

Saturday, January 23, 2021

Republican Congressman Caught Trying To Carry Gun Onto House Floor | All...

Legislative venues are historically noted for violence, so not allowing the House or Senate to trend towards "Dodge City" has got to be a good thing.  I guess Republicans are enamored of "Any Gun Can Play" type legislative debates, after all, they present arguments that very often are obverse to the truth and/or violate reason, common sense, and/or logic.  
For example: Stating that planning before execution proves that execution could not have been decided later than when the plans were made.  Of course, I'm paraphrasing, but their actual offerings were even more insanely irrational.  Yet, presented on the floor of this august body by "honorable" elected officials who are chosen because they are the "better thinkers".  Republican members have yet to demonstrate that they are better at thinking for the benefit of the nation, they are, however, better at thinking of ways to enrich themselves at the expense of everyone else save their benefactors.

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