
Sunday, February 15, 2015

Did Sarah Palin Quit Her Internet Subscription Site?

The Grifter from Wasilla hasn't posted anything new to the Sarah Palin Channel for over ten days now? What are her subscribers getting for their money? Inquiring minds would like to know.

Palin set a pretty low bar for success when she launched the channel in the first place, but her traffic is still tanking pretty badly and even her supporters may be wondering where she's at these days.
Here's more from News Corpse: Shill Baby Shill: Did Sarah Palin Quit Her Internet Subscription Site?:

In recent days there has been a flurry of activity (mostly concentrated within the Republican National Committee and Fox News) asking in faux-worried tones where Hillary Clinton is hiding. Of course, Clinton is neither a public official nor a candidate for office, so her whereabouts are strictly her own business. Nevertheless, the “Hillary Hiding” campaign was created by the RNC and Fox picked it up verbatim to enhance their already festering anti-Clinton programming. And as usual, they have a severely myopic view of the world and are oblivious to the missing persons among their own ranks. READ MORE

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