

Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Mehdi: It's Time For Dems To Expand The Court | The Mehdi Hasan Show

Confidence in this court?  What reason is there to have any trust in this court when the justices have misled on Roe to gain their seats?  Are they political?  Let's wait and see how they handle Disney, eh?  Will they seek to punish entities that oppose Republican agendas?

A while ago someone approached me and offered that I should be invested in cryptocurrencies because there was so much money being made.  So I took a look at it and I first noted the "freedom" of the field, there were no regulations.  Well, I guess lots of investors would love a lack of regs., I, however, found this very disconcerting.  What lots of investors fail to note is that "Short Selling" can and will take away your gains and hand them to deep-pocketed entities who can, and probably will short sell your investment, by borrowing a large amount of a cryptocurrency and sell it, thereby inducing the fear that a falling investment generates and causes even more selling so that they can buy back those coins cheaply to pay off their loans and keep the profits (which will be the money you put into it).  Worse yet is, without any regulation, they do not have to report anything so that you have no way of knowing what is going on.  When they cover their short the crypto will rise a bit probably signaling the start of a new clime bringing investors back in so that they can do it all again as many times as they want.  You'd have to be a fool to even think of crypto as anything more than a very high risk scheme where you have drawn a very poor hand.

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