
Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Elizabeth Warren Narrows Gap With Joe Biden In New Polling | Morning Joe...

If I had to guess I'd say that Kamala Harris is being hurt by the fact that she was a prosecutor, the law hasn't given a very good account of itself over the past few decades.  With Black prison populations and things like "Hobby Lobby" and "Corporate Personhood" it just gives the whole Judiciary and law enforcement an undesirable taint.  Not to mention things like Trayvon Martin and Black Lives Matter, prosecutors just don't have that old "Jack Web"/"Perry Mason" /"Dragnet" type feel that matters of law and enforcement once had; one kinda doubts that "Brown Vs. would have the same result, at law, today.  Warren has that comforting "school mom" aura we all grew up with and learned to respect because of it's honesty and genuine concern for us. 

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