

Tapper rolls the tape on what Trump does 'not want you to remember'

Attention Titanic Passengers, this is your Captain Trump speaking: The rumors that we've hit an iceberg are fake news by Never Trumpers trying to remove me from office.  Forget about those lifeboats and go back to sleep, there's not one compartment flooded yet.  Everything I'm doing is fantastically Great, the situation is under control and the shortage of lifeboats, while regrettable, means little as long as I get on the first one to leave.  Thank you for your attention and votes. Bye, bye!!! 

Obama Voices Concerns For Dropping Charges Against Gen. Flynn In Private...

Also note that Obama has a law degree and has practiced law.

Former GOP Strategist: Trump 'Utterly Incapable Of Leadership' | MSNBC

If Trump was President way back when, we'd have lost World War II. Because he has no ideology, he is easily manipulated. Foreign leaders have figured this out and they are taking extreme advantage of it.

Trump Destroys The U.S. Government Institution:

Under Trump, Formerly Stalwart CDC Goes Soft On Meat Plants | Rachel

Fauci announces good news about coronavirus drug

Bernie Sanders: Pandemic Is Worst Point In U.S. History Since Civil War ...

Healthcare for all?  Well it was voted down again, why? I have no idea.

Top 5 Stories in Politics: May 1, 2020 - May 8, 2020 | NowThis

Well, well, well, now we see why Trump loves China, they make and hold loans for Trump, I have to wonder how much Putin is lending Trump.  Seems these dictators have gotten their hooks into Trump via his business empire.  If he doesn't win re-election, it's likely his loans will be called and he'll be living in a van under a bridge.  No wonder he's doing his best to ruin America, his hope is there will be no one to come after him.

#WashWeekPBS Full Episode: President Trump Hits the Road as States Reopen

The targets for reopening were not set by Trump, they were set by the professionals he had.
Like the Bleach/Disinfectant/UV light mess, Trump has, once again, disregarded his professional staff.

Trump Destroys The U.S. Government Institution:

Under Trump, Formerly Stalwart CDC Goes Soft On Meat Plants | Rachel

Fauci announces good news about coronavirus drug

Friday, May 8, 2020

PBS NewsHour full episode, May 8, 2020

Trump has turned the White House into the Out House!

Ahmaud Arbery's father: His death was a modern-day lynching

We remember Benjamin Crump from the Trayvon Martin killing.  

George Zimmerman -vs- Trayvon Martin

 Now I have a question in mind: I noticed that the guy taking the video follows the jogger for quite a little while.  What in the world was so interesting that he did that?  Joggers aren't so unusual that they capture much interest at all, yet he follows him into this thing that amounts to a trap.  There was no call for anyone to accost Ahmaud at all.  There is absolutely no legal justification for any armed person to get so close to Ahmaud such that any struggle for a weapon should ensue.  If they believed Ahmaud was a suspected criminal, the only legal option they had was to alert the police.  They had no right to approach, less distract or detain anyone.  They could follow and that is all the law allows them to do.  So, that this became a killing means it was an intentional cold blooded murder.

Biden Accuser 'Not Sure' What Complaint She Claims Was Filed With Senate...

Is there an exact time and place of this supposed attack?  You'd think that with such a busy schedule he might not even be in his office much at all.  I note that other women, who complained of being assaulted, etc., have had their claims fail simply because they could not provide a credible time or place.  We all remember that woman who accused Mike Tyson of assaulting her, while the video tape of the incident show she never was even allowed to get close to Iron Mike.  Needless to say Joe just doesn't have the personality of an abusive person.  Gentle Joe is unlikely to have done anything abusive at all. It's just not a good fit.

NBC Nightly News Broadcast (Full) - May 7th, 2020 | NBC Nightly News

It has been suggested that Biden wasn't even in the office at that time (???) because of his heavy schedule.  Hmmm... Do we have a definite date and time for these accusations?  Enquiring minds want to know, eh?

Coronavirus Conspiracy Theories Are Ravaging ERs, And Doctors Are Fed Up...

This is the kind of mentality that keeps Trump in office!

Neal Katyal: Dropping Charges Is 'Outrageous And Indefensible' | Morning...

Could it be that General Flynn is "knowledgeable" enough to "REQUIRE" a Presidential Pardon, but this is just Barr providing cover?  Flynn could certainly know things about Trump and Putin and/or other foreign leadership that could be things Trump would want kept secret.  Remember Flynn was a General, a highly placed and highly trusted  person.  He would certainly know how to play a very complex gambit to extricate himself from a fix that portends his imprisonment.  We'll have to wait and see but, what the judge had to say at Flynn's first sentencing, says that he's done some really serious things, besides what he pled guilty to.

'This Is A Shameful Day For The Department Of Justice' | Morning Joe | M...

