A collection of articles defining our times. The pages contain clickable links, don't let the titles fool you, some of the best articles have very non-descript titles and there are usually more articles on the matters in the days and week pages the links land on so it's a sort of treasure hunt through history, Enjoy!
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- Bag Man Podcast - Episode 1 - 7 | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC
Thursday, December 31, 2015
Wednesday, December 30, 2015
Emailed to Morgan Reynolds
You've got more evidence:
Besides the absent wake vortexes, which show that no planes flew through those areas on 911. I've used an air speed to force converter to simplify the kinds of forces that would be acting at the building walls of the WTC, of course, you'll have to clean up my quick 'n dirty work.
Steel is damaged by explosives by generating forces of between 125,370 lb/sqft (or air moving at 6818.2 mph) up to 1,128,400 lb/sqft (or air moving at 20,455 mph).
While commercial passenger air craft is built to withstand ~674.23 lb/sq.ft. (or air moving at ~500 mph)
Now, when the aircraft meets the tower wall, both are subjected to the exact same forces. Therefore, how is an aircraft that can only survive, the force of air moving at 500 mph, by being kept within a tight range of attitudes/angles of attack/etc., manage to survive long enough, to apply forces of 125,370 lb/sq.ft. when it cannot survive the forces exceeding only 674.23 lb/sq.ft.?
Obviously the aircraft must break apart, long before it can apply enough force to break the several steel columns it will impact. When it does break apart, it sheds it's ability to direct it's maximum force into the towers, as it's energy is being consumed by its own destruction.
Please work up your own figures as I would like to see them in your new video, along with the matter of the absent wake vortexes which prove conclusively that no commercial passenger aircraft flew along the required paths.
Thank you
Besides the absent wake vortexes, which show that no planes flew through those areas on 911. I've used an air speed to force converter to simplify the kinds of forces that would be acting at the building walls of the WTC, of course, you'll have to clean up my quick 'n dirty work.
Steel is damaged by explosives by generating forces of between 125,370 lb/sqft (or air moving at 6818.2 mph) up to 1,128,400 lb/sqft (or air moving at 20,455 mph).
While commercial passenger air craft is built to withstand ~674.23 lb/sq.ft. (or air moving at ~500 mph)
Now, when the aircraft meets the tower wall, both are subjected to the exact same forces. Therefore, how is an aircraft that can only survive, the force of air moving at 500 mph, by being kept within a tight range of attitudes/angles of attack/etc., manage to survive long enough, to apply forces of 125,370 lb/sq.ft. when it cannot survive the forces exceeding only 674.23 lb/sq.ft.?
Obviously the aircraft must break apart, long before it can apply enough force to break the several steel columns it will impact. When it does break apart, it sheds it's ability to direct it's maximum force into the towers, as it's energy is being consumed by its own destruction.
Please work up your own figures as I would like to see them in your new video, along with the matter of the absent wake vortexes which prove conclusively that no commercial passenger aircraft flew along the required paths.
Thank you
Tuesday, December 29, 2015
Monday, December 28, 2015
Sunday, December 27, 2015
Friday, December 25, 2015
Thursday, December 24, 2015
100% Proof Holographic Plane 91101
Quote: "Great Father say: "White man always have-um trick up sleeve"." --unknown
Revised Omission report
Wednesday, December 23, 2015
THE REAL 9/11 TRUTH - NO PLANES USED part 2 of 2
Watch and learn some astonishing facts...
Rebekah Roth 9/11 Methodical Illusion Methodical Deception Special
Rebekah Roth - Mossad, 9-11 & Israel's Samson Option
9/11 Coincidences, Yeah Right! - 2007 (full length)
Friday, December 18, 2015
06 - What Planes?
Okay, there's three videos in a row here that follow one behind the other, use the double forward triangle to move to the next one then the one after that.
(I just noticed that the "next video" button doesn't appear unless you click "watch on Youtube" so I've included the other two here.)
Here's what you will learn: (see below)
Air craft structures are relatively strong, but that's only when they are compared to the forces exerted on them by air. An aircraft will handle air flows in the range of 0 to ~500 feet per second. Even then, the aircraft's attitude must be kept inside certain angles of attack, with speeds reduced as the air gets denser. Outside a prescribed set of attitude parameters and the aircraft will be destroyed by the air flow.
Steel, on the other hand, will withstand the force of air up to 10,000 feet per second, at the low end and 30,000 feet per second at the high. That's what explosives produce to dismantle steel members.
So the question becomes, can an aircraft which can only withstand the forces of air moving at less than 800 feet per second, actually cut through a steel member that can withstand the force of air moving at over 10,000 ft/sec. ? Obviously not. This is because the aircraft cannot produce the same force as air would, if the air were to be moving at tens of thousands of feet per second. Because it cannot withstand such forces, it cannot produce them, because it would disintegrate before the forces could rise to that level. It's why an egg thrown at a concrete wall will not penetrate it. The eggshell crumbles long before it can exert enough force to damage the concrete.
When the aircraft hits the side of the steel building, it crumbles and breaks apart, by the exertion of forces against the steel, equivalent to air moving at only 800 to 1,000 ft/sec. While the steel is able to resist forces ten to thirty times greater.
Watch all three videos because, each one reveals something different.
07 - The Key (I just noticed that the "next video" button doesn't appear unless you click "watch on Youtube" so I've included the other two here.)
Here's what you will learn: (see below)
Air craft structures are relatively strong, but that's only when they are compared to the forces exerted on them by air. An aircraft will handle air flows in the range of 0 to ~500 feet per second. Even then, the aircraft's attitude must be kept inside certain angles of attack, with speeds reduced as the air gets denser. Outside a prescribed set of attitude parameters and the aircraft will be destroyed by the air flow.
Steel, on the other hand, will withstand the force of air up to 10,000 feet per second, at the low end and 30,000 feet per second at the high. That's what explosives produce to dismantle steel members.
