

Monday, January 16, 2012

TVShack student Richard O'Dwyer to face US trial

TVShack creator Richard O'Dwyer could
now face trial in the US (Picture: PA)
--A student who created the TVShack website that streamed free films and TV shows online can be extradited to the US for trial, a court ruled today. 13 Jan 2012 Richard O'Dwyer, 23, allegedly earned thousands of pounds through advertising revenue on the site before it was detected and shut down by US authorities. The Sheffield Hallam University undergraduate could be the first British citizen to be extradited for this type of offence, meaning he would effectively be a 'guinea pig' for US copyright law. Mr O'Dwyer's lawyer, Ben Cooper, has argued that the site itself did not store copyrighted material, but instead pointed users in the direction of other sites.  READ MORE

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