This man is a criminal who should be in prison for life!!!

As Deaths In U.S. Continue, A Look At Trump's Words On Virus | Morning J...

The Liar in Chief has been wrong a tremendous number of times, he not only lies, but he risks the lives of the people who listen to him.  He is destroying our government and our freedoms and our economy, he has caused the world to distrust and ignore America and we are no longer leading the world by example.  Instead we are the laughingstock of the world, nobody takes us seriously because, despite our weapons superiority, we haven't the brains to come up with a coherent foreign policy.  Remember, if you are suffering from this pandemic, it is Republican Senatorial support that makes this unbridled insanity possible.  Without Mitch McConnell and his Senatorial support of Trump, none of this crap would be possible!

Trump Destroys The U.S. Government Institution:
Under Trump, Formerly Stalwart CDC Goes Soft On Meat Plants | Rachel
Fauci announces good news about coronavirus drug

Trump Calls Flynn A Hero After DOJ Drops Charges | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Of course Flynn is a hero to the guy who really needs to spend lots of time in prison! Remember, it's the Senate Republicans who allow, permit and support these lies you are hearing. Without their support and consent the President could not get away with what he continues to do!

Neal Katyal: Dropping Charges Is 'Outrageous And Indefensible' | Morning...

I'm sure the Judge will read the pleading very carefully and render the required decision that a pack of lies demands.  Judges do this kind of thing all the time, it's the major part of their job.  They are all we have between the world we know and love and Kafka!

Figliuzzi: Trump DOJ Grossly Distorted Facts In Call To Drop Flynn Case ...

Barr has stepped into it this time.  Sure he is exercising powers he has been given, but it is as clear to all that Flynn is guilty by his own admissions, as it is that drinking  bleach will not cure the CV-19 infection.

Gov. Andrew Cuomo: There Is Good News In The Numbers

What is truth?  Well, do you believe that drinking and/or injecting bleach, disinfectant and putting UV radiation inside your body is a viable solution to this CV-19 Pandemic?  What is the truth?

Trump Destroys The U.S. Government Institution:
Under Trump, Formerly Stalwart CDC Goes Soft On Meat Plants | Rachel
Fauci announces good news about coronavirus drug

Is the U.S. Headed Towards Tyranny? Timothy Snyder Discusses | Amanpour ...

The problem is our democratic republic has not really been tested over much of the lasts 200 years.  What was happening was, we were "tested" by people who honored the system and did not reach beyond the bounds of reason and/or deny accepted truths.  Unlike today where every single principle of our freedom and it's very foundations are being called into question.  It's as if we are back at the first Continental Congress where little to nothing has been decided, but that the participants are not aware of or adverse to the ideas of tyranny.  Then we take it from there, but with Trump whipping up confusion and dissent by enraging people in favor of slavery, and pitting every opposition group against one another, but by using salacious and inciteful lies created out of whole cloth, to keep chaos alive enough to prevent anyone from either thinking clearly or being able to persuade anyone else.  

"How Greenwich Republicans Learned to Love Trump" | Amanpour and Company

I'll try to make it simple:  Without rules there is no "game".  America became the world leader because we had rules and regulations that had to be followed, that caused the "pieces" on "the chessboard" to make sense.  Regulations created "the game" and the fairness that ensued caused the economy to flourish.  Then the new captains of industry, decided that our democratic republic could be taken for granted and that they could make more money by evading those regulations.  They went overseas to less regulated countries (dictatorships) and without realizing it, while they were making more money, paying lower wages without having to concern themselves with political consequences, they elevated those dictatorships to where they could wage effective attacks on America.

NBC Nightly News Broadcast (Full) - May 7th, 2020 | NBC Nightly News

Remember, all these lies, all this chaos, all this corruption is being brought to you and excused by Mitch McConnell and the Senate Republicans.  Republicans who said the impeachment managers had made their case, but that the Republicans did not want to impeach and remove the President from office, no matter how much harm he had done, or would do, to America.

Trump Destroys The U.S. Government Institution:

Under Trump, Formerly Stalwart CDC Goes Soft On Meat Plants | Rachel

Fauci announces good news about coronavirus drug

Watch Rachel Maddow Highlights: May 6 | MSNBC

Hahaha...Secret models that show all is well and that the President and his followers are right?! We're not supposed to be able to figure out what's going on? Hahaha... Yeah! Right! The historical record does not contain any examples of this kind of thing ever, right?  This is the worlds dumbest joke ever yet they keep trying to sell it and they do find fools and "investors" to support it. You know, like our Senate, hahaha! America is becoming the worlds biggest joke.  I doubt we're going to be taken seriously for very long.  We have people with no expertise or skills making important and sensitive decisions.  The worse, less credible the results get, the less faith anyone will have in the U.S. gov't.  Without faith there is no credit, so that's the way it goes, first your money, then your clothes.

