
Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Over 13,000 file second criminal complaint against Tepco, Government for Fukushima disaster

16 Nov 2012 

It's been more than a year, but life in Japan is still revolving around the Fukushima disaster and if and how it could have been averted. 

The government's now-defunct Nuclear Safety Commission and officials of Tokyo Electric Power Co. (TEPCO) were aware of the hazards involved, in case of an earthquake and tsunami. Anger by the way these people in power and position reacted to this knowledge has led to a second mass suit claiming damages. 

More than thirteen thousand people have filed a criminal complaint against Japanese government officials, thirty-three executives of Tokyo Electric Power Co., and experts for their role in the Fukushima nuclear power plant's disaster. 

The complaint outlines professional negligence resulting in deaths and injuries and violation of Japan's environmental laws by emitting substances harmful to human health.  READ MORE

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