

Saturday, April 24, 2021

Our Favorite Media Screwups w/ Katie Halper: MSNBC MANUFACTURES CONSENT ...

The people in charge had no idea of what to do in Iraq and did not care.  Same in Afganistan but, in both places people were killed, many family members never to be seen again and painfully missed, same with public figures, gov't peace was upended and no attention was paid to Iraqi's who wanted to help create a new government, they were spurned and thusly extreme chaos was welcomed which telegraphed to the world that these occupations were unhealthy and insane.  The world lost not only faith in America, they also lost their trust and we lost our leadership on the world stage, now we are looked upon as a very big dumb but powerful and wealthy bully who could lose it again at any moment. This is very bad for us as a nation and with the modern connectivity the world watches while act unnaturally.

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