
Thursday, October 28, 2021

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Hey, now that we know how much against the Build Back Better plans Republicans are, isn't it time we took a good hard look at the plans the Republicans have been pushing to improve America?  For sure . we're not burning enough coal and multi-millionaires and billionaires aren't getting enough tax credits.  Nor do we need more better educated citizens and the impoverished need no free ride/entitlements since they're getting too much already and that's probably what's holding the economy back eh?  Hey, shouldn't we be preventing teachers from teaching anything at all in schools and let's put more effort into book banning and book burning right?  While we're at it let's "True the Vote and protect the purity of the ballots" right? After all, only white Republicans should be allowed to vote at all, where we note how many one party governments are top notch functioning economies with GDP's that put first world nations to shame.  Vote Republican and let's get the benefits of their thinking where violent assaults on the Capitol are merely law abiding peaceful visitors and not angry racist sedtionistas.
(If you don't get the sarcasm you shouldn't be reading this stuff)

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