A week or so ago, connecticutie posted her version
of the GOP Rape Advisory Chart to help sort out all of the confusion
about the wide variety of rape "flavors" that today's Republican Party
seems so hell-bent on bringing to light.
I thought she did a fantastic job, but, given the latest entries into the "rainbow of rape flavors" yesterday and today by Richard Mourdock and John Cornyn, I decided to create a revised version that plays it straight--I'm just including the actual quotes themselves. Feel free to repost on FB, TW or wherever you wish.
So, without further ado, I present the updated Republican Party Rape Advisory Chart:

I thought she did a fantastic job, but, given the latest entries into the "rainbow of rape flavors" yesterday and today by Richard Mourdock and John Cornyn, I decided to create a revised version that plays it straight--I'm just including the actual quotes themselves. Feel free to repost on FB, TW or wherever you wish.
So, without further ado, I present the updated Republican Party Rape Advisory Chart:
Wow. I'm beyond flattered (if "flattered" is the appropriate term...seems a bit inappropriate in this case).
Anyway, just to reiterate, since I've had at least one person contact me directly about it, please feel free to repost the graphic anywhere you wish, and don't worry about "credit" or "attribution"...the color-code chart was connecticuties, as noted above, and I certainly don't want "credit" for the disgusting statements by the GOP jackasses in the chart.
Also, if you want to attach a link to the chart, I'd recommend either a) ANY of the Democrats running against the scumbags who made the quotes (there's too many to list again) or, alternately, RAINN, which seems appropriate.
Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network