh? Hahaha!
But also it's noteable that no one in the audience thought back with enough pride to bring their own, once cherished hats. Knowing how upsetting it was to the "Trump haters", eh? Hahaha!
Thursday, May 9, 2019
Senator Bernie Sanders: I Can ‘Absolutely’ Swipe Donald Trump’s Base Bac...
Wow, great going guys. This will save working people from having to pay high fees just to cash their pay checks and take advantage of direct deposit. It goes without saying that debit card access will greatly improve their lives if only by making it unnecessary to carry cash which can easily be stolen.
Daily Beast: President Donald Trump Administration Inflating Iran Intell...
Bolton is cut from even worse cloth than Trump. He makes up lies but does so in ways that seem more credible than Trump. To figure out if he's telling lies you have to dig into the records. That's when you learn just how big a baldfaced liar and incredibly creepy lunatic he really is.
Trump asserts executive privilege over entire Mueller report
Sanders should be embarrassed!
Donald Trump Jr. subpoenaed by GOP-controlled Senate committee
Now Trump will fight with his own party. My guess is that voters are waking up to the fact that a syncopantic party will turn us into a dictatorship. Forget about gun rights under any dictatorship. In fact, forget about any rights at all because dictators do not honor any rights or even laws for that matter.
NYT: Tax documents show Trump lost more than $1B in a decade
The attached schedules are the pages that show the details. Most people don't have taxes so complex that many schedules are needed. Market players are familiar with schedule D for example but there is an alphanumeric series of schedules where you report which hand you wipe with (😀) joke! But it does get wild.
Nancy Pelosi Says President Donald Trump Is Becoming ‘Self-Impeachable’ ...
He thinks he can use impeachment, but he is going to have to submit to Republican Senators, I'm not sure he can do that if it comes to the Mueller report or his taxes. But there are so many questions about him being compromised from so many potential angles it's hard to think he is His own man. In light of his financial losses and love for so many dictators. He is actually trying to emulate a dictator himself.
Trump Versus The Mueller Investigation: One Fight On Many Fronts | Rache...
All of which e explains why the Republicans raced to try and stack the Supreme Court. The Question now is: Will the Supreme Court ruin itself for Trump? If so then. The Republic comes to an end. Only a fight will restore it. But we have enjoyed too much peace to have much of a stomach for a fight. We will, most likely just drift silently into totalitarianism. The USSC becomes a useless and reviled rubber stamp. While The USA becomes another N. Korea. So sad. As Trump renders the Normandy invasion as for nothing a useless step on the road to our own tyranny. We will see.
Senate Judiciary Democrats Submit Question List For Robert Mueller | Rac...
About that back channel; if Putin could have someone working fox, get his messages on, say O'Reilly then no one would be the wiser eh? Just a thought.
Trump Tax Returns Show Decade Of Massive Losses Of $1.17 Billion
To bad he studied at Trump University, 😆
Wednesday, May 8, 2019
Trump's $1 billion tax loss defense debunked
Lol no wonder Trump U was a flop his streaks and booze offerings met with resounding rejection. Meanwhile he insists there's nothing of interest in his tax returns that should cause us any concern. Hahaha, this assurance comes from a man who is a compulsive serial liar. Having told more than 9,000 lies to date. Yeah, right--trust him! Lol
Jerrold Nadler On Holding Barr In Contempt: We Are In A 'Constitutional ...
Civil contempt is a start, but I feel it will mean little to nothing to these people who are willing to surrender their good names and reputations for Trump.
NYT Report On Donald Trump Taxes Begs The Question: Who Is Paying Trump?...
The Mueller Report: Watch As We Read The Whole Thing Live
Ari Melber: Impeach Or Don't Impeach?
All impeachment will do is send charges to the Senate for trial. Since the Senate has a Republican majority --- and it takes 3/3rds of the Senate, or 67 votes to impeach-- nothing will happen, save he will not be convicted or removed from office. What will happen is, he will use the office of the President to castigate the Democrats for impeaching him as a partisan exercise. That will make removing him by majority vote, that much more difficult. Because his exoneration in the Senate will do much to discredit Mueller's evidence.
The last thing we need is confusion about the crimes Trump has committed. While, in the meantime, if there is an impeachment pending, even fewer people will have reason to read the Mueller report. Here it is again:
The Mueller Report: Watch As We Read The Whole Thing Live
The last thing we need is confusion about the crimes Trump has committed. While, in the meantime, if there is an impeachment pending, even fewer people will have reason to read the Mueller report. Here it is again:
The Mueller Report: Watch As We Read The Whole Thing Live
NYT: President Donald Trump Business Lost More Than $1 Billion Over 10 Y...
