A collection of articles defining our times. The pages contain clickable links, don't let the titles fool you, some of the best articles have very non-descript titles and there are usually more articles on the matters in the days and week pages the links land on so it's a sort of treasure hunt through history, Enjoy!
- WELCOME TO THE NEW WORLD ODOR (#2) | (hint: It stinks)T
- WELCOME TO THE NEW WORLD ODOR (#1) | (hint: It stinks)
- ALL ABOARD FOR 2024 (What you're voting for/against?) #5
- ALL ABOARD FOR 2024 (What you're voting for/against?) #4
- ALL ABOARD FOR 2024 (What you're voting for/against?) #3
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- ALL ABOARD FOR 2024 (Look at what you're voting for/against?)
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- The Horrible Trump Prsdncy 21
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- The Horrible Trump P 19
- The Horrible Trump Prsdncy 18
- The Horrible Trump Prsdncy 17
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- The Horrible Trump Prsdncy 15
- The Horrible T P 14
- 911 Page Two
- JEFFERY EPSTEIN FILES (2) JULY 2024 (Clickable links)
- THE JEFFERY EPSTEIN FILES (clickable links)
- Bag Man Podcast - Episode 1 - 7 | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC
Monday, December 31, 2018
Sunday, December 30, 2018
Saturday, December 29, 2018
Friday, December 28, 2018
Collusion Mystery: Why Mueller And NY Feds Differ On Key Witness | The B...
Trump lives in a world of wild and weird imaginings and hallucinations. The public is not used to having an unstable person as the President so his wild mood swings are dismissed as some sort of genius. Thus his bipolarity goes unrecognized even as disconcerting as it may be. Historically bipolar leaders have not only been tolerated but they have been allowed to destroy the nation's they ruled. Apparently American government isn't so modern that it can deal with a lunatic leader any better than could governments 2,000 years in the past. You would think that by this time we would be able to quickly identify a bipolar person with a host of horrible personality disorders, and quickly shuttle him off to the funny farm where he belongs, but no, like "Little Boots" before him, he does the equivalent of sending troops to the beaches to gather seashells while the enemy regains its strength. "Little Rocket man" has already out gamed our dear leader, Putin has and still is getting big peices out. It will be a while before all losses show their ugly heads. But even so we can say we are in big big trouble that gets even worse every day.
Thursday, December 27, 2018
Wednesday, December 26, 2018
December 26 2018 Trump visits Troops
Today Trump is out of the country, visiting the troops in Baghdad.
If we learned anything during the Bush years, it's that when the President goes traveling it means he's trying to out run some horrible breaking news. Maybe the MSM has gotten smart and will hold the story for his return home. Hahaha
Slowly but surely everybody and his brother and sister is abandoning Herr Trump. Hardly a wonder because if anything we have to wonder what's taking so long?
Last one's out of the Trump camp are probably marked for extinction. Hahaha
If we learned anything during the Bush years, it's that when the President goes traveling it means he's trying to out run some horrible breaking news. Maybe the MSM has gotten smart and will hold the story for his return home. Hahaha
Slowly but surely everybody and his brother and sister is abandoning Herr Trump. Hardly a wonder because if anything we have to wonder what's taking so long?
Last one's out of the Trump camp are probably marked for extinction. Hahaha
Tuesday, December 25, 2018
Trump has ruined America Honor
We didn't just betray the Kurds, what we did affects all our relationships around the world and with all nations. When we show that we can and will violate any trust that is placed in our words, what have we got left to make any deals with the world? We are now setting our troops out around the world in lands where no one, any longer believes they can trust us. Heaven only knows what anyone thinks we can accomplish with these, now untrusted hoops standing around while politicians make other arrangements, to safeguard their souls in the event that the U.S. decides to go back on their words.
Trump has forced the world's political leaders to engage in double dealing when dealing with the US., after all, that's exactly what we would do when we cannot trust the people we are dealing with. So how can we expect any less?
So pretty near everything we've done or planned to do around the world is thrown into question in one fell swoop, which cannot make America great for a very long time. Agent Orange has just wasted trillions of dollars and decades of effort, simply because he is impulsive, clueless and incredibly dense.
