

Monday, January 16, 2012

Israeli intelligence agents 'posed as CIA to recruit operatives against Iran's nuclear program'

False flag: Israel's intelligence elite Mossad
reportedly placed agents within the CIA to recruit
members of a militant group to fight Iran's
nuclear program
--The operation - often called a 'false flag' operation - occurred during the presidency [sic] of George W. Bush

14 Jan 2012 

One of the main entities in the Israeli Intelligence Community has been placing its agents within the CIA to recruit operatives against Iran's nuclear program, according to a new report. Mossad officers posed as American CIA agents were recruiting for the Pakistani militant group Jundallah, the report says. The Foreign Policy report details how Mossad officers were equipped with U.S. passports and money, recruiting extremists 'under the nose of U.S. intelligence officers.' 

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