
Thursday, September 19, 2019

Why Whistleblower Complaint Could Be 'Significant' | Morning Joe | MSNBC

If I recall, on a previous Rachel Maddow show, she reported that a foreign government was seeking to have the U.S. return to them, some persons who had fled to the U.S. seeking asylum, in exchange for having provided us with valuable intelligence.  Trump seemed to be okay with the idea, or was entertaining it, until there appeared reporting of it. 

Of course, as sensitive as intelligence matters are, with literally hundreds of readers and other agents studying such matters ad nauseum, even a little release of intel can out people working for us.  Trump is so "blind" to intelligence work and how it's done and why it matters, he's prone to carelessly out any agent or operation just to prove some political point. I, sincerely doubt that any U.S. agent or asset has gotten much sleep while Trump continues his fullisade of scattershot tweets.

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