A collection of articles defining our times. The pages contain clickable links, don't let the titles fool you, some of the best articles have very non-descript titles and there are usually more articles on the matters in the days and week pages the links land on so it's a sort of treasure hunt through history, Enjoy!
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Saturday, February 8, 2020
Ari Melber: Evidence Points To AG Barr Abusing Law Enforcement Powers | ...
Oh come on, that would be impeachable, using the Justice department that way... Oh wait, my bad, there isn't anything that is impeachable anymore thanks to Moscow Mitch we now live in a Banana
WATCH: 2020 presidential candidate Mike Bloomberg speaks in Norfolk, Va.
A masterful speech to be sure, it's a terrific contrast to what we have now. Hopefully we will have another election and can get this tyrant out of office, but with sycophants abounding and political hacks being stationed in high positions, it is indeed doubtful we'll have much of a government left by time the polls should have opened. I start now because I'm afraid that it will take massive public resistance to any attempt to shutter the polls and/or delay the elections by any means available, including the declaration of marshal law, which I'm told requires Senate approval, Ha! We know how that goes, eh? So just be alert and aware of what is likely to come down the pike. Trump and many of his followers cannot risk being thrown from office because the pains of their criminal misconduct awaits.
WATCH: 2020 presidential candidate Mike Bloomberg speaks in Norfolk, Va.
A masterful speech to be sure, it's a terrific contrast to what we have now. Hopefully we will have another election and can get this tyrant out of office, but with sycophants abounding and political hacks being stationed in high positions, it is indeed doubtful we'll have much of a government left by time the polls should have opened. I start now because I'm afraid that it will take massive public resistance to any attempt to shutter the polls and/or delay the elections by any means available, including the declaration of marshal law, which I'm told requires Senate approval, Ha! We know how that goes, eh? So just be alert and aware of what is likely to come down the pike. Trump and many of his followers cannot risk being thrown from office because the pains of their criminal misconduct awaits.
Lawrence: Vladimir Putin Made A Big Mistake In His Presser With Donald T...
But what was the point? Nothing at all was done. Even after it was proved beyond shadow of doubt that Trump committed an impeachable crime, he is still allowed to run the country. We are now a lawless banana republic where everything is a partisan decision. While we're not use td to living in this kind of country, we keep on as if we were still a democratic republic even though we are no longer thanks to Moscow Mitch. The only real power left in the nation is held by the military. As with any dictatorship, he who has the loyalty of the military rules the nation, This is why such nations have coups so often.
If we get lucky and keep it together we may be able to trick Trump into leaving office, but I doubt it. I think he and possibly Putin will manufacture some excuse for Trump to either declare marshal law or otherwise prevent the elections from happening. Be ready for it and make plans to react to it.
If we get lucky and keep it together we may be able to trick Trump into leaving office, but I doubt it. I think he and possibly Putin will manufacture some excuse for Trump to either declare marshal law or otherwise prevent the elections from happening. Be ready for it and make plans to react to it.
Gordon Sondland to be recalled from his position
Thanks Mitch we are now the largest Banana Republic on the planet.
Esper Guarantee Against Retaliation Proves Faithless For Vindman | Rache...
And Barr's continued management of the entire Justice department? Please don't forget that Barr also has the highest level of clearance over all CIA intelligence as well. Not that he's qualified to hold such clearance, but hey! That never stops the President from handing out clearances, eh? And you thought that Hillary's email server was a terrible breach of security eh?
Key impeachment witness Alex Vindman and brother fired from White House
Key impeachment witness Alex Vindman and brother fired from White House
Lament, wring hands, decry, etc., there is nothing that will be done. Watch!
Investigations Multiply As President Donald Trump Scandals Spiral Wider ...
