
Friday, February 6, 2015

Oh Sweet Irony: Walker Caught Lying About Removing "Search For Truth" from UW Mission Statement

Yesterday, Scott Walker finally jumped the shark:  He introduced a budget that removed several lines from the University of Wisconsin System's mission statement (aka a little thing known as "The Wisconsin Idea"), including the phrase, "basic to every purpose of the system is the search for truth."

However, after what can only be described as a biblical, huge __ storm developed in all parts of the state, including in both Republican and Democratic quarters, Walker tried to un-jump the shark by claiming that it was all just a big misunderstanding. Neither he nor his staff ever intended to delete Wisconsin Idea-- it was just a "drafting error." In fact, Walker even went so far as to blame the University of Wisconsin's administration, when he inferred in an answer to Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reporter Dan Bice, that the UW people "somehow overlooked" the error when his staff gave it them to look over. You know how it is... you write a budget, you get everybody to look at it, and somehow things like this just slip through. READ MORE

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