
Sunday, April 19, 2015

George Lucas Can't Build A Studio, So He's Doing A Really Great Thing Instead

George Luca's estate
Just one more reason to love George Lucas. After his plans to build a movie studio on his 1000+ acres of prime Marin County land were rebuffed, Lucas decided he was going to do something with it anyway, come hell or high water.

If his zillionaire neighbors didn't like the studio, I'm pretty sure they're not going to like this, and there's not much they can do about it.

His neighbors wouldn't let him build a film studio.

So George Lucas is retaliating in a way that only the cream of Hollywood could - by building the largest affordable housing development in the area.

The complex of affordable housing, funded and designed by the Star Wars director, would provide homes to 224 low-income families.

And there's very little his fellow Bay Area residents can do about it. READ MORE

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