

Monday, December 20, 2021

MAGA Operative Under Fire: Roger Stone Takes 5th In Riot Probe

These guys probably will never be brought to justice.  When a police officer is in serious enough trouble s/he has no other choice left but to draw the weapon and fire it.  Congress has no such "weapon" to draw, thus it can be transgressed with the impunity we now see.  Putting together a case that is good and sufficient enough to have consequences is a difficult and therefore fragile thing whose processes are easily upset by people who have power at law.  So then, how can we as a people avoid becoming ruled by a totalitarian cabal?  So far, for over 200 years we have had nothing but the good luck to have elected citizens who were also fast patriots who believed and stood for the Constitution.  Unfortunately there now comes a time when we have unwittingly elected an authoritarian who is bent on tearing the system down and replacing it with a dictatorship with himself at the head.  Unfortunately for him, he's to stupid to long hold such immense power, it will be quickly taken from him by someone much, much worse. 

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