

Monday, July 3, 2023

Christian Nationalism On The Rise

To put it exactly the way it will resolve itself if they get their way, there will be no
freedom of religion.  If religion is allowed to take state power, the most powerful
religion will be the one to control state power.  Now, we know that all religions
believe that they are the one true religion.  Therefore everyone else will be
wrong and an abomination or blasphemy in the eyes of their lord.  History
shows that when religions have the power to put people on trial for their
beliefs, it never ends well and usually leads to bloodshed in various and
often horrendous ways.

Be warned, everyone speaks softly and uses nice words until they are able to
overcome any and all dissent, then and only then will they reveal their true intentions.
Thus, you must be a careful voter if you do not want to fall into the traps that those
seeking power will constantly lay out for you. 

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