Trump has forced the world's political leaders to engage in double dealing when dealing with the US., after all, that's exactly what we would do when we cannot trust the people we are dealing with. So how can we expect any less?
So pretty near everything we've done or planned to do around the world is thrown into question in one fell swoop, which cannot make America great for a very long time. Agent Orange has just wasted trillions of dollars and decades of effort, simply because he is impulsive, clueless and incredibly dense.
World Leaders Worry After James Mattis Resigns In Protest | The Last Wor...
Mueller can only show us what happened behind the scenes. We still have too many people who cannot bring themselves to think rationally. Even though their numbers are not a majority, America stayed asleep at the wheel while Republicans gamed the system to manipulate the vote with gerrymandering. Back in the 90's we were screaming about it on usenet. Where Tom Delay, speaker of the House, used his office to help Jack Abramoff rape Indian Casinos for the funds to gerrymander the "permanent Republican Majority" and it worked. I don't believe anyone will take the time to review this explanation of how it worked, but I'll post it anyway. Hopefully some one will not only watch it but will spread it as well. The blue wave was actually a blue tsunami, that's what was required to overcome the Powerful Republican Gerrymander built by Tom Delay using the money raised by "Casino Jack Abramoff": Democratic Gains Required Overcoming Extreme GOP Gerrymandering | Rachel Maddow https://tinyurl.com/ycunysfex. GOP Gerrymandering: Democratic Votes Not Matched By Seats Gained | Rache... https://tinyurl.com/ycjpmwdw Democrats Aim To Build On Historic 2018 Win, Overcome GOP Skewing | Rachel Maddow https://tinyurl.com/yblqq4gp
Monday, December 24, 2018
Sunday, December 23, 2018
"He's scared": Mayhem surrounds Trump as Mattis departs, shutdown looms
This Wildcat President cannot be tolerated because business and society depend upon trust. Because no one can know where or when this wildcat President will lash out next who can know what to trust? How can you make consequential multi million dollar decisions when you cannot know what an unhinged President will strike at next? He's finished himself!
Saturday, December 22, 2018
Friday, December 21, 2018
Michael Moore Says Donald Trump Chaos Makes Him ‘Frightened’ For The Cou...
Be realistic Mike none of what you are saying, as good and right as it may be, would stand a chance of surviving the Republican challenges it would surely face. It would immediately be bogged down in a mushrooming debate when suddenly some new distraction, like perhaps Miss America tripping on stage, and all would be forgotten. Nope, this players out the way things in politics historically play out, it goes on until a crisis provokes a catharsis.
Thursday, December 20, 2018
Wednesday, December 19, 2018
Judge Shocks Court With Harsh Rebuke Of Michael Flynn; Sentencing Delaye...
Well, that wraps up the "ambush" garbage Giuliani and Fox Fiends have been making. Obviously, if someone high in government is committing treason, which they know is wrong, they do not need a warning from anyone not to lie about it, because lying about committing treason comes with the territory, eh? I'm shocked that Flynn's defense lawyers didn't call on Giuliani and Dershowitz to come explain to the Judge exactly how that exculpatory argument works. But no, not really, I jest. They aren't that stupid, they only play stupid on tv.
Tuesday, December 18, 2018
Monday, December 17, 2018
OH MY GOD ! Don Lemon Is Getting TIRED of Conway's Crazy in Exchange Ab...
I think it's important for people to see that the best one side has to offer is nothing but dissembling, dodges and confusion. That lets you know that even they know they're wrong. If they had a good point(s) they would obviously make them and nor mess around with evasions.
Sunday, December 16, 2018
Saturday, December 15, 2018
Kids Pitch: 'Christmas Fight' Starring Bryan Cranston
Too precious... Hahaha enjoy!
Friday, December 14, 2018
Thursday, December 13, 2018
CNN's Brianna Keilar Reveals 12/13/18 [ 1PM ] | CNN New Day President Tr...
CNN's Brianna Keilar Reveals 12/13/18 [ 1PM ] | CNN New Day President Tr...
Wednesday, December 12, 2018
MSNBC Live with Stephanie Ruhle 9AM 12/12/2018 [FULL] | MSNBC BREAKING N...
