
Thursday, March 28, 2024

Supreme Court SMACKS DOWN Latest MAGA Lawsuit

Contrary to any claim that the states should be allowed to decide the matter
the USSC should have been able to see that doing such a thing would
only serve to unfairly and unjustly deprive some women of access to
healthcare while it would have little to no impact on the rights of other
women, hardly anything a nation's Supreme Court would want to do is
divide the nation's rights to healthcare along state lines. They were warned
that this is what would happen but, like "good little Republicans", they
ignored the nation's best interest and went ahead and divided the nation
anyway. This is an extremist and partisan Supreme Court that is entirely
lawless.  They will try to cover up by going populous when they see
the pushback getting out of hand, but that doesn't mean they are getting
better or ruling in favor of the Constitution, they have no intention of
doing that, they, like their party, want power for the sake of having

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