
Saturday, February 18, 2017

Police: KKK Grand Wizard Shot, Wife And Stepson Arrested In Missouri | Crooks and Liars

Police: KKK Grand Wizard Shot, Wife And Stepson Arrested In Missouri | Crooks and Liars

KKK Grand Wizard Frank Ancona was found dead by a Missouri river on Sunday after his son reported him missing. Now his wife and stepson have been arrested on suspicion of murder.
Truly, this is a weird story.

This story should sever to show you just how sick and insane supremacist are.  Several days of planning this murder, to conceal the perpetrators of a capital crime, produced a plan that would not fool an elementary school child.  Yet, they went through with it anyway!  This is because their inanity would not let them see the flaws.  I'll guess that the GW could have figured out he was a target, because these fools were so stupid, but he also could not see it through the clouds of his own insanity.

Make no mistake, supremacist are incredibly dangerous people,  not just to "others" but to themselves, as this story illustrates.  Some may mask their insanity with varying degrees of learned social skills, but the very idea that they are something special by race, creed or religion etc., such that "others" can or should be done away with, is the height of psychopathic insanity.

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