MSNBC Live with Stephanie Ruhle 9AM 12/12/2018 [FULL] | MSNBC BREAKING N...
Morning Joe 7AM 12/12/2018 | MSNBC BREAKING NEWS TODAY Dec 12, 2018
Morning Joe 7AM 12/12/2018 | MSNBC BREAKING NEWS TODAY Dec 12, 2018
Morning Joe 6AM 12/12/2018 [FULL] | MSNBC BREAKING NEWS TODAY Dec 12, 2018
Morning Joe 6AM 12/12/2018 [FULL] | MSNBC BREAKING NEWS TODAY Dec 12, 2018
The 11th Hour with Brian Williams 12/11/2018 [FULL] | MSNBC BREAKING NEW...
The 11th Hour with Brian Williams 12/11/2018 [FULL] | MSNBC BREAKING NEW...
The Rachel Maddow Show 9PM 12/11/2018 [FULL] | MSNBC BREAKING NEWS TODAY...
The Rachel Maddow Show 9PM 12/11/2018 [FULL] | MSNBC BREAKING NEWS TODAY...
Tuesday, December 11, 2018
Monday, December 10, 2018
Sunday, December 9, 2018
[ FULL ] MEET THE PRESS 12/9/18 | Chuck Todd NBC News Weekend December 9...
(replacement video.)
(no longer available for some reason):
(no longer available for some reason):
DOJ Surprises With Omissions In Response To Michael Flynn Document Order
DOJ Surprises With Omissions In Response To Michael Flynn Document Order
Dr. Robin DiAngelo discusses 'White Fragility'the lecture
BUSTED!!! Trump & His Kids Profiting Off Hydroxychloroquine Manufacturer, Sanofi!
BUSTED!!! Trump & His Kids Profiting Off Hydroxychloroquine Manufacturer, Sanofi!
Trump Destroys The U.S. Government Institutions:
McConnell Takes 'Moscow Mitch' Nickname Home To Kentucky (He's invincible now, see why click link above)
President Donald Trump's Number Of False Claims Rising
Under Trump, Formerly Stalwart CDC Goes Soft On Meat Plants | Rachel
McConnell Takes 'Moscow Mitch' Nickname Home To Kentucky (He's invincible now, see why click link above)
President Donald Trump's Number Of False Claims Rising
Under Trump, Formerly Stalwart CDC Goes Soft On Meat Plants | Rachel
Trump Suggests Disinfectant To Kill Virus Inside The Body
Study Finds No Benefit To Trump-Touted Drug For COVID-19 Patients
Use Of Drug Boosted By Trump, Fox News Not Borne Out By Science | Rachel Maddow
Study Finds No Benefit To Trump-Touted Drug For COVID-19 Patients
Use Of Drug Boosted By Trump, Fox News Not Borne Out By Science | Rachel Maddow
Mitch McConnell At Nexus Of Increased Russian Leverage On U.S. | Rachel
Mortgage Forbearance PBS News Hour Apr 30, 2020
‘Trump Whisperer’ Explains How She Gets Inside Trump’s Head For Videos
Top 10 Most Absurd Stories in Politics
How Coronavirus Broke America | Patriot Act with Hasan
Donald Trump Taxes Begs The Question: Who Is Paying Trump?
Mortgage Forbearance PBS News Hour Apr 30, 2020
‘Trump Whisperer’ Explains How She Gets Inside Trump’s Head For Videos
Top 10 Most Absurd Stories in Politics
How Coronavirus Broke America | Patriot Act with Hasan
Donald Trump Taxes Begs The Question: Who Is Paying Trump?
Saturday, December 8, 2018
Why are sharks afraid of magnets?
Okay I'll tell you but only if you promise to come back here, select the desktop view and drop a serious share of the fortune you're gonna make once you know the answer.
First you have to know that most species of sharks must swim constantly to keep water flowing thru their gills to breath.
The second thing you need to know is that, although most people know about electric eels, fewer people realize that the oceans contain many species of electric fish, which is why sharks evolved sensors to detect magnetic fields.