So the question becomes, can an aircraft which can only withstand the forces of air moving at less than 800 feet per second, actually cut through a steel member that can withstand the force of air moving at over 10,000 ft/sec. ? Obviously not. This is because the aircraft cannot produce the same force as air would, if the air were to be moving at tens of thousands of feet per second. Because it cannot withstand such forces, it cannot produce them, because it would disintegrate before the forces could rise to that level. It's why an egg thrown at a concrete wall will not penetrate it. The eggshell crumbles long before it can exert enough force to damage the concrete.
When the aircraft hits the side of the steel building, it crumbles and breaks apart, by the exertion of forces against the steel, equivalent to air moving at only 800 to 1,000 ft/sec. While the steel is able to resist forces ten to thirty times greater.
Watch all three videos because, each one reveals something different.
08 - The Psy-Opera
Thursday, November 12, 2015
The Gene Hackers
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CRISPR’s unprecedented ability to edit genetic code will make possible a new generation of medical treatments. Credit Illustration by Todd St. John |
Zhang decided
to become a biological engineer, forging tools to repair the broken
genes that are responsible for many of humanity’s most intractable
afflictions. The following year, he returned to Harvard, as a member of
the Society of Fellows, and became the first scientist to use a modular
set of proteins, called TALEs, to control the genes of a
mammal. “Imagine being able to manipulate a specific region of DNA . . .
almost as easily as correcting a typo,” one molecular biologist wrote,
referring to TALEs, which stands for transcription
activator-like effectors. He concluded that although such an advance
“will probably never happen,” the new technology was as close as
scientists might get.
Monday, November 9, 2015
Saturday, November 7, 2015
Wednesday, October 28, 2015
Saturday, October 24, 2015
Monday, October 19, 2015
Hitler's American Business Partners
If this is true and there is no settlement for it, then reparations were a sham. Remember, if Hitler couldn't do without this help, then these helpers are responsible for millions of Russian deaths, millions of Jewish deaths, American, English, French, Gypsies, Polish, on and on, all dead because of the assistance they provided, worse yet, they were compensated for the loss of the facilities they built to aid Hitler as well, with American taxpayer dollars. Ugh! ...And no, not being alive or born then has nothing to do with it, it's a governments responsibility and that government lived through it and is still alive, without indemnity. today.
Sunday, October 18, 2015
WW2 From the Germans Point of View HD
This is what "Holocaust Denial" looks like. Posted by "14Realitycheck88", where the 88 should give away the neo nazi source as that' 88 stands for HH the eight letter of the alphabet Heil Hitler.
If you don't know or can't see what's wrong with this video, or can't identify the misinformation it contains, then you don't really know enough about WWII, you shouldn't watch this video until you've had a chance to find out more.
It fails to inspire any sympathy in me for the most part, even though I can't see how trading atrocities does any good. But it does inform that perhaps Germans did place value on the lives of women and children, so then, why is my head filled with pictures of naked women and children being marched naked to their deaths then incinerated? Medical experimentation and people being worked to death ring any bells? Suffice it to say this video is nothing but propaganda, it's many false premises are easy to refute.
If you don't know or can't see what's wrong with this video, or can't identify the misinformation it contains, then you don't really know enough about WWII, you shouldn't watch this video until you've had a chance to find out more.
It fails to inspire any sympathy in me for the most part, even though I can't see how trading atrocities does any good. But it does inform that perhaps Germans did place value on the lives of women and children, so then, why is my head filled with pictures of naked women and children being marched naked to their deaths then incinerated? Medical experimentation and people being worked to death ring any bells? Suffice it to say this video is nothing but propaganda, it's many false premises are easy to refute.
Tuesday, October 6, 2015
Sunday, October 4, 2015
Monday, September 28, 2015
Slavery And The Making Of America
Well glory be... I've always wondered about why George Zimmerman chose that red jacket to wear on patrol, but in the last segment of this film I find what could very well be the answer. Red Shirts!
Which, of course, rather implies that the Trayvon killing was part of what may be a rather huge conspiracy. That needed to be looked at more deeply.
Which, of course, rather implies that the Trayvon killing was part of what may be a rather huge conspiracy. That needed to be looked at more deeply.
Slavery And The Making Of America
So here we see why justice for blacks cannot be done, despite the evidence and the horrors of the crimes. Because the crimes are so big, justice is just too costly, to economically destabilizing and/or too impolitic when there's an election to be won, to ever consider any need to have justice done.
So, without further ado the film, and forget about reparations for blacks, the crimes committed against them are just too big and way too many people are guilty, so you must forget!
So, without further ado the film, and forget about reparations for blacks, the crimes committed against them are just too big and way too many people are guilty, so you must forget!
Sunday, September 27, 2015
In the comments on youtube the posters argue with the statistics. Of course the exact numbers will never be right, but the history is undeniable and horrific. The focus should never be on the effort to discern the exact numbers, for that is sure to fail, but on what was done, how, why and by whom.
The information is not to rile one up, but to inform the present and future generations of the kinds of people who actually exist in the world and what they would do again, if only given the chance.
The information is not to rile one up, but to inform the present and future generations of the kinds of people who actually exist in the world and what they would do again, if only given the chance.
Saturday, August 8, 2015
Tuesday, July 28, 2015
Feds gave low-income housing to millionaires
The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) gave low-income housing to millionaires, according to a recent audit.
The Office of Inspector General (OIG) found over 25,000 families who earned too much to qualify for subsidized apartments, which will cost taxpayers $104.4 million this year.
“Public housing authorities provided public housing assistance to as
many as 25,226 families whose annual household income exceeded HUD’s
2014 program eligibility income limits,” according to the audit. “Most
of these families had earned more than the qualifying amount for more
than 1 year, were not participating in programs that would allow them to
reside in public housing, and occupied units while many families were
waiting for public housing assistance.” READ MORE
The Office of Inspector General (OIG) found over 25,000 families who earned too much to qualify for subsidized apartments, which will cost taxpayers $104.4 million this year.