Perhaps he should have attended Trump University, hahaha!
The Mueller Report: Watch As We Read The Whole Thing Live
The Mueller Report: Watch As We Read The Whole Thing Live
AP: President Donald Trump Dreading Public Testimony By Mueller | Hardba...
The unmitigated fear is turning Trump's orange hair white. Loreal isn't helping much at all. 😆
Fmr Prosecutor: Trump 'Scared' Of 'Explosive' Mueller Testimony | The Be...
Trump is frightened to death that his taxes might reveal that he is a loser, he is scared that testimony by his former employees will be devastating. He can only hope that Russia is listening and will help him out by instigating another distraction. They could create more unrest in some central American country that would cause another caravan to start moving. Or declare war so that Trump would have an excuse to declare marshal law. Anything to stop the investigations and the elections and keep him in office for life. 😆
Is Putin Getting Everything He Could Ever Want From A Trump Presidency? ...
Putin replaced Trump's father with funding and that's why Trump has to keep his taxes secret. Is there any way to prove that assertion untrue? Yes, just let Congress see the taxes! Otherwise people can speculate that Trump's money comes from anywhere, like China for instance or N. Korea, 😆
But really, we need to know that it is not a foreign agent in the Whitehouse.
But really, we need to know that it is not a foreign agent in the Whitehouse.
Pelosi Throws Shade At Trump, McConnell: Mueller Case Not Closed | The B...
Gee, Trump is so afraid of releasing his taxes I have to wonder if Putin already has them?
Donald Trump Red Line Failing Despite Urgency To Keep Finances Opaque | ...
There are laws on the books that provide fines and penalties for filing "frivolous" lawsuits. My guess is that judges will expect lawyers to know when a proposed lawsuit has no chance of winning. Like a suit trying to compell the President to come to your house for dinner.
When it's common knowledge that a lawsuit must fail, because the courts have already settled the law on the matter. The lawyers involved in filing such lawsuits, must take a very big hit to their own reputations, in the eyes of the legal profession, the media and the nation, if not the world.
When it's common knowledge that a lawsuit must fail, because the courts have already settled the law on the matter. The lawyers involved in filing such lawsuits, must take a very big hit to their own reputations, in the eyes of the legal profession, the media and the nation, if not the world.
Sen. Chuck Schumer Calls Mitch McConnell Speech 'Despicable' | All In | ...
The Trump Hire List...
The trouble is that you cannot uphold the rule of law by violating the rules of the laws. You have to work within the framework of the laws. That means that as a government of, by and for the people, the people can, if they wish, vote to become a dictatorship with all that entails.
My guess is that Republican voters are thinking that they can vote whatever way they like, vote for whomever they like and the U.S. Constitution will still remain in force. They think it will protect them from; for example, bills of attainder. ( Google it) Neither Trump nor his followers, including Republican Senators and Representatives, either know or care about what laws get enforced or not. They believe in a one sided view of power holding. Not shared responsibility to any one but their own pockets and seats.
That will mean no social security, no Medicare/Medicade. No SEC to oversee the markets and keep them free of frauds. No consumer affairs, no health and human services Department. No veterans administration. No food and drug administration, so that when you shop you are on your own in your effort to avoid dangerous products and carcinogenic food additives. Oh and don't even think about trusting banks with your money. Any well connected syncopantic political hack in favor of the leadership will have the absolute right to mess over you. Which is why Russia, as big as it is, has an economy the size of Italy.
But, in the end, this is a democracy. If enough people remain ignorant about government they can be fooled into voting to destroy the democracy, destroy the rule of law. And vote to ultimately destroy their own peace of mind and all of their rights to liberty, justice and the right to peacefully seek their own happiness.
Tuesday, May 7, 2019
Democrats Set To Receive Trove Of Evidence From Former WH Counsel | Rach...
The court must hold that no one's rights to privacy can stand in the way of the legislators need to oversee government operations. Or, we could end up sacrificing the democracy simply for the sake of personal privacy rights. Just as prosecutors make trade offs in criminal matters, the courts must weigh rights to privacy and prosecutors needs against the needs of the legislature to oversee government.