Putting this knowledge together with the fact that electricity has a magnetic field, you realize that any magnetic field warns sharks that they are in danger of being stunned. Normally being stunned isn't so bad, but for a shark it's terrifying because it means the danger of asphyxiation. Because they can't swim if they're out cold and if they can't swim they can't breathe.
Okay, so how does this knowledge make you rich? Well just sew magnetic threads into swimming suits and other water gear and presto, shark detects magnetic field and gets scared away. Unless the customer likes being bitten by sharks you've just made a sale.
In fact beach municipalities would pay handsomely for shark repellant ropes they can anchor offshore to keep their bathers safe. Now go get'em tigers!
First you have to know that most species of sharks must swim constantly to keep water flowing thru their gills to breath.
The second thing you need to know is that, although most people know about electric eels, fewer people realize that the oceans contain many species of electric fish, which is why sharks evolved sensors to detect magnetic fields.
Putting this knowledge together with the fact that electricity has a magnetic field, you realize that any magnetic field warns sharks that they are in danger of being stunned. Normally being stunned isn't so bad, but for a shark it's terrifying because it means the danger of asphyxiation. Because they can't swim if they're out cold and if they can't swim they can't breathe.
Okay, so how does this knowledge make you rich? Well just sew magnetic threads into swimming suits and other water gear and presto, shark detects magnetic field and gets scared away. Unless the customer likes being bitten by sharks you've just made a sale.
In fact beach municipalities would pay handsomely for shark repellant ropes they can anchor offshore to keep their bathers safe. Now go get'em tigers!
Captured Comments No.1: (from YouTube)
Omowà le Zaquir
The trump campaign and presidency have been nothing more than a litmus test of america's morality, ethics and intelligence. Several segments of this nation have failed in all areas.
But it also brought to light just how antiquated the electoral process is and how desperately it needs to be overhauled. There's no way you should be declared the winner of an election if you lost by 3 million votes.
trump has survived in the public eye this long because he essentially existed via short soundbites and deceptive marketing. Now that he has to expound on his viewpoints and agenda, he is being exposed as the duplicitous charlatan he's always been. The fact that people, who have been adversely effected by his policies, are still steadfastly supporting him against any and all allegations is preposterous, and problematic. No matter how this presidency ends, this nation will be left with some serious issues that need to be addressed and unpacked. trump isn't the sickness, he's just a carrier of a virus that predates him by centuries.
And he may have inadvertently created a new political party, which doesn't appear to be going away any time soon
Matthew Ducker
Exactly. He's only a symptom. When he leaves office, the problems will persist nonetheless.
What are the problems? (from the perspective of a foreigner)
- A deeply flawed electoral system (FPTP voting system, electoral college, no publicly funded elections, no centralised independent election commission, very poorly implemented electronic voting, gerrymandering, etc etc etc)
- Animosity and attitudes left over from the Civil War that have festered and grown, having never been adequately dealt with in the first place, or since. Reconstruction failed.
- Anti-intellectualist philosophy
- Prosperity Gospel, Evangelical and other religious cults with extremist political views and propaganda
- Propaganda being spewed by the likes of FOX and AM radio (Limbaugh etc, plus aforementioned religious cults + nutjobs)
- Hyper-individualist attitudes leading to poor community cohesion and lack of civil duty
- Hypercapitalist ideology
- A very bad case of Not Invented Here syndrome (maybe it's possible you could learn some from how other countries do things well? But probably not if you automatically and reflexively think you're way better than them by default!)
The trump campaign and presidency have been nothing more than a litmus test of america's morality, ethics and intelligence. Several segments of this nation have failed in all areas.
But it also brought to light just how antiquated the electoral process is and how desperately it needs to be overhauled. There's no way you should be declared the winner of an election if you lost by 3 million votes.
trump has survived in the public eye this long because he essentially existed via short soundbites and deceptive marketing. Now that he has to expound on his viewpoints and agenda, he is being exposed as the duplicitous charlatan he's always been. The fact that people, who have been adversely effected by his policies, are still steadfastly supporting him against any and all allegations is preposterous, and problematic. No matter how this presidency ends, this nation will be left with some serious issues that need to be addressed and unpacked. trump isn't the sickness, he's just a carrier of a virus that predates him by centuries.