Thursday, July 16, 2015
What If All The Oil Ran Out? - Documentary
Since an oil shortage is not the only possible reason for a long term power outage institutions need to develop low and no power operational protocols. Obviously, back up power should be used differently, depending upon how long the term of a power outage is expected to be. A hospital, for example, shouldn't plan to run it's backup generators, to provide full service, when the outage is expected to exceed the ability to sustain power. Instead you want to identify what power can be cut and/or provided, for how long to each of several zones of operations Use of mirrors to utilize sunlight to illuminate low power operating zones, or concentrate it for sterilization functions. Thereby conserving power for the hospitals most critical operations, like keeping the billing dept. computers running (joke).
Thursday, July 9, 2015
Thursday, June 25, 2015
Recent Court News
QUOTE A lawsuit against members of the Bush administration for their role in the invasion of Iraq recently received noteworthy support from an internationally prominent group of lawyers—including a former U.S. attorney general. The group is asking the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals to review the class action suit on grounds that the U.S.-led war was an illegal act of aggression in violation of international guidelines as defined by the Nuremberg Tribunal after World War II. Iraqi mother Sundus Saleh filed the lawsuit on May 27 against former President George W. Bush, former Vice President Richard Cheney, former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, former National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice, former Secretary of State Colin Powell, and former Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz, stating they “broke the law in conspiring and committing the crime of aggression against the people of Iraq.” Her complaint filed to the court reads: Defendants planned the war against Iraq as early as 1998; manipulated the United States public to support the war by scaring them with images of ‘mushroom clouds’ and conflating the Hussein regime with al-Qaeda; and broke international law by commencing the invasion without proper legal authorization. More than sixty years ago, American prosecutors in Nuremberg, Germany convicted Nazi leaders of the crimes of conspiring and waging wars of aggression. They found the Nazis guilty of planning and waging wars that had no basis in law and which killed millions of innocents.[emphasis added] It should be noted as well that the Nuremberg Tribunal’s findings were specifically quoted in the suit, which has been undertaken as a pro bonocase by Comar Law, based in San Francisco:
The topic can be found here: http://pilotsfor911truth.org/forum/index.php?showtopic=22916
Monday, June 15, 2015
Cops Show ‘True Colors’ at Marijuana Dispensary Bust
*You may have heard the saying, “Eventually, your true colors will
show themselves.” Well, I just made that up, but you get the point. And
recent video show a group of cops who raided a marijuana dispensary in
Santa Ana, California as a perfect example.
What idiots!
poor excuses for police officers were obviously not aware that the
dispensary they charged into had secret cameras. And obviously smelling themselves they
proceeded to flaunt their authority by showing a complete lack of
disregard for the business; eating marijuana edibles, tossing darts, and
even joking about their behavior towards a disabled person. READ MORE
Crystal Valentine - "Black Privilege"
Tuesday, June 2, 2015
Kurt Vonnegut & Joseph Heller War Experience: Battle of the Bulge, Bombing Raids, VE Day (1995)
"We just got here!" is the most notable quote here. In every age there will come a mad man, who will easily fool the young into thinking of war as a glorious and exciting thing. Few will notice that older people, people who have been to wars, will have very different take on the matter. The old know but can't speak, the young don't know and can't think. That's why we always forget the struggles that won the peace we enjoy, and go back to repeating the mistakes of the past.
Pay close attention to what Joseph Heller says about war, most especially towards the end. What comes to mind immediately is; "What would he have had to say, just a few years later with 911 and the Iraq war behind us?" That question sort of proves his point in a way that no mere words could ever do. If one might hope that the Bush adm., might be held to account, that's not going to happen for reasons of national sovereignty and, while we could do it internally, that can't happen either because there are just too many interlocking issues and too much culpability spread around. Such that finding a reasonable border line, would be all but impossible, that is, unless one wishes to engage in some hundred year long debate. Thus the answer becomes that, since we don't know how to do this thing, it's best left to the scholars, bloggers and dust collecting library shelves.
On the bright side, we do have a more modern government that prevented the kind of excesses that were available to pre-Bonapartian ruleers. Where, unlike most legacy government paradigms, the powers of state are more widely distributed. Even that homeless person, sleeping under a bridge, enjoys the protection of some government power, at least in theory, and can assert some statutory rights, enforced by the powers of state.
If one steps back and looks at the problem from "the side of the board" it looks much different than it does to the players inside. Which explains why many very good and sundry suggestions on government, never make it into the codes of law, we simply do not know how to make them practically workable. How, for instance, does one circumscribe executive immunity, without effectively removing it, to such an extent that the executive is hamstrung? While we can speak of "stepping over the line", in reality those "lines" are not lines at all, but very wide, blurry, grey areas. While the "kibitzers view" is borne of hindsight, which we know is 100%, don't be persuaded by it, instead try to turn it around and garner or fashion some guide of conduct that can be used for future events. That is where hindsight and the "kibitzers view" fails.
Culture » January 27, 2003
Kurt Vonnegut vs. the !&#*!@
You'll enjoy this page:Kurt Vonnegut November 11, 1922 - April 11, 2007
Kurt Vonnegut Youtube search
Sunday, May 24, 2015
GOP Donor Adelson Accused Of Organized Crime Ties
May 23, 2015 Alan
Posted with permission from Liberaland
Posted with permission from Liberaland
Las Vegas Judge Elizabeth Gonzalez ruled that a hearing over the full case will take place in a Nevada courtroom, according to The Guardian, dealing a blow to Adelson, the owner of Las Vegas Sands and a major GOP political donor.
"This matter has been pending in Nevada courts for almost five years," Gonzalez said. "Judicial economy would be served by continuing his litigation in Nevada."
Ex-CIA briefer: Bush administration presented false 'intelligence' to the nation
In the much-needed pile-on lambasting the most recent round of Iraq War
whitewashing, Ex-CIA Deputy Director Michael Morell appeared on the TV
to say that yes, the Bush administration lied to the public about the
intelligence presented to them. He was the one briefing the White House
on that intelligence at the time, and so he is among the most very
qualified people on earth to make that assertion. But he didn't pipe up
with this at the time, you must understand, because that wasn't his job.
