
Monday, May 4, 2020

Remembering The Kent State Massacre | Morning Joe | MSNBC

College students being called "bad kids" by a Crooked Vice President who was stealing and a President who organized a burglary then lied about it to everyone, even under oath.  But Republicans will tell you that they are fine upstanding legislators and wonderful people, even while their side is chock full of criminals, wife beaters, cheats, liars, crooks and every sort of monster you can think of.  Don't tell me that people are smart enough to figure things out, history shows they are constantly duped to no end by the people of wealth and power. Look at Trump, by the time someone has told you the 10th lie you're walking away from them no matter what they say.  Trump has told over 17,000 lies and the media still hangs on his every word, daring anyone to prove them untrue! LOL

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