And he may have inadvertently created a new political party, which doesn't appear to be going away any time soon
Matthew Ducker
Exactly. He's only a symptom. When he leaves office, the problems will persist nonetheless.
What are the problems? (from the perspective of a foreigner)
- A deeply flawed electoral system (FPTP voting system, electoral college, no publicly funded elections, no centralised independent election commission, very poorly implemented electronic voting, gerrymandering, etc etc etc)
- Animosity and attitudes left over from the Civil War that have festered and grown, having never been adequately dealt with in the first place, or since. Reconstruction failed.
- Anti-intellectualist philosophy
- Prosperity Gospel, Evangelical and other religious cults with extremist political views and propaganda
- Propaganda being spewed by the likes of FOX and AM radio (Limbaugh etc, plus aforementioned religious cults + nutjobs)
- Hyper-individualist attitudes leading to poor community cohesion and lack of civil duty
- Hypercapitalist ideology
- A very bad case of Not Invented Here syndrome (maybe it's possible you could learn some from how other countries do things well? But probably not if you automatically and reflexively think you're way better than them by default!)
Friday, December 7, 2018
Thursday, December 6, 2018
Wednesday, December 5, 2018
Tuesday, December 4, 2018
Was there life on Mars?
The answer is yes there was. The evidence was missed because it was hidden in plain sight. But it's there for all to see. So the only question that remains is: is there still life there? The answer to that is:probably, it is very unlikely that life would not have adapted to the various environments the planet offered. That means the red planet most likely still harbors life.
Another thing is that it is entirely possible that life on earth actually began on Mars. This is because Mars would have been the first planet to become habitable. Possibly a billion years earlier than earth. Of course this all remains to be proven but I have every confidence that it will. At least the part about there having been life on Mars and that there is some still there. There are even good ideas about where life or evidence of it is more likely to be found. But I will leave that for another time.
Another thing is that it is entirely possible that life on earth actually began on Mars. This is because Mars would have been the first planet to become habitable. Possibly a billion years earlier than earth. Of course this all remains to be proven but I have every confidence that it will. At least the part about there having been life on Mars and that there is some still there. There are even good ideas about where life or evidence of it is more likely to be found. But I will leave that for another time.
Monday, December 3, 2018
Sunday, December 2, 2018
Saturday, December 1, 2018
Recovery Rocks
The 2018 farm bill is currently going to ban
convicted felons with a drug record from
participating in the hemp industry.
This is going to be interesting.
When Wal-Mart places a huge order to fill
all their stores, is the law not going to allow
them too? As their are plenty of drug convicted
felons that work for Walmart.
Mary at checkout sells cbd gummies, Mary is a
convicted drug offender, Mary gets busted as
she sold to a cop, poor Mary, she has 3 kids took
take care of, she now has to take a day off to go
to court and miss a full minimum wage 8 hour day
of work. Mary goes to court, hmm, gee Mary you
sold a undercover cop a bag of cbd gummy bears.
Shame on you, you have a past drug conviction, you
shouldn't be selling a now legal product (after
farm bill passes). Oh, what's that Mary you're on
Whats the consequences? Mary violates probation,
goes back to jail now facing to do whatever time she
has left. Mary loses her job, apartment and kids
possibly? Wal-Mart gets fined?
This ban makes no sense at all. Most companies
won't even be able to sell cbd as most companies
hire convicted drug felons. Making hemp legal is
a major step forward, banning convicted drug felons
is moving backwards.
Please make some noise on this ban because it
needs to be taken out the 2018 farm bill!
The 2018 farm bill is currently going to ban
convicted felons with a drug record from
participating in the hemp industry.
This is going to be interesting.
When Wal-Mart places a huge order to fill
all their stores, is the law not going to allow
them too? As their are plenty of drug convicted
felons that work for Walmart.
Mary at checkout sells cbd gummies, Mary is a
convicted drug offender, Mary gets busted as
she sold to a cop, poor Mary, she has 3 kids took
take care of, she now has to take a day off to go
to court and miss a full minimum wage 8 hour day
of work. Mary goes to court, hmm, gee Mary you
sold a undercover cop a bag of cbd gummy bears.