[CHRIS MATTHEWS]: You're the briefer for the president on intelligence, you're the top person to go in and tell him what's going on. You see Cheney make this charge he's got a nuclear bomb and then they make subsequent charges he knew how to deliver it…and nobody raised their hand and said, "No that's not what we told him." [...] MORELL: As the briefer, my job is to carry CIA's best information and best analysis to the president of the United States and make sure he understands it. My job is to not watch what they're saying on TV.Given the magnitude of death and destruction unleashed as a result of those misrepresentations, you have to admire the man's devotion to his own job security. A true hero.
MATTHEWS: So you're briefing the president on the reasons for war, they're selling the war, using your stuff, saying you made that case when you didn't. So they're using your credibility to make the case for war dishonestly, as you just admitted. [...] MORELL: On some aspects. On some aspects.Add this to the pile, then. There were many, many Americans that knew at the time that the intelligence being presented to justify the Iraq War was weak or simply fraudulent; the case being made against the war at the time relied on U.N. weapons inspectors, nuclear experts, foreign policy experts and others who regularly piped up to say that assertions about "aluminum tubes" or "yellowcake uranium" or an "Al-Qaeda connection" were simply false. READ MORE
‘Prosperity Gospel’ Pastor Is Asking His Church To Buy Him A $65 Million Jet
As Jesus once said, “Blessed are rich pastors, for they deserve a private jet.”
Wait, no he didn’t. But that’s essentially the message Creflo Dollar, a prominent mega-pastor in College Park, Georgia, wants his congregants to believe.
In March, the website for World Changers Church International, Dollar’s church, launched Project G650, a campaign to purchase the 53-year-old pastor a Gulfstream G-650 luxury jet valued at roughly $65 million dollars. Dollar (yes, that’s his actual name) reportedly already owned a private plane, but encouraged members of his church — which claims around 30,000 congregants, not including thousands of online followers — to buy him a new one.
“The mission of Project G650 is to acquire a Gulfstream G650 airplane
so that Pastors Creflo and Taffi [his wife] and World Changers Church
International can continue to blanket the globe with the Gospel of
grace,” the website read, according to the Christian Post.
“We are believing for 200,000 people to give contributions of 300 US
dollars or more to turn this dream into a reality — and allow us to
retire the aircraft that served us well for many years.” READ MORE
Wait, no he didn’t. But that’s essentially the message Creflo Dollar, a prominent mega-pastor in College Park, Georgia, wants his congregants to believe.
In March, the website for World Changers Church International, Dollar’s church, launched Project G650, a campaign to purchase the 53-year-old pastor a Gulfstream G-650 luxury jet valued at roughly $65 million dollars. Dollar (yes, that’s his actual name) reportedly already owned a private plane, but encouraged members of his church — which claims around 30,000 congregants, not including thousands of online followers — to buy him a new one.
The Family Research Council’s Strange Statement On Josh Duggar’s Child Molestation Confession
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Josh Duggar speaking in 2014 on behalf of FRC Action against same-sex marriage in Arkansas. |
But Duggar just resigned from FRC after admitting to allegations that he molested several young girls as a teenager, including some of his sisters. Details of the police report, only filed by patriarch Jim Bob Duggar more than a year after the molestation took place, first came to light through reporting from In Touch magazine and later confirmed by TMZ. In a statement to People magazine, Josh Duggar publicly confessed to his behavior and the Duggar family also acknowledged his past mistakes on Facebook. But FRC’s official response, via President Tony Perkins, was incredibly muted. READ MORE
9 Times Josh Duggar Lectured People On Family Values Before He Admitted He Was A Child Molester
Josh Duggar, a reality TV star on TLC’s 19 Kids and Counting and the oldest child of the Duggar clan, admitted that he sexually molested several young girls as a teenager. Duggar only owned up to his conduct after records of a police investigation
were obtained by In Touch Magazine. He was never prosecuted because, by
the time he was reported to the authorities, the statute of limitations
had expired.
Prior to his admission on Thursday night, Duggar spent years crisscrossing the country as a spokesman for “traditional values.” Duggar took a job as executive director of the Family Research Council’s political arm in 2013. In that role, which he resigned on Thursday, Duggar argued that marriage equality and abortion rights — among other things — were destroying the values that he and his family embodied.
Here are nine of Duggar’s most sanctimonious moments:
1. When Josh Duggar argued that an LGBT nondiscrimination measure in Arkansas jeopardized the safety of children:
Prior to his admission on Thursday night, Duggar spent years crisscrossing the country as a spokesman for “traditional values.” Duggar took a job as executive director of the Family Research Council’s political arm in 2013. In that role, which he resigned on Thursday, Duggar argued that marriage equality and abortion rights — among other things — were destroying the values that he and his family embodied.
Here are nine of Duggar’s most sanctimonious moments:
Saturday, May 23, 2015
Let George Do It
in case you haven’t heard: May 28 is the date that George Pataki will
announce whether he’s running for the Republican presidential
Yes! George Pataki. Of New York. How can you not remember? He was governor for 12 years, for heaven’s sake.
I can understand how it slipped your mind. In 1999, when Pataki was
still in office and much more famous than he is today, he went to New
Hampshire to feel out his presidential prospects, and I remember having
an argument with a cabdriver in Manchester who was sure that the
governor of New York was Rudy Giuliani.
is the season when America grows its crop of presidential candidates,
and even if the names are improbable, attention must be paid.
the Democratic side has not been particularly fertile, the Republican
contenders are multiplying like gerbils. Six hats are already in the
ring. On May 27, Rick (Remember Me?) Santorum will tell us where his
metaphorical headwear is going. A coy tweet from Texas reveals that Mr.
and Mrs. Rick Perry “have been discussing the future of this great
country and how our family can play a role,” and promises “a special
announcement” on June 4.
