

Friday, December 11, 2020

Democrats Lay Blame At McConnell For Blocking Relief Bill | Morning Joe ...

Because of McConnell's "all or nothing" political style, the Democrats need some kind of leverage to get anything passed.  Moscow Mitch offers a very inadequate bill, which if accepted,  will relieve him of any pressure he might feel to deal.  Pelosi and Schumer know that they're likely to "only get one bite at this apple" because if Georgia elects only one of the two Democratic candidates, Moscow Mitch will then lock down the Senate so that only what he wants to let through, can get through.  For the next four years, he'll be leading the congress around by the nose.  Remember, the Republican's advantage in legislating is; they do not care if anything gets done.  So, unless it's something they like, they'll simply say no, no matter what's at stake.

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