Shame on you, you have a past drug conviction, you
shouldn't be selling a now legal product (after
farm bill passes). Oh, what's that Mary you're on
Whats the consequences? Mary violates probation,
goes back to jail now facing to do whatever time she
has left. Mary loses her job, apartment and kids
possibly? Wal-Mart gets fined?
This ban makes no sense at all. Most companies
won't even be able to sell cbd as most companies
hire convicted drug felons. Making hemp legal is
a major step forward, banning convicted drug felons
is moving backwards.
Please make some noise on this ban because it
needs to be taken out the 2018 farm bill!
The Trump Hire List...
a. Carter Page: working with Russians since 2013 (3 years before Trump ran)
- adopted by Trump as an advisor (Charged and under GOP-exposed FISA warrant)
b. Paul Manafort: working for Russians for Ukraine work for 15 years
- adopted by Trump as his Campaign Manager (Guilty and under 2nd case/plea deal)
c. Michael Flynn: working with Russians and foreign governments (e.g. Turkey)
- adopted by Trump as National Security Advisor (Guilty/ co-operating)
d. Papadopoulos: meetings with Russians contradicting his oaths given
- adopted by Trump as campaign Foreign Policy Advisor (Guilty/ co-operating)
e. Felix Sater: quote "I will get Putin in on this, WE will get Donald elected"
- adopted by Trump as election liason (co-operating for global money laundering)
f. Rick Gates: worked with Manafort for 8 years & earned millions for Russian work
- adopted by Trump as senior deputy campaign official (pled guilty/ co-operating)
g. Wilbur Ross: led private bailout of Bank of Cyprus, haven for Russian oligarchs
- repeatedly failed to disclose Russian financial interests & ties in hearings
- adopted by Trump as US Commerce Secretary (refuses to answer any queries)
h. Jeff Sessions: Forgot meetings with Russian ambassador/ remembered them
- adopted by Trump as US att. general (1st Republican to back Trump election)
- dismissed by Trump after repeatedly reprimanded for not stopping Russia case
i. Jared Kushner: Forgot meetings with Russians then remembered them
- adopted by Trump as son-in-law (£1 Billion in debt & Russian back channels)
j. Don Junior: Forgot meeting with Russian lawyer Veselnitskaya then remembered it
- adopted by Trump as son (released emails detailing agenda and parties involved)
k. Rex Tillerson: given Russia friendship medal by Putin, previous Russia/Exxon deals
- adopted by Trump as US State Sec. (was director of Bahama US-Russia oil firm)
l. Betsy Devos: brother Erik met a “high level Russian close to Putin” on 11 Jan '17
- he attempted to set up back channels between Donald Trump and Putin
- adopted by Trump as US Education Secretary (she 'denies' any knowledge of meeting)
m. Hope Hicks : Close aide, involved in Don Junior Russian meeting excuse email
- adopted by Trump as comms director (quit right after Sen. Int. Committee interview)
n. Sam Nunberg: triggered by Russian-based questions from past Mueller interviews
- adopted by Trump as election advisor (initially refused to accept Mueller subpeona)
o. Roger Stone: denied having any advance knowledge of the Podesta email hack
- disputes any connection to Russian intelligence or Podesta's brothers Russian links
- adopted by Trump as election advisor (under focus by Mueller via other interviews)
p. Corey Lewandowski: has reversed previous denials about Carter Page's Russia visit
- adopted by Trump as campaign manager (still under questioning by committee)
q. Michael Caputo: worked in Gazprom Media, Ukraine, was Putin's PR in the US
- adopted by Trump as Campaign Adviser (investigated by House Intel Committee)
r. Michael Cohen: subpoenaed to provide info/ testimony on Russian Kremlin links
- adopted by Trump as his personal lawyer (under investigation and possible plea deals)
a. Carter Page: working with Russians since 2013 (3 years before Trump ran)
- adopted by Trump as an advisor (Charged and under GOP-exposed FISA warrant)
b. Paul Manafort: working for Russians for Ukraine work for 15 years
- adopted by Trump as his Campaign Manager (Guilty and under 2nd case/plea deal)
c. Michael Flynn: working with Russians and foreign governments (e.g. Turkey)
- adopted by Trump as National Security Advisor (Guilty/ co-operating)
d. Papadopoulos: meetings with Russians contradicting his oaths given
