Steven Miller sabotaged the processes of processing documents for evacuation. Of course, the U.S. could have done a much better job in both Afghanistan and Iraq, but that was not the intent of the Military-Industrial Complex interested in increased turmoil since more fighting equals more profits.
The P.N.A.C. had the most powerful vice president in American history onboard. Cheney was a Haliburton groupie, a MIC leading company, hardly a wonder that every effort was made to stir up resentment and fire fights which the MIC would use to extend it's mission and therefore increase it's profits.
When the Iraqi's offered to help America govern and create a manageable peace, their knowledgeable hands were brutally slapped aside by J. Paul Bremmer (who by the way worked for the bank that leased the 81st floor of the south tower where the plane supposedly struck but that's another story for another time.) It was Bremmer who intoned: "We will kill, kill, kill and keep killing until we bend them to our will", an effort that met with disastrous concequences.
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