
Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Watch NBC News NOW Live - July 28

Should millions of families be evicted and millions more become foreclosed, neither Trump nor the entire Republican Party have any idea of what the cost of fixing the problem or how to go about doing so.  But, like medical diseases, it's better not to have to cure it if the disease can be avoided.  The stock market is "booming" because the Fed is buying securities, thus propping up securities which the public is refusing to hold onto, either because they don't like the outlook or because they need the funds.  The Republicans are about to thoughtlessly throw America into severe chaos. 
Back to school? It will take 14 days at the minimum to see whether or not these measures will work.  This is one hell of a gamble to take with your family.  If Trump had not politicized the pandemic by telling lies that his supporters then demanded we trust,  we could have managed this as well as many foreign countries, if not better.  This is, after all, America, eh?

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