- adopted by Trump as campaign Foreign Policy Advisor (Guilty/ co-operating)
e. Felix Sater: quote "I will get Putin in on this, WE will get Donald elected"
- adopted by Trump as election liason (co-operating for global money laundering)
f. Rick Gates: worked with Manafort for 8 years & earned millions for Russian work
- adopted by Trump as senior deputy campaign official (pled guilty/ co-operating)
g. Wilbur Ross: led private bailout of Bank of Cyprus, haven for Russian oligarchs
- repeatedly failed to disclose Russian financial interests & ties in hearings
- adopted by Trump as US Commerce Secretary (refuses to answer any queries)
h. Jeff Sessions: Forgot meetings with Russian ambassador/ remembered them
- adopted by Trump as US att. general (1st Republican to back Trump election)
- dismissed by Trump after repeatedly reprimanded for not stopping Russia case
i. Jared Kushner: Forgot meetings with Russians then remembered them
- adopted by Trump as son-in-law (£1 Billion in debt & Russian back channels)
j. Don Junior: Forgot meeting with Russian lawyer Veselnitskaya then remembered it
- adopted by Trump as son (released emails detailing agenda and parties involved)
k. Rex Tillerson: given Russia friendship medal by Putin, previous Russia/Exxon deals
- adopted by Trump as US State Sec. (was director of Bahama US-Russia oil firm)
l. Betsy Devos: brother Erik met a “high level Russian close to Putin” on 11 Jan '17
- he attempted to set up back channels between Donald Trump and Putin
- adopted by Trump as US Education Secretary (she 'denies' any knowledge of meeting)
m. Hope Hicks : Close aide, involved in Don Junior Russian meeting excuse email
- adopted by Trump as comms director (quit right after Sen. Int. Committee interview)
n. Sam Nunberg: triggered by Russian-based questions from past Mueller interviews
- adopted by Trump as election advisor (initially refused to accept Mueller subpeona)
o. Roger Stone: denied having any advance knowledge of the Podesta email hack
- disputes any connection to Russian intelligence or Podesta's brothers Russian links
- adopted by Trump as election advisor (under focus by Mueller via other interviews)
p. Corey Lewandowski: has reversed previous denials about Carter Page's Russia visit
- adopted by Trump as campaign manager (still under questioning by committee)
q. Michael Caputo: worked in Gazprom Media, Ukraine, was Putin's PR in the US
- adopted by Trump as Campaign Adviser (investigated by House Intel Committee)
r. Michael Cohen: subpoenaed to provide info/ testimony on Russian Kremlin links
- adopted by Trump as his personal lawyer (under investigation and possible plea deals)
Fmr. CIA head On Michael Cohen, President Donald Trump & ‘kompromat’ | T...
a. Carter Page: working with Russians since 2013 (3 years before Trump ran)
- adopted by Trump as an advisor (Charged and under GOP-exposed FISA warrant)
b. Paul Manafort: working for Russians for Ukraine work for 15 years
- adopted by Trump as his Campaign Manager (Guilty and under 2nd case/plea deal)
c. Michael Flynn: working with Russians and foreign governments (e.g. Turkey)
- adopted by Trump as National Security Advisor (Guilty/ co-operating)
d. Papadopoulos: meetings with Russians contradicting his oaths given
- adopted by Trump as campaign Foreign Policy Advisor (Guilty/ co-operating)
e. Felix Sater: quote "I will get Putin in on this, WE will get Donald elected"
- adopted by Trump as election liason (co-operating for global money laundering)
f. Rick Gates: worked with Manafort for 8 years & earned millions for Russian work
- adopted by Trump as senior deputy campaign official (pled guilty/ co-operating)
g. Wilbur Ross: led private bailout of Bank of Cyprus, haven for Russian oligarchs
- repeatedly failed to disclose Russian financial interests & ties in hearings
- adopted by Trump as US Commerce Secretary (refuses to answer any queries)
h. Jeff Sessions: Forgot meetings with Russian ambassador/ remembered them
- adopted by Trump as US att. general (1st Republican to back Trump election)
- dismissed by Trump after repeatedly reprimanded for not stopping Russia case
i. Jared Kushner: Forgot meetings with Russians then remembered them
- adopted by Trump as son-in-law (£1 Billion in debt & Russian back channels)
j. Don Junior: Forgot meeting with Russian lawyer Veselnitskaya then remembered it
