

Monday, August 7, 2023

#SayHerName: Kimberlé Crenshaw on Black Women Killed by Police & DeSanti...

We used to have mental health responders when police would determine they
had and "EDP" on their hands (emotionally disturbed person), EDP's were so
common people used to joke about "the men in the white coats are coming
for you".  It's surprising that was done away with even as police were given
heavier weapons and more firepower which they are eager to use at every
turn.  Google Elinore Bumpers, an 80-year-old woman who could barely
move around hit with two shotgun blasts by 20-something police who 
always seem to manage to be in fear for their lives at the first hint of trouble.
A toddler with a pacifier is so terrifying to police my guess is they'd need a

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