
Sunday, August 14, 2022

Best military robots | Military robots of different countries | All mili...

Of course, today they are working on molecular machines, ostensibly these machines are to be used to kill cancers cell by cell in swarms, injected into the bloodstream, they are remotely guided to the target and then activated. How long will it be -- judging by the need to kill adversaries -- before swarms will be designed that can be released into airborne clouds to enter the enemy through the lungs and disable them?  My guess is not long, but the upshot of these advanced military systems and counter systems around the world will eventually make any warfare "Mutually Assured Destruction", thus ending the utility of any type of physical warfare.  Then all differences will have to be settled by some sort of voted treaty. 
Meanwhile flying suits, right now, are probably best
suited for rescue missions where sound is not a
disqualifying factor.

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