- adopted by Trump as son (released emails detailing agenda and parties involved)
k. Rex Tillerson: given Russia friendship medal by Putin, previous Russia/Exxon deals
- adopted by Trump as US State Sec. (was director of Bahama US-Russia oil firm)
l. Betsy Devos: brother Erik met a “high level Russian close to Putin” on 11 Jan '17
- he attempted to set up back channels between Donald Trump and Putin
- adopted by Trump as US Education Secretary (she 'denies' any knowledge of meeting)
m. Hope Hicks : Close aide, involved in Don Junior Russian meeting excuse email
- adopted by Trump as comms director (quit right after Sen. Int. Committee interview)
n. Sam Nunberg: triggered by Russian-based questions from past Mueller interviews
- adopted by Trump as election advisor (initially refused to accept Mueller subpeona)
o. Roger Stone: denied having any advance knowledge of the Podesta email hack
- disputes any connection to Russian intelligence or Podesta's brothers Russian links
- adopted by Trump as election advisor (under focus by Mueller via other interviews)
p. Corey Lewandowski: has reversed previous denials about Carter Page's Russia visit
- adopted by Trump as campaign manager (still under questioning by committee)
q. Michael Caputo: worked in Gazprom Media, Ukraine, was Putin's PR in the US
- adopted by Trump as Campaign Adviser (investigated by House Intel Committee)
r. Michael Cohen: subpoenaed to provide info/ testimony on Russian Kremlin links
- adopted by Trump as his personal lawyer (under investigation and possible plea deals)
Friday, November 30, 2018
Thursday, November 29, 2018
Trump: Pardon For Convicted Liar Manafort 'Not Off The Table' | The Beat...
Mueller has already obtained guilty pleas from Manafort, to state crimes. No trials needed, all Mueller has to do is hand him over to the several states he has already plead guilty . Manafort will then do hard state time. Worse yet, Mueller stripped him of all cash and assets so no commissary unless he can find a way to earn some cash. Hope this traitor has a nice life.
Wednesday, November 28, 2018
Tuesday, November 27, 2018
Robert Mueller’s Office Says Paul Manafort Violated Plea Deal By Lying |...
Manafort has already plead guilty to a number of state charges so no presidential pardon will help him now. Worse yet is that now that Mueller has stripped him of his last dime, he doesn't want to challenge Mueller because if he wins things only get worse for him. He really doesn't want to wind up in a state prison where the staff is much less professional than Federal prison and the staff has wider digression when dealing with residents.
President Donald Trump Heads To G20; Will He Give Firm Messages? | Morni...
He'll give a strong message all right, unfortunately it won't be a good one. His actions so far have sent the strongest messages there is. He favors money and business over fairness and justice. So anyone looking for statesmanship can just forget it. It's time for some peuril slime filled cash-on-barrelhead calculations. While such messages are useless on politics this chump knows nothing about politics, he is a simple gold digger who can be easily tricked out of everything he has by a strong leader. Senor Putin comes to mind.
Every day he spends in office will have a significant and detrimental cost.
Every day he spends in office will have a significant and detrimental cost.
Robert Mueller Team: Paul Manafort Lied After Plea Deal, Sentence Him | ...
Looks like his goose is cooked, Mueller also had him plead guilty to a number of state charges which the President cannot pardon him for. That means he's much better off not contesting Mueller's claims or he will wind up doing time in a state prison. They are much less comfortable than Federal lock ups I'm told because they deal with less brainy people who have committed much cruder crimes. The staffing is less professional and have much more latitude when dealing with inmates. In short it's a match made in hell. Even worse he has no money to mitigate his position as a begger. Oy Vey.
Monday, November 26, 2018
Reputations: The Secret World of Richard Nixon, Part One (BBC, 2000)
Hitler too was attached to his mother, what gives?
Sunday, November 25, 2018
Saturday, November 24, 2018
Friday, November 23, 2018
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