

Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Watch The Last Word With Lawrence O’Donnell Highlights: Aug. 29

OMG... We all know what "significant quantities of alcohol" are! Hahaha!
Gulg, glug, glug, and now my (gulp) legal advice (glug)! "Truth isn't truth", is
a sign that you must take the keys because the speaker needs a cab!

If Trump is allowed back in office then, like Hitler, he will create a government
that everyone will fear, making the USSC a rubber stamp court.  The court
can do this to themselves if they make the mistakes that create an authoritarian
government with a clueless dictator at the helm. Luck for us Hitler was an idiot
who believed himself more skilled than his generals and that, among other things,
cost him the war. Let's not make the same mistakes that the German Republic
made in believing in a popular leader rather than being loyal to their own
constitution because of economic and social travails.

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