

Tuesday, June 22, 2021

NBC News NOW Live - June 22

It would help if the "good apples" were to ride herd on the "bad apples" but, when a good cop was seen stopping a bad cop from doing bad things, she was fired, so what does that tell a public already upset by bad police behavior?  Get a grip, none of these call-outs against police would have happened or had any chance to succeed if bad policework hadn't provoked the public to action.  When I was a kid we didn't have bad policemen/women, we respected them.  We knew that even though they took away our beers and fireworks when they caught us, that they weren't the enemy and neither were we.  Often they wouldn't even make an arrest, just threaten to tell parents if they caught you again, they had the discretion to do so. Today it's all adversarial all the time.

"Never Surrender, VOTE."

"Don't Waste The Sacrifice, VOTE"

"Remember I could not vote!"

"We persevered, so you could vote."

It never seems to occur to these "amateur" sports orgs that many of the "stars" they're making the big buck from, without compensation, never make it to the professional leagues. There should be a system so that these performers can get the compensation they deserve once they leave the field. They could use the same formulas they use to determine pro comp.

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