Trump claims he’ll have some exciting news in June, too. It’s been a
hard couple of weeks for Republicans, but the future is filled with
cheer. No reason worrying about Jeb Bush cratering when you have Rick
Santorum, Rick Perry, Donald Trump and George Pataki to look forward to. READ MORE
Wow, Jeb Bush Is Awful
Let’s discuss Jeb Bush’s terrible week.
really troubled by his awful performances, and I’m generally a person
who takes bad news about politicians pretty well. For instance, a friend
just sent me a story about the Texas agriculture commissioner’s vow to
bring deep-fried foods back to school cafeterias. (“It’s not about
French fries; it’s about freedom.”) I would classify this as
interesting, yet somehow not a shocking surprise.
today we’re talking about Jeb Bush. As a presidential hopeful, Bush’s
most attractive feature was an aura of competence. Extremely boring
competence, perhaps. Still, an apparent ability to get through the day
without demonstrating truly scary ineptitude.
Then, about a week ago, The Washington Post reported
that during a private meeting with rich Manhattan financiers, Bush
announced that his most influential adviser on Middle Eastern matters
was his brother George. READ MORE
Wednesday, May 20, 2015
Jeb Bush says 'a tolerant country' should support the right to discriminate
Jeb Bush plunked himself down firmly on the side of discrimination in a
Christian Broadcasting Network interview Saturday. Does he think
business owners should be able to refuse to provide services for same-sex weddings? "Yes, absolutely, if it’s based on a religious belief."
“A big country, a tolerant country, ought to be able to figure out the difference between discriminating someone because of their sexual orientation and not forcing someone to participate in a wedding that they find goes against their moral beliefs,” he said. “This should not be that complicated. Gosh, it is right now.” READ MORE
Sorry, Jeb. Your brother did create ISIS
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A fighter of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) holds an ISIL flag and a weapon on a street in the city of Mosul. |
This week, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush found that out the hard way. Mocked by the press and his GOP rivals for first announcing, "I would have" gone into Iraq knowing what he knows now, Jeb reversed course days later in declaring, "I would not have gone into Iraq." But even before the pain had subsided from that severe case of whiplash, Bush was embarrassed at an event in Reno by 19-year-old college student Ivy Ziedrich. When Bush tried to pin the paternity for the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria on President Obama, the University of Nevada political science major replied simply:
"Your brother created ISIS." READ MORE
Why race is the main reason the murderous bloodbath in Waco was handled with velvet gloves
Nine people shot to death at a family restaurant.
Dozens of others stabbed, beaten, and seriously injured.
Over 100 guns recovered.
Sounds like one of the worst crimes in modern American history, right?
Then why do the men above look like they are tailgating? Smoking cigarettes, others using their cell phones, nobody in the world could guess that these men were even associated with such a horrible crime. Instead, you'd think the man below was involved.
Nah. He refused to get on the sidewalk during a curfew in Baltimore. Sprayed in the face with pepper spray, the officers even seemed to enjoy brutalizing him. See the smile?
It's not a harsh comparison at all.
In Ferguson, Baltimore, New York, and around the country, protestors were actually protesting against violence and were often treated as if they were murderers.
In Waco, Texas, when one of the deadliest, bloodiest, most violent rampages in modern America happened, the National Guard wasn't called in, the perpetrators weren't beaten or pepper-sprayed, nobody was hogtied or humiliated, the dogs weren't brought out to intimidate anyone. Hell, they didn't even handcuff them or take their phones away. Instead, they just sat them down on the sidewalk peacefully. READ MORE
Dozens of others stabbed, beaten, and seriously injured.
Over 100 guns recovered.
Sounds like one of the worst crimes in modern American history, right?
Then why do the men above look like they are tailgating? Smoking cigarettes, others using their cell phones, nobody in the world could guess that these men were even associated with such a horrible crime. Instead, you'd think the man below was involved.
Nah. He refused to get on the sidewalk during a curfew in Baltimore. Sprayed in the face with pepper spray, the officers even seemed to enjoy brutalizing him. See the smile?
It's not a harsh comparison at all.
In Ferguson, Baltimore, New York, and around the country, protestors were actually protesting against violence and were often treated as if they were murderers.
In Waco, Texas, when one of the deadliest, bloodiest, most violent rampages in modern America happened, the National Guard wasn't called in, the perpetrators weren't beaten or pepper-sprayed, nobody was hogtied or humiliated, the dogs weren't brought out to intimidate anyone. Hell, they didn't even handcuff them or take their phones away. Instead, they just sat them down on the sidewalk peacefully. READ MORE
Newspaper Gives Honest Answer to Question, "Why do you support such a liberal agenda?"
Honest answer to a reader's question
No snark, no smartassery. This is one of the finest responses I've ever seen to this kind of question.
Setup: The Charlotte Observer's Taylor Batten wrote a piece about "Honesty Day," which "requires" you to honestly answer a question if it is posed to you. (Sidebar: The Observer is a McClatchy newspaper.) He was asked: "Question? Why do you support such a liberal agenda? Remember you’re supposed to answer honestly."
It would have been easy to respond defensively ("We're not liberal!") or with much snark and smartass ("Here's why we're not conservative...") or, easiest of all, to just ignore it -- with or without the high drama and pearl-clutching. Instead, Batten and the Observer chose to respond with a simple, elegant, and perfectly thought-out response. I'm not easily impressed by this kind of thing. Batten's words did so. This will resonate with me for, quite probably, the rest of my days.
Let's go see what he wrote. READ MORE
No snark, no smartassery. This is one of the finest responses I've ever seen to this kind of question.
Setup: The Charlotte Observer's Taylor Batten wrote a piece about "Honesty Day," which "requires" you to honestly answer a question if it is posed to you. (Sidebar: The Observer is a McClatchy newspaper.) He was asked: "Question? Why do you support such a liberal agenda? Remember you’re supposed to answer honestly."
