

Friday, November 18, 2022

75% of Twitter Employees Quit After Elon Musk's 'Hardcore' Ultimatum

No one seems to remember how Hitler thought himself the worlds
foremost military genius simply because no one would dare to 
challenge him.  Both he and Stalin were not challenged no matter
how stupid their decisions were, not because they were smart but
because they were too powerful to be questioned because with
a wave of their hand they could send anyone they wished to an
early grave.  Elon can and will send anyone who questions his 
decisions to the unemployment lines, so to get those paychecks
you need to keep your mouth shut or, when you open your mouth
you've got to say things that affirm your employers' offerings no 
matter what they are.  When the business is exploding you need
to jump ship in time not to be too closely associated with the
disastrous decisions.  

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