
Wednesday, January 21, 2015

French TV Show Laughs At The Credibility Of "The Fox News Clowns"

Earlier this week Fox News hosted Steven Emerson, an alleged terrorism expert, who claimed that the entire city of Birmingham, England was occupied by radical Muslims and was inaccessible to anyone else. His remarks were widely ridiculed, including by David Cameron, the British Prime Minister, who called Emerson an "idiot." Emerson later recanted and apologized for his "terrible error." But Fox wasn't done embarrassing itself with false tales of horror.

Over at Fox & Friends, Elisabeth Hasselbeck interviewed a former Air Force pilot who claimed to have personal knowledge of the deterioration of French society. Nolan Peterson said that there were "741 no-go zones throughout France." Peterson described his adventures in the wilds of Paris saying that...
"It was pretty scary. I've been to Afghanistan and Iraq and Kashmir, India, and at times it felt like that - those places in these no-go zones. [...and that...] You see young men wearing Osama Bin Laden t-shirts in a hookah shop."
Really? This veteran of Afghanistan and Iraq was scared of Paris? The segment was seen by Yann Barthès, the host of the French television program "Le Petit Journal." His response was to mercilessly flog Fox and Peterson while exposing the glaring errors in their analysis. For instance, Fox made reference to a poll that said that 16% of the French people had a favorable view of ISIS. However, that poll was debunked by the Washington Post, a point that Barthès noted.

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