

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Occupy Updates: Police Brutally Rip Tent Costume off Aussie Occupier, BofA Memo Reveals Fear of Protesters, More

--- One of the more disturbing videos of extreme police action now going viral is from Occupy Melbourne, where a group of protesters, "tent monsters" wore their tents so they wouldn't be dismantled.

This didn't stop the police for violently ripping the ten off a young woman's back, leaving her unclothed, and not even checking to see if she was okay. An ethics probe has been launched. Watch below.

--Meanwhile here in the US, today's Occupy Our Homes action has a lot of people scared. Here's what the Bank of America memo sent out to "field agents" said: "i) Your safety is our primary concern, so do not engage with the protesters; ii) While in neighborhoods, please take notice of vacant BAC Field Services managed homes and ensure they are secured; iii) Remind all parties of the bank’s media policy and report any media incidents." As the blogger "Tyler Durden" who flagged this memo noted, Read more

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