
Sunday, March 22, 2015

Maher Spars With Conservatives Who Refuse To Admit Economy Improved Under Obama

I've been really tired of seeing this Kochhead Republican "strategist" Mercedes Schlapp all over the cable news shows in the last few months and turning up as a regular on Hardball more and more often, but I have to admit, I'd be a whole lot less tired of it if she received the same treatment she did on this Friday's Real Time every time she was allowed on the air.

Bill Maher wrapped up his panel segment with a discussion on Sen. Ted Cruz' appearance at an event in New Hampshire -- where he scared a three year old with is rhetoric that the "whole world is on fire" -- and President Obama's speech in Ohio this week, where he took some jabs at Republicans for their predictions of doom and gloom and the supposed disastrous impact his policies would have on the U.S. economy.

After getting a few jabs in on Cruz, Maher asked this of his guests.
MAHER: There are statistics on how much the world is on fire and Obama came back with them on Wednesday in Cleveland. He said what are you talking about, the economy is a disaster? Unemployment was 10 percent six months into my term, now it's 5.5. The Dow was under 8000 when I took office. Now it's almost 18,000. GDP was -.5.4 percent. Now it's 2.8 percent. The deficit was 9.8 percent of GDP. Now it's 2.2 percent.
At what point... these are facts... at what point do Republicans look foolish for being on the talking point page that no longer exists?  READ MORE

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