

Monday, May 23, 2022

WATCH LIVE: Attorney General Merrick Garland announces new efforts to ad...

We note that like the Calvery in the old movies the Justice department only arrives after the battle is over.  JD comes onto the scene after the "heavy lifting" has been done by local law enforcement.  The J.D. is a prosecutorial agency we need to see prosecutions not more jawboning.  Elliot Ness didn't wait to dot the 'i's' and cross the 't's' in combating bootlegging.  So when the nation's Constitution was being overturned we don't expect to see jawboning, we expect to see prosecutions!  But Merrick you are a judge, as such you're much more risk-averse than a dedicated line prosecutor should be, so I expect we are seeing judicial reluctance to move forward with anything less than a 'slam-dunk' open and shut case.
We need an Attorney General unafraid to go: "damn the torpedos, full speed ahead".
By the way Merrick, how's that police misconduct database going? Anything you'd care to report?

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