It would have been easy to respond defensively ("We're not liberal!") or with much snark and smartass ("Here's why we're not conservative...") or, easiest of all, to just ignore it -- with or without the high drama and pearl-clutching. Instead, Batten and the Observer chose to respond with a simple, elegant, and perfectly thought-out response. I'm not easily impressed by this kind of thing. Batten's words did so. This will resonate with me for, quite probably, the rest of my days.
Let's go see what he wrote. READ MORE
Video captures police trying to illegally detain teenage girls, women rushing to their aid
Police, apparently from the 30th precinct near West Harlem in New York
City, attempted to illegally detain two teenage girls from the
community. As you will see in the video below the fold, these young
girls didn't do anything wrong.
At 6:08 in the video, all hell breaks loose.
This is about as a bold of an example of witnesses courageously standing up to bad policing as you will ever see. FROM THE SITE
At 6:08 in the video, all hell breaks loose.
This is about as a bold of an example of witnesses courageously standing up to bad policing as you will ever see. FROM THE SITE
We're Number 1! Arizona reaches another milestone of hate
Today the Arizona legislature did what no other state in the nation
has been mean-spirited enough to do: they cut lifetime welfare benefits
to one year for everyone — adults and children, the physically and mentally disabled. Most states
have a five-year limit, while thirteen others impose a two-year cutoff.
Texas (of course) has a flexible limit that can be as short as one
year, but even children are exempt in the Lone Star State. Not so for
Arizona! We're Number 1!
The far-right fundies, who absolutely control Arizona's legislature, made the usual unproven arguments before voting to cut vulnerable families off at the knees:
As a result, the Arizona Department of Economic Security will drop at least 1,600 families — including more than 2,700 children — from the state's federally funded welfare program when the budget year begins in July.No doubt you'll continue to hear from the Cato Institute, Rush Limbaugh and other goonballs that lazy moochers sit at home because welfare pays more than work, but Arizona's payments were never generous to begin with, a whopping $275 per month for a two-person household. Now even that will be gone in a couple months for thousands of people — and as many as 300,000 total if legislators follow through with all their planned cuts to welfare, Medicaid and ACA.
The far-right fundies, who absolutely control Arizona's legislature, made the usual unproven arguments before voting to cut vulnerable families off at the knees:
"I tell my kids all the time that the decisions we make have rewards or consequences, and if I don't ever let them face those consequences they can't get back on the path to rewards," Republican Sen. Kelli Ward of Lake Havasu City said during debate on the budget. "As a society we are encouraging people at times to make poor decisions and then we reward them."Rewarding poor decisions. Oh, you mean like Wall Street banksters? READ MORE
Bill O'Reilly's daughter says he choked and dragged ex-wife down stairs
Bill O'Reilly is a terrible, dumb, vicious, hypocrite. Now you might add
wife-beater to that litany of the obscenities that come to mind when
O'Reilly crosses your radar. Gawker is reporting that, according to
documents from O'Reilly's recently lost custody case against his ex-wife
Maureen McPhilmy, O'Reilly is not just a vulgar verbally and mentally
abusive, bullying type—he's also a physically assaulting type of bully:
According to a source familiar with the facts of the case, a court-appointed forensic examiner testified at a closed hearing that O’Reilly’s daughter claimed to have witnessed her father dragging McPhilmy down a staircase by her neck, apparently unaware that the daughter was watching. The precise date of the alleged incident is unclear, but appears to have occurred before the couple separated in 2010. The same source indicated that the daughter, who is 16 years old, told the forensic examiner about the incident within the past year.The levels of depravity O'Reilly has reached during this case trump the recent revelations of how much of a liar he is. Unpacking them here would take forever and I would potentially grind my teeth into nubs, but here are some highlights: READ MORE
Leaked Memo Reveals What ‘Breastaurants’ Actually Think Of Their Customers
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Waitresses and a customer at a Texas-area Twin Peaks restaurant |
Twin Peaks attributes its success to a basic understanding of the sexes. “Men are simple creatures and so you don’t have to get too crazy to get them in the door,” Kristen Colby, the director of marketing for Twin Peaks franchise, told the Huffington Post earlier this year. She said that beer, sports, and beautiful women are all it takes.
An internal branding memo provided to ThinkProgress from a current employee at a Twin Peaks restaurant, who preferred to remain anonymous over fears about losing their job, backs up that claim. That employee said the memo was distributed to all the franchises nationwide, as well as handed out to waitresses.
How Atheists Are Turning ‘Religious Freedom’ Laws Against Religion
For almost a year now, the nation has been locked in almost constant
debate over various state and federal versions of the Religious Freedom
and Restoration Act (RFRA), a 20-year-old law that was broadened by the
Supreme Court in 2014 and has since been embraced by right-wing
politicians and pundits — especially religious conservatives. But in an
unusual twist, an atheist activist is galvanizing support for a legal
campaign to use the federal RFRA to remove the phrase “In God we trust”
from U.S. coins and paper bills.
Even more unusual: it just might work.
Michael Newdow, who unsuccessfully sued to have “Under God” removed from the Pledge of Allegiance in 2004, published a guest post on the The Friendly Atheist blog last Friday outlining a new initiative to challenge the decades-old policy of printing the religiously themed American national motto on U.S. currency. He explained that while courts have dismissed claims that the phrase violates the Establishment Clause of the U.S. Constitution — which prohibits Congress from passing laws that establish one religion above others — his new legal argument is rooted in RFRA’s stipulation that religious activity cannot be “substantially burdened” without a “compelling government interest.” The government’s interest in emblazoning currency with “in God we trust,” Newdow argues, is suspect.
Even more unusual: it just might work.
Michael Newdow, who unsuccessfully sued to have “Under God” removed from the Pledge of Allegiance in 2004, published a guest post on the The Friendly Atheist blog last Friday outlining a new initiative to challenge the decades-old policy of printing the religiously themed American national motto on U.S. currency. He explained that while courts have dismissed claims that the phrase violates the Establishment Clause of the U.S. Constitution — which prohibits Congress from passing laws that establish one religion above others — his new legal argument is rooted in RFRA’s stipulation that religious activity cannot be “substantially burdened” without a “compelling government interest.” The government’s interest in emblazoning currency with “in God we trust,” Newdow argues, is suspect.
