

Saturday, January 14, 2023

Watch Alex Wagner Tonight Highlights: Jan. 13

The world is watching on their phones as the U.S. publicly discredits
the democratic republic system of government we've spent decades
and trillions of dollars trying to advocate for.  Exactly how long the
world will continue to allow American lunatics to manage their finances
is a question that will become clear with the passage of time.  My guess
is the world is waiting breathlessly in hopes that we can correct our
political choices and get back into the realm of reality, but that 
patience cannot be eternal and we do depend on the world for a lot
of economic resources.  Right now our democracy Tis looking like an
absurd clown show, where grifters, no matter how obvious cannot
be removed from power because "the rule of law" is just too ineffective.
Just look at Trump org's multi-billion dollar 15-year tax evasion "punished"
with a 1.7 million dollar fine. Yuck!

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