Parallels Between Gun Rights Debate And Virus Debate | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Anyone who thinks Trump cares about them is a fool! Would anyone, who cares about anyone,

suggest they drink or inject bleach or disinfectants?  Would anyone, who cares about anyone, suggest they take unproven medicine, that could kill them, for a disease it's not known to affect?  Trump simply does not care about you or anyone else.  That's why he doesn't care that his appointee's haven't the skills to perform their jobs and he further endangers the nation by giving unqualified people security clearances. If you love your country you must get rid of this charlatan!

Valet to President Trump tests positive for coronavirus

There is also such a thing as false positives and false negatives, just so you know that there's no such thing as absolute safety.  Besides, masks are to ensure that you don't spread the virus, not to protect the wearer from it.  

In reversal, Trump says task force will continue 'indefinitely'

Mr. Trump, the task force is not popular, they are credible,  people don't like being lied to when their survival hangs in the balance.  They want to know just how bad things are and what, if anything, they can do to protect themselves and their loved ones, drinking bleach and/or disinfectant is not something people believe is a true answer.  


Steve Rattner: Income Inequality Factors Into Unemployment Crisis | Morn...

Breaking News: 3.2 million jobless claims were filed last week, adding to more than 30 million since March. In many states, more than 25% of workers are unemployed.
The New York Times

Calls For Arrest After Georgia Jogger's Shooting | Morning Joe | MSNBC

There is no justification for the encounter, less any struggle for a fire arm.  If they thought he was some sort of a criminal they had no right to approach, but to call the police to investigate.  This was a cold blooded murder.

‘It Looks Like Murder’: Stacey Abrams On Ahmaud Arbery Shooting | All In...

Being a suspect of break ins does not justify killing anyone!  If he looked like a suspect they should have called the police.  There is no justification for either their approach or killing!  

Alarming Rise in Child Illness Linked To Covid-19, Protests Continue Acr...

Well, the findings that sunlight kills the virus quickly suggests that restaurants and other indoor venues might profit by using UV light sources to clear the air and sterilize surfaces more readily.  I'm just guessing that a 30 minute to 1 hour exposure to UV would not be all that harmful to a fully dressed diner or shopper. 

Presidential Son-In-Law Kushner Is Given Great Power While Fumbling The ...

While he has no skills commensurate with the tasks he's being given, he does have security clearances he's not qualified to hold, while being so untutored in the ways of politics and espionage, he cannot assess when he's being tricked, misled or even compromised.  Thus he only presents a national danger when he sallies forth into the global world of work.  

Trump Won't Wear a Mask & Backpedals After Task Force Backlash | The Da...

Let the Sun Shine in: Remember, at the impeachment trial the Senators said that they found that Trump was guilty of the assertions charged in the articles of the impeachment, however, they refused to remove him from office because they said that what Trump had done didn't rise to the level required to remove him from office.

Former Donald Trump Adviser Duped By Russian Spies | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC

Make no mistake, all of these neophytes Trump appoints to high government positions are capable of being duped by various foreign powers using time honored espionage skills and tricks.  None of this could be possible without the cooperation of Mitch McConnell and his Republican cohorts who standby Trump and whatever lunacy he decides to engage.  They are leaving America vulnerable to all sorts of foreign attacks for which they have no skills nor awareness of what they are doing.  

Chris Hayes On Door Number 3 For Reopening Society | All In | MSNBC

One has to wonder just how many restaurants and small businesses can operate profitably with only 30 to 50% of their customers?  My guess is: "Not many at all"!

As Trump Claims “Fantastic Job” on COVID, Reporter Laurie Garrett Warns ...

The world, minus the U.S., has put up over 7 billion Euros to find a vaccine for CV-19, America will look terrible if the world develops a vaccine while America is still shut down and social distancing.  We'll be beggars on the world stage, pleading for relief, a pathetic shell of our former majesty, all thanks to Trump. This is the kind of "leadership" we're getting, alienation and division! Trump wants to fight with the world, because he believes we have the most powerful weapons.  That's his idea of "The Art of the Deal", whose got the biggest "bomb". But hey, that's what a stupid guy would do.

Trump on reopening the country amid potential COVID-19 risks | Nightline

Lies, dodges, misrepresentations, he as worthless as President as a lunatic in an asylum.

Trump Whistleblower Speaks: Pelosi Welcomes Virus Insider's 'Damaging' T...

While I've noticed that Pelosi dodges certain questions, I realize that as a legislative leader she has to avoid subjects that could inflame passions or trouble consensus quests, even if there appears to be innocuous questions and/or answers available.  As a person in a leadership position, trying to navigate sensitive positions, where her every word will be taken as either her being for or against points under negotiations, she hasn't any choice but to avoid publicly discussing certain matters.