

White House tells FDA chief to approve vaccine or resign

He's the: Preparation H President, that's why!

Lindsey Graham Says Senate Will NOT Confirm Any Biden AG Nominee Who Wil...

Graham just violated his oath of office, he should be removed from the Senate immediately.

Democrats Lay Blame At McConnell For Blocking Relief Bill | Morning Joe ...

Because of McConnell's "all or nothing" political style, the Democrats need some kind of leverage to get anything passed.  Moscow Mitch offers a very inadequate bill, which if accepted,  will relieve him of any pressure he might feel to deal.  Pelosi and Schumer know that they're likely to "only get one bite at this apple" because if Georgia elects only one of the two Democratic candidates, Moscow Mitch will then lock down the Senate so that only what he wants to let through, can get through.  For the next four years, he'll be leading the congress around by the nose.  Remember, the Republican's advantage in legislating is; they do not care if anything gets done.  So, unless it's something they like, they'll simply say no, no matter what's at stake.

2021 Is Going To Be A Great Year, Says Writer | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Actually, we're going to be a long way from "normal" for a very long time, because it's going to take a while for our broken foreign relations to impact our multi-national corps and our other foreign interests but that will eventually come home to roost.  The faith and trust we once had, that our military relies on to make its envisioned mission outcomes possible, is gone and with it the aid and comfort we used to get from foreign agents and actors who will now only seek personal gain for what, at best, will be unreliable information.  While our corporations experience all manner of deceits and deceptions as various locals seek to "eat our lunch".  In short, it will be a very long road to get back to where we came from before Trump ruined everything.

Trump and Texas File New Election Lawsuit After Supreme Court Rejection:...

This is insane, call him Crazy Donald.
Ghomert's body chemistry has changed since he became infected.  He no longer has that healthy slim look and now seems to be putting on weight.

Trump Loses Last Ditch Scotus Case, Locking In His Loss To Biden | The B...

These lawyers know better than to file such frivolous causes of action,  they need to be heavily sanctioned for wasting everyone's time.  

President Trump travels to Georgia to campaign ahead of Senate runoff

These people will not respond in any predictable fashion because they can believe in anything they want.  They can believe that the moon is made of green cheese and they can also believe that the moon is not made of green cheese, it just doesn't matter to them.  They can believe that a dictatorship is a way to advance freedom and that democracy is socialism and communism.  Look at the Supreme court of today, they can't tell the difference between a public health order and an order designed to usurp power, needlessly, in name of authoritarianism. In short, if something isn't done soon America is going to go down the drain!  You cannot run a highly complex, free society, in this extreme age of high technology, without paying careful attention to the meanings of word and the way idea interplay with each other.