

Sunday, October 17, 2021

Student Tells Off Anti-Vaxxer Outside School

Vaccines have been given to billions of people including more than 2 billion Covid 19 vaccines, anyone who has really done any "research" would know that with less than some ~200 complaints vaccinations are the better bet since they prevent death and stave off the worst effect of the pandemic.  Why anyone would advocate for being a potential reservoir and spreader of this disease to their friend and families I have no clue.  As for mandates, why in the world would anyone want to be around someone who could potentially make them either ill or kill them?  If people don't want to mask up or get the vaccine, then those who do those things have a right to avoid being around these potential threats to their health, so if you do have a medical/religious deferral then you must accept being quarantined away from others who do not need to get the disease.  After all, we have a right to remain healthy right?

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