As a KGB agent way back when, you would certainly be interested in a
wealthy, high profile American businessman who was accepting, without
question, Russian illegally made cash for laundering. That, having caught
your eye, your next move would be to get to work on obtaining or
creating kompromat because that would be the only way you could
trust this man for recruiting. KGB agents learn never to trust people
who they haven't yet been seriously compromised because otherwise
they might "wake up" or "grow a spine", having kompromat
prevents such an epiphany from occurring or being acted upon.
To this end Trump palling around with Jeffery Epstein would be
a very big help, eh? They both like very young women. Do
you remember that scene from the Godfather where Michael tells
the State Senator that he will pay for the license and the filing fee?
Then the Senator wakes up with the deceased and bloody under
age girl in his bed in a house of ill repute? If you were Putin, what
would you seek to arrange? Remember, Putin speaks several
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