Unfortunately the law no longer works this way since the Senate approved the President being above the laws of the land. Barr has announced that the Justice department will now engage in partisan law enforcement, allowing the public's faith and trust in the law to erode and diminish. It will take time for things to reach "street level", but rest assured as one argument at law compounds into another, it will eventually arrive at "street level" that we live in a dictatorship and no longer have protections at law.
Investigations Multiply As President Donald Trump Scandals Spiral Wider ...
Unfortunately the law no longer works this way since the Senate approved the President being above the laws of the land. Barr has announced that the Justice department will now engage in partisan law enforcement, allowing the public's faith and trust in the law to erode and diminish. It will take time for things to reach "street level", but rest assured as one argument at law compounds into another, it will eventually arrive at "street level" that we live in a dictatorship and no longer have protections at law.
President Payback: Trump Fires Ukraine Witnesses Vindman And Sondland | ...
The only remaining hurdle in front of Trump is the elections. Who wants to bet he tries to end them?
Friday, February 7, 2020
GOP Operative Sought Russian Hacker Help Against Hillary Clinton: WSJ | ...
While Reagan had his "Working Naps", Trump has gone him one better with his own "Working Comas".
Blue Wave Democrats Bring New Productivity To House Committees | Rachel ...
Germany, if you're listening, I hope you can find Trump's tax returns and financials, I think you'll be rewarded mightily by the press.
President Donald Trump Celebrates Acquittal And Rails Against Rivals | D...
He was not "acquitted", the articles of impeachment were simply dismissed against the evidence they had, which is why they didn't want more evidence since that would have made it even more difficult to dismiss the articles. Acquittal says he was found to be not guilty, but Senators later say they were convinced of his guilt, but only voted to dismiss the articles because they were afraid of Trump and his ability to hurt their reelection chances. Thus they voted to excuse all the lying, all the obstruction of congress and all of the crimes against the nation, simply because they wanted to keep the seats that enabled them to destroy the Republic based on personal cowardice.
Trump Delivers His Real State Of The Union During White House Victory La...
The trouble with his "acquittal" is that Senators who voted against impeachment and removal, now are saying they were wrong and they only voted that way because they were frightened cowards who were afraid Trump would attack them and ruin their campaign to keep their offices. Well, impeachments have no double jeopardy clauses so Presidents may face more than one impeachment. He will have to be impeached or he will not leave office!
Trump Delivers His Real State Of The Union During White House Victory La...
The trouble with his "acquittal" is that Senators who voted against impeachment and removal, now are saying they were wrong and they only voted that way because they were frightened cowards who were afraid Trump would attack them and ruin their campaign to keep their offices. Well, impeachments have no double jeopardy clauses so Presidents may face more than one impeachment. He will have to be impeached or he will not leave office!
WATCH: Pelosi holds weekly news conference after Trump is acquitted
Trump could not be responsible for anything good that has happened because he just doesn't know or understand anything about how one goes about creating anything good in the political arena. He has, however, utterly destroyed our institutions and is guilty of so many crimes he must not lose the election because he risks going to prison. Many of his Republican sycophants also risk sanction, thus they must stick with him as he struggles to hold onto his office. We have a slim chance of keeping our republic, but we must anticipate his every move, most especially be alert and aware to resist any attempt to shut or fix the elections.
Thursday, February 6, 2020
Clouds Of Scandal And Rank Incompetence At White House | The Last Word |...
Approved by Mitch and the Republicans, except Mitt Romney.
Suspicious: Donald Trump Tries To Hide Details Of Putin Meetings | The B...
These questions and more will now go unanswered because of Moscow Mitch and the Republicans.
Unlike Richard Nixon, Donald Trump Misconduct Piling Up In Full Public V...
There is even worse news about Trump coming out soon. Trouble is these Republican Senators have approved of all of the illegal acts by Trump, even after admitting that these matters have been proven! Now they're trying to tell us that what they did is of little impact. They have destroyed the Republic and created the precedent that the President can break the laws without risk of penalty because he cannot be questioned and he has the right to cover up the evidence of any crimes he commits. Well, why would he allow another election knowing that he and his Senators will be thrown from office? The answer is, he won't and there is now no way to enforce the law against him.
GOP-Controlled Senate Finds Trump Not Guilty, But Mitt Romney Honors His...
Remember this quote: "The powers of the President are substantial and he shall not be questioned!" Not and exact quote but close enough I'm sure. We are now living under a dictatorship and the military is now serving a President who is above the law because Congress has surrendered it's power to oversee the President's power. We should remember FEMA has built those massive camps under Bush, now they can be used against whomever the President chooses, oh, would that be illegal? Those laws no longer mean anything, they were written for a republic, which we no longer have.
Who thinks Trump will allow another election?
Who thinks Trump will allow another election?
Wednesday, February 5, 2020
U.S. Senate: Debate on Articles of Impeachment & FINAL VOTE
While they try to say it was all above board and legal, what they forget is all the efforts the President and his advisers undertook to hide, cover up and conceal what they were doing, while knowing that what they were doing was wrong and illegal. They did not go to Congress and, as required, let them know that they intended to put a hold on the aid, because they knew that congress had already cleared the Ukraine for corruption, so that their only reason for doing so would be to get an investigation of Biden announced. They also forget that many of the people covering up and denying this had even happened, while defending the President, were people we were soon to discover were involved in the very operations they were denying took place or that they had any knowledge of. Such deceit is also what is being approve of by these "religious, god fearing" men. Give me an Effing break!
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Child Porn Charges For Donald Trump-Tied Mueller Witness Raise Questions...
I'll say questions!
What is it about this Trump administration that has so many high and important people absolutely terrified of going against Trump? His administration is rife with corruption and corrupt individuals, notably a quite a few prominent sexual deviants. Could this be a network of sexual predators whose exposure would have such terrible consequences for all that it is not possible for them to resist him?
No impeachment? Even though he has this ridiculous quantity of crooks and liars practicing crime?
Where are our "Woodward and Bernstein's?
What is it about this Trump administration that has so many high and important people absolutely terrified of going against Trump? His administration is rife with corruption and corrupt individuals, notably a quite a few prominent sexual deviants. Could this be a network of sexual predators whose exposure would have such terrible consequences for all that it is not possible for them to resist him?
No impeachment? Even though he has this ridiculous quantity of crooks and liars practicing crime?
Where are our "Woodward and Bernstein's?
Dr Michael Shermer | God does NOT exist
Professor Peter Millican | God does NOT exist
Monday, February 3, 2020
Analyst: Trump's White House departure will be ugly if he loses
There are also a lot of Republicans who did illegal things that will be investigated and punished when Barr is out. So there's a lot of lives riding on this election, expect it to be called off, delayed or otherwise resisted in a titanic struggle to stave off impending defeat.
WATCH LIVE | Impeachment trial of President Trump continues in Senate, c...
Mitch McConnell said (in effect) "Donald Trump can tell an unlimited number of lies, distortions, misrepresentations and put our foreign policies at risk, undo national security and cover up his crimes and we're good with that!"
Question: Are you good with that as well?
Question: Are you good with that as well?
Trump’s Impeachment Lawyers Argue He Can Do Whatever He Wants: A Closer ...
This sets up Trump to cancel the elections, after all, it's for the good of the country eh?
U.S. sinking fast into the abyss.
There are people saying; "Hey, it's all okay, we'll recover from this!" But, unfortunately, it is not okay and it will be exceedingly difficult to recover from all of this. Consider our foreign policy is in shambles. Foreign policy is built on faith, which relies on trust, which in it's turn relies on knowledge and expertise. Trump has violated the worlds faith and they can no longer trust us, he has chased the knowledgeable experts out and not replaced them with qualified people. So, what foreign policy do we have? We are like an 900 lb gorilla, heavy on military strength but short on the intellect needed to use it effectively.
How do you manage a 900 lb gorilla? Well, if you have any brains you know enough not to fight with it. You want it to go to the right, you put a banana on the right. You want it to go left, again, you put the banana on the left. So, you want the American military gorilla to get in a cage? You go to Mar-a-lago and put praise and kind words in the cage and Trump willingly trundles into the cage, you lock the door and it's done.
America is a nation that relies heavily on law. The most used principle of law is the precedent. The precedents that are being established today will have to be vigorously fought against tomorrow and barring partisan opposition, they will have to be defeated. The precedent that the President can do no wrong, or that he can break the law if he thinks there is a benefit to the nation. Even if the only benefit is his belief that by being re-elected is good for the country. Means that the President is free of checks and balances and can no longer be stopped from doing whatever he wants to do.
Well, I'm going to guess that means Trump will be president for life, since I don't see how he can be stopped from ignoring or even preventing any future elections. Mitch McConnell has just appointed Trump the Founding Fathers biggest American nightmare. He has created a precedent at law that Trump cannot be impeached or removed from office for any reason at all. The effect, as you can see, is that economic growth has stalled and next it will begin to decline as confusion replaces commonsense and knowledge about what the law is or requires. Sadly the world has little to no faith left in the U.S. because politics is, in reality, a desperate game. A game where one can ill afford to make mistakes because, "trust like the soul never returns once it goes!" America is making mistakes big time. Eco unfriendly Nazi's and racists have joined forces with religious zealots all wanting to have their way and no one to stand in their way any longer. We are on the eve of destruction, believe it.
What are our troops doing in foreign lands? With no policy other than to help Trump win reelection we have no policy that can, any longer, be trusted. A policy that can't be trusted is no policy at all. Thus, our troops are at risk for no good reason, because the CinC cannot cite a policy and have anyone believe he will stick to it. The fact that he lies frequently tells everyone: "Do not trust what you are hearing because things in your ears appear better than they are in reality".
How do you manage a 900 lb gorilla? Well, if you have any brains you know enough not to fight with it. You want it to go to the right, you put a banana on the right. You want it to go left, again, you put the banana on the left. So, you want the American military gorilla to get in a cage? You go to Mar-a-lago and put praise and kind words in the cage and Trump willingly trundles into the cage, you lock the door and it's done.
America is a nation that relies heavily on law. The most used principle of law is the precedent. The precedents that are being established today will have to be vigorously fought against tomorrow and barring partisan opposition, they will have to be defeated. The precedent that the President can do no wrong, or that he can break the law if he thinks there is a benefit to the nation. Even if the only benefit is his belief that by being re-elected is good for the country. Means that the President is free of checks and balances and can no longer be stopped from doing whatever he wants to do.
Well, I'm going to guess that means Trump will be president for life, since I don't see how he can be stopped from ignoring or even preventing any future elections. Mitch McConnell has just appointed Trump the Founding Fathers biggest American nightmare. He has created a precedent at law that Trump cannot be impeached or removed from office for any reason at all. The effect, as you can see, is that economic growth has stalled and next it will begin to decline as confusion replaces commonsense and knowledge about what the law is or requires. Sadly the world has little to no faith left in the U.S. because politics is, in reality, a desperate game. A game where one can ill afford to make mistakes because, "trust like the soul never returns once it goes!" America is making mistakes big time. Eco unfriendly Nazi's and racists have joined forces with religious zealots all wanting to have their way and no one to stand in their way any longer. We are on the eve of destruction, believe it.
What are our troops doing in foreign lands? With no policy other than to help Trump win reelection we have no policy that can, any longer, be trusted. A policy that can't be trusted is no policy at all. Thus, our troops are at risk for no good reason, because the CinC cannot cite a policy and have anyone believe he will stick to it. The fact that he lies frequently tells everyone: "Do not trust what you are hearing because things in your ears appear better than they are in reality".
Sunday, February 2, 2020
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