Monday, May 18, 2015
US cited for police violence, racism in scathing UN review on human rights
US’ second review before UN Human Rights Council dominated by criticism over police violence against black men
The issue of racism and police brutality dominated the discussion on Monday during the country’s second universal periodic review (UPR). Country after country recommended that the U.S. strengthen legislation and expand training to eliminate racism and excessive use of force by law enforcement.
"I'm not surprised that the world's eyes are focused on police issues in the U.S.," said Alba Morales, who investigates the U.S. criminal justice system at Human Rights Watch.
"There is an international spotlight that's been shone [on the issues], in large part due to the events in Ferguson and the disproportionate police response to even peaceful protesters," she said.
Anticipating the comments to come, James Cadogan, a senior counselor to the U.S. assistant attorney general, told delegates gathered in Geneva, "The tragic deaths of Freddie Gray in Baltimore, Michael Brown in Missouri, Eric Garner in New York, Tamir Rice in Ohio and Walter Scott in South Carolina have renewed a long-standing and critical national debate about the even-handed administration of justice. These events challenge us to do better and to work harder for progress — through both dialogue and action." READ MORE
US soldiers banned from bars, clubs in Philippines
As troops kick off annual joint exercises, US curfews imposed are thought to relate to alleged murder of trans Filipina
April 18, 2015
10:12AM ET
Thousands of American and Filipino soldiers were set to kick off 10 days of annual joint military exercises Monday, according to Capt. Alex Lim, a spokesman for the U.S. forces.
But there will be strict controls on their free time.
"There is a 10 p.m. curfew. The restrictions include no bars and clubs," he told Agence France-Presse.
He also said that American soldiers will only be allowed to eat meals "in the vicinity of their place of dwelling.”
Lim would not say why the restrictions were imposed, but conceded they came after an American soldier was arrested over the alleged murder of a transgender Filipina he met in a bar in October after taking part in military exercises in the Philippines. READ MORE
‘Disaster after disaster’ hits Marshall Islands as climate change kicks in
Rising seas and increasing floods put low-lying islands on front line of climate change; president appeals for help
This is part one of a three-part series examining the effects of climate change on the Marshall Islands and what is being done to adapt to the increasing threats it poses.
MAJURO, Marshall Islands — “They came and told us to evacuate to the next house, which is stronger, because there will be a flood. The tide went up to the front porch and I was scared because of the big waves,” said 7-year-old Keslynna Myo Sibok, a resident of Majuro, the capital of the Republic of the Marshall Islands — a remote chain of 29 low-lying coral atolls and five islands that lies in the middle of the Pacific Ocean and has found itself on the front lines of climate change.
Keslynna sat in the front yard of her grandmother’s home, located on their atoll’s most vulnerable edge, where there is nothing to protect it from increasingly unpredictable and severe inundations. READ MORE
Hundreds arrested after deadly biker gang meeting in Texas
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Bikers in the parking lot of the Twin Peaks restaurant in Waco, Texas, where nine people were killed in a motorcycle gang fight, May 17, 2015. Rod Aydelotte / Waco Tribune Herald / Polaris |
in Waco, Texas, where nine people were killed in a
motorcycle gang fight, May 17, 2015. Rod Aydelotte /
Waco Tribune Herald / Polaris
Law enforcement officials remained on alert in Waco, Texas, early Monday after a deadly shootout among rival biker gangs shook the community, and attempts at intimidation ensured officers will stay on the streets, police said.
Waco police Sgt. W. Patrick Swanton said 192 people have been arrested on charges of engaging in organized crime after the brawl Sunday afternoon at a Twin Peaks restaurant. Nine bikers were killed, and at least 18 more were wounded.
"Our citizens are safe. I will tell you that we have had threats against law enforcement officers throughout the night from various biker groups,” he said at a news conference early Monday. “We are very aware that some of them have come into our city, and we have a contingency plan to deal with those individuals if they try to cause trouble here."
The violence erupted shortly after noon in the restaurant, at a busy shopping center along Interstate 35, where members of at least five rival gangs had gathered for a meeting, Swanton said late Sunday. Preliminary findings indicate a dispute broke out in a bathroom, escalated to include knives and firearms and eventually spilled into the restaurant parking lot. READ MORE
India's shocking farmer suicide epidemic
Falling into a debt-trap and besieged by bad weather, thousands of farmers are taking their own lives each year.
Baba Umar |Umbrale, India - After days of hushed chanting that "the sky betrayed" him, Datatery Popat Ghadwaje, 42, committed suicide by ingesting insecticides at his grape orchard.
Crushed under a $41,000 debt and a series of bank repayment notices, Ghadwaje of Umbrale village in the western state of Maharashtra finally lost hope when back-to-back hailstorms destroyed his Thompson grape plantation last month.
"He was under tremendous pressure," Ghadwaje's 16-year-old son, Bhagwan Datatery, told Al Jazeera.
"The harvest was his only hope. Hailstorms took everything away from us," he said, describing how his father was found face up in the orchard, foaming at the mouth before he died.
Snaking, macadamised roads lead to this sleepy village, where pyramid-shaped hills look over the green landscape, and where vineyards and pomegranate orchards destroyed by storms stand apart.
Suicide among farmers is routine in India's interior, yet Ghadwaje's grim death still shocked many in the area. READ MORE
Media (and Police) Double Standard On Wide Display In Waco
At Least 9 Dead In Waco, Texas Biker Shootout
idth=" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/JZG8PIYKBa0"> -dead-in-biker-gang-shooting-at/article_37addf70-e4e5-505a-98b4-ecbef08a2a87.html">a shooting in Waco, Texas yesterday. When the smoke cleared, nine people were dead, another 18 or so injured, 100 weapons recovered, and many arrests were made.
Calling it a shooting is far too mild. It was a shootout, with no regard for the safety of innocent bystanders.
The brawl began at a restaurant in a mall in Waco, a place where people go with their families on Sundays. It escalated from chains and knives to guns. I can't even believe I typed that, because I've never had to type any such thing about Ferguson or Baltimore. Only Waco.
In Baltimore or Ferguson, police would have been dressed in riot gear with billy clubs after an event such as that. A curfew would have been imposed. The media would have been all over it. Fox News would trot out every conservative commentator they could to point fingers at those "thugs" who start senseless violence. We would hear about how the parents raised said thugs, and how they fritter away their welfare check on implements of thuggery. READ MORE
Waco Police On Alert After Thug Bikers' Orders To 'Shoot Anyone In Uniform'
Brit Hume Attacks Obama's Criticism Of Fox While Continuing Their Poor-Shaming
You've got to hand it to these talking heads over on Faux
"news." They're able to lie with a straight face to their audience about
what that same audience likely watches day after day, and week after
week on their network when it comes to their race baiting and shaming of
anyone in the United States who is unfortunate enough to be living in
poverty, while simultaneously making excuses for their poor-shaming and
attacking the President of the United States for calling them out for
That's exactly what the audience was treated to on this Sunday's Media Buzz on Fox, where host Howard Kurtz and his guest Brit Hume continued the network's week-long whine-fest over President Obama's remarks about how Fox constantly berates those living in poverty as lazy, just wanting to live off of the government dole and proud of it.
KURTZ: That brings me to that odd phraseology where President Obama says he wants a different kind of reporting so he can change the minds of John Boehner and Mitch McConnell. What does that say to you?
HUME: Well, first of all, a big part of the job of a president is to find a way to work with people who disagree with him and try to get something done. He's especially bad at this.
That's exactly what the audience was treated to on this Sunday's Media Buzz on Fox, where host Howard Kurtz and his guest Brit Hume continued the network's week-long whine-fest over President Obama's remarks about how Fox constantly berates those living in poverty as lazy, just wanting to live off of the government dole and proud of it.
KURTZ: That brings me to that odd phraseology where President Obama says he wants a different kind of reporting so he can change the minds of John Boehner and Mitch McConnell. What does that say to you?
HUME: Well, first of all, a big part of the job of a president is to find a way to work with people who disagree with him and try to get something done. He's especially bad at this.
Barack Obama,
Brit Hume,
Fox News,
Howard Kurtz,
Media Buzz,
Stingy Welfare Withdrawal Limits Lands Kansas In Hot Water
Now that Kansas has passed the most niggardly, stingy, punitive TANF rules on the planet, they just might find themselves in trouble with the federal government.
The way TANF works now, by the way, is the way Republicans want Medicaid to work. The federal government block grants money to the states, and the states get to decide how that money is doled out and used. Kansas is a shining example of why block grants for any assistance is a terrible idea.
The way TANF works now, by the way, is the way Republicans want Medicaid to work. The federal government block grants money to the states, and the states get to decide how that money is doled out and used. Kansas is a shining example of why block grants for any assistance is a terrible idea.
A first-of-its-kind provision that prevents welfare recipients in Kansas from withdrawing more than $25 a day from an ATM might violate federal law, and could jeopardize the state’s federal funding if not amended.
The Social Security Act requires states to ensure that recipients of Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, or TANF, “have adequate access to their cash assistance” and can withdraw money “with minimal fees or charges.”
At stake is about $102 million in TANF block grant funds that Kansas receives every year from the federal government.
The state’s controversial ATM limit was added as an amendment to a welfare overhaul bill signed in April by Gov. Sam Brownback, a Republican. The new law also bars welfare recipients from spending their benefit money at certain places, including movie theaters, massage parlors, cruise ships and swimming pools. It also sets stricter eligibility requirements and shortened the amount of time people can receive assistance.State Senator Michael O'Donnell (R-Koch) is now concerned that the state could lose out on the federal goodie bag. READ MORE
The GOP Is Dying Off. Literally.
It turns out that one of the Grand Old Party’s biggest—and least discussed—challenges going into 2016 is lying in plain sight, written right into the party’s own nickname. The Republican Party voter is old—and getting older, and as the adage goes, there are two certainties in life: Death and taxes. Right now, both are enemies of the GOP and they might want to worry more about the former than the latter.
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There’s been much written about how millennials are becoming a reliable voting bloc for Democrats, but there’s been much less attention paid to one of the biggest get-out-the-vote challenges for the Republican Party heading into the next presidential election: Hundreds of thousands of their traditional core supporters won’t be able to turn out to vote at all.
The party’s core is dying off by the day.
Since the average Republican is significantly older than the average Democrat, far more Republicans than Democrats have died since the 2012 elections. To make matters worse, the GOP is attracting fewer first-time voters. Unless the party is able to make inroads with new voters, or discover a fountain of youth, the GOP’s slow demographic slide will continue election to election. Actuarial tables make that part clear, but just how much of a problem for the GOP is this? READ MOREhttp://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2015/05/the-gop-is-dying-off-literally-118035.html?utm_source=digg&utm_medium=email#.VVn_lEaVWSp
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There’s been much written about how millennials are becoming a reliable voting bloc for Democrats, but there’s been much less attention paid to one of the biggest get-out-the-vote challenges for the Republican Party heading into the next presidential election: Hundreds of thousands of their traditional core supporters won’t be able to turn out to vote at all.
The party’s core is dying off by the day.
Since the average Republican is significantly older than the average Democrat, far more Republicans than Democrats have died since the 2012 elections. To make matters worse, the GOP is attracting fewer first-time voters. Unless the party is able to make inroads with new voters, or discover a fountain of youth, the GOP’s slow demographic slide will continue election to election. Actuarial tables make that part clear, but just how much of a problem for the GOP is this? READ MOREhttp://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2015/05/the-gop-is-dying-off-literally-118035.html?utm_source=digg&utm_medium=email#.VVn_lEaVWSp
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Steel box column: 125,370 lb/sq.ft (low)
Worse yet is the fact that the aircraft has to break several steel columns, not just one.