
Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Attorney General Eric Holder: Investigate Tagg Romney owning voting machines in OHIO....

Petitioning Department of Justice 950 Pennsylvania
 Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20530-0001
by jacqueline morris
everett, WA
This is a conflict of interest to say the least, and could invite fraud~!!!!

Petition Letter

Investigate Tagg Romney owning voting machines in OHIO....

This is a conflict of interest to say the least, and could invite fraud~!!!!

[Your name] 
  1. October 22
  2. October 22


    Petition Organizer
    PS The Media is getting more involved.... As they should this is VERY serious- as yo all know. TY again~!!
  3. October 22

    Calling A G & emailing again....

    Petition Organizer
    Department of Justice Main Switchboard - 202-514-2000
    Office of the Attorney General Public Comment Line - 202-353-1555
    I also need to email him again with almost 50,000 on our Petition- Pretty damn good~!! I'm also going to be calling today, tomorrow whenever. Join me if you have time. Thank you all so much~!!!!
  4. October 21
  5. October 21


    Petition Organizer
    Over 36,000 Joy Reid is on it- tweeting etc.... She's a smart lady- Awesome. Thank you everyone~!!!!
  6. October 21
  7. October 20

    More News....

    Petition Organizer
    I have emailed Eric Holder with petition, will again it's going like crazy. I'm also calling him om Mon., anyone who would like to join me please do. Google Phone number. Thank you so much for all your help. Good Job~!!!!
  8. October 20
  9. October 20


    Petition Organizer
    Almost 20,000 that rocks~!!!!
  10. October 20
  11. October 20


    Petition Organizer
    Over 16,000 in less than 24 hours....
  12. October 20
  13. October 20


    Petition Organizer
    We have reached 10.509 in one day, Thank you & congrats~!!!!
  14. October 20
  15. October 20

    Yes,,,,we have 9000 in one day~!!

    Petition Organizer
    Sweet.....9000 in one day~!!!!
  16. October 20

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