Also; the courts recognize the needs of the government, when the executive is at odds with the legislature, to fast track the suits. Such matters come first because that is where governmental powers come from, even those that give the courts their powers to decide issues. We are coming dangerously close to becoming a banana republic, where el presidente is accountable to no one. Republicans are unwilling to discharge their oath of office. While Trump acts like a would be dictator.
Also; the courts recognize the needs of the government, when the executive is at odds with the legislature, to fast track the suits. Such matters come first because that is where governmental powers come from, even those that give the courts their powers to decide issues. We are coming dangerously close to becoming a banana republic, where el presidente is accountable to no one. Republicans are unwilling to discharge their oath of office. While Trump acts like a would be dictator.
Mitch McConnell: 'Groundhog Day Spectacle' Of Trump Investigations Must ...
This general election will be about whether or not you support the rule of law ( ie the Constitution) or if you want America to become a dictatorship. Because the Republicans who cared about the rule of law left Congress. Believe me, if you don't like this country this election is your chance to become like Russia.
Sen. Mitch McConnell To Say 'Case Closed' On Mueller | Morning Joe | MSNBC
More than 500 prosecutors say; by their knowledge and experience Trump is an unconvicted criminal. Guilty of obstruction of justice. If he were not President he would have been tried, dyed and laid to the side.
Trump Says Mueller Shouldn't Testify, as Cohen Goes to Prison: A Closer ...
Barr needs to be imprisoned for his perjury. He must not be allowed to pass his lie off as a mere difference of opinion. Better yet have him drawn and quartered. 😆
Neal Katyal: Mueller Revealed Trump Is What We Call 'A Felon' | The Beat...
The Mueller Report: Watch As We Read The Whole Thing Live
Monday, May 6, 2019
Sunday, May 5, 2019
Full Kennedy: Mueller Report Has 'No Indictment For Collusion, Conspirac...
Boy would a crook or foreign Agent love the way these Republicans are thinking because they can get into high offices and Congress would have no way to prevent it. Oh wait! That's exactly what has already happened.
The Republicans think it's sour grapes to call someone out for telling lies to Congress while under oath and if foreign agencies interfere with our elections, we should just forget about it if a Republican wins.
If you are an American who supports the US Constitution, you need to vote these Republicans out of office or you can just forget about your freedoms. You can't have freedoms if the President cannot be subject to Congressional oversight. If you won't vote against them and they stay in power you had better get ready to deal with unreasonable searches and seizures. Just to name a few effects of having an unaccountable government.
The Republicans think it's sour grapes to call someone out for telling lies to Congress while under oath and if foreign agencies interfere with our elections, we should just forget about it if a Republican wins.
If you are an American who supports the US Constitution, you need to vote these Republicans out of office or you can just forget about your freedoms. You can't have freedoms if the President cannot be subject to Congressional oversight. If you won't vote against them and they stay in power you had better get ready to deal with unreasonable searches and seizures. Just to name a few effects of having an unaccountable government.
FBI Official: Trump's Silence On Russian Interference With Putin Is ‘Ass...
Okay, let's see if I have this straight; Republicans are not happy with foreign governments interfering in our elections, but, any attempt to investigate such conduct is a partisan witch hunt that, not only should never have happened. Anyone who participates should be investigated themselves, and tried and convicted of treason. Never mind that anyone had a multitude of contacts with the Russians who were hacking and supporting a candidate they prefered; lied to Congress about those contacts, it's just sour grapes by the losers, to want to get to the bottom of it all.
So what if the newly appointed A G. Lied to everyone about the 2 year investigation having cleared the culprits, when it does no such thing .
Trump/Russia: Moscow rules (3/3) | Four Corners
The Mueller Report: Watch As We Read The Whole Thing Live
WATCH: Barr defends not releasing excerpted summaries of Mueller report
Oh what a tangled web we we weave when we practice to deceive.
BARR HEARING: Sen. Dianne Feinstein questions Attorney General William Barr
Watch as The (dis)Hon. Barr spews a pretzelized narrative in a wild and weird attempt to exonerate the lying Agent Orange President.
Trump only hires the worst that can be found and his Senate fellow travelers help. Country be damned:
The Trump Hire List...
Trump only hires the worst that can be found and his Senate fellow travelers help. Country be damned:
The Trump Hire List...
Complete exchange between Sen. Kamala Harris and Attorney General Willia...
Even without a law degree it's easy for anyone capable of thinking critically, to see and understand that Barr's thinking is both self serving and terribly flawed.So flawed, in fact, he really shouldn't be in a position to make decisions about any serious matters at all1.
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