

Friday, May 8, 2020

Is the U.S. Headed Towards Tyranny? Timothy Snyder Discusses | Amanpour ...

The problem is our democratic republic has not really been tested over much of the lasts 200 years.  What was happening was, we were "tested" by people who honored the system and did not reach beyond the bounds of reason and/or deny accepted truths.  Unlike today where every single principle of our freedom and it's very foundations are being called into question.  It's as if we are back at the first Continental Congress where little to nothing has been decided, but that the participants are not aware of or adverse to the ideas of tyranny.  Then we take it from there, but with Trump whipping up confusion and dissent by enraging people in favor of slavery, and pitting every opposition group against one another, but by using salacious and inciteful lies created out of whole cloth, to keep chaos alive enough to prevent anyone from either thinking clearly or being able to persuade anyone else.  

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