Why Would President Donald Trump Deny Getting Jared Kushner Clearance?
People with business interests around the world can be compromised or squeezed and coerced by foreign governments to reveal our secrets. He made sure untrustworthy people gained access they did not deserve and were not qualified to have.
Every American Agent every cooperating source has to be worried for the lives of themselves and the lives of their families.
Trump might just as well have turned "James Bond: over to the Kremlin in chains. Have a look:
New Report Suggests Jared Kushner May Be Compromised By China
Jared Kushner Security Clearance Rejection Overruled By Trump Appointee https://tinyurl.com/yavjxa8j
NBC News Exclusive: Investigation Into Kushner’s Security Clearance
Secretary Steve Mnuchin Eyed For Conflicts In Lifted Deripaska Sanctions.
Thank heavens Trump doesn't get his way or the nation would be doomed. No thanks to Republicans who defended Trump and allowed this to happen. If not for house investigations Trump would simply replace the CIA agents who refused Kushner's clearance.
Donald Trump FBI Building Scandal Returns Minus GOP Cover From Oversight
The new House Asserts its Power:
Blue Wave Democrats Bring New Productivity To House Committees | Rachel
These 12 Republicans defied Trump and voted to overturn his declaration of an emergency
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