
Thursday, August 8, 2024

Heat on 'zombie' Project 2025: Trump insider runs from 2025 plan on live...

Keeping in mind that the Trump administration including his appointees
are "factually challenged", very often given to sprouting "alternative facts"
hahaha.  Trump appointed three Supremes who all said they saw Roe as
"Settled Law", insisting that it was stare decisis that would guide them,
then they accepted a challenge that came without standing and poof they
overturned "settled law" and ignored their own claim of respect for stare
decisis. Then we find they've been wined and dined and had "their nests
fethered" by "conservative" billionaires. So, They are not to be trusted
no matter what they say period. The facts line up against them!

Fraud? See Trump WH aide Stephen Miller 
fact-checked over